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Heartbroken Dog Did Not Stop Searching For His Owner Even Though He Passed Away

Heartbroken Dog Did Not Stop Searching For His Owner Even Though He Passed Away

Loyalty is a precious trait – something we as humans don’t always appreciate, especially when it comes to our dogs.

They dedicate their entire lives to ours and when that bond is unexpectedly broken, it’s hard for them to understand and move on.

What’s even worse is when it happens due to an unfortunate event… something nobody can predict. 

This loyal doggo spent two years searching for his owner because he couldn’t understand that he passed away after an accident. 

He kept on looking, but his search was a lost cause. Things would soon change when he met some really nice people who decided to help him out.

The Saddest Story

When a rescuer was informed about this dog by some local people, he went out to have a look. They told him that he had an injury on his face.

Apparently, some drunk man hit him with something sharp and then fled. The poor doggo didn’t even do anything wrong, but it didn’t matter.

The rescuer asked around about this dog and his story. Everyone there knew the pup because he was always with his owner at the market.

Now that he is gone, the dog can’t deal with the loss, so he keeps looking for his owner there, hoping that he will return somehow. That’s also where the accident happened.

The rescuer realized that the pup’s injury wasn’t a small one and that it caused him problems when eating. 

He gave him some food but realized that the dog was in pain anytime he ate more food. At this moment, the kind man took the dog and placed him in his vehicle.

Surprisingly, the pup didn’t resist when they took him. Maybe he understood that they were just trying to help.

Captain Turned His Life Around

When they took the dog, named Captain, to the clinic, the vet did an X-ray to confirm what was wrong with him. Apparently, he had a broken jaw after the assault.

Luckily, for him, he won’t need any kind of surgery because the vets will help him heal. They also treated a small laceration on his face.

In order for the vets to help Captain, they told the rescuer that the dog would have to stay there for a while so they could take the time needed for his treatment.

They gave him the best care possible and this sweet dog was able to heal completely in 45 days. After that, they called for his rescuer to pick him up.

He was discharged from the clinic and will hopefully be able to start his life over. His rescuer decided to take him home.

Even though he knew there was a chance that the pup would flee, he hoped that the pup would be able to move on from his tragic past and just enjoy himself with his new owner.

He would occasionally take him to the market where his owner was to help his wounds heal slowly. In time, I think the pup realized his search was in vain. 

Captain already has the best life he could ask for with his new owners and is happy to be with them. 

It’s so heartwarming to see that he was able to accept his loss and finally accept his new parents. I am so glad to see everything turned out great for him.