Every single one of us has that one thing that makes us unique.
Maybe you like having funny colored hair or wearing tons of necklaces, or maybe you even have a specific morning ritual you must follow before you start your day.
There are tons of things out there that make you different from the rest. The only important thing is that you embrace them! If you aren’t quite sure how to embrace them yet, well… You better ask Yuma!
Rocks Are Life

An adorable Golden Retriever decided that sticks are so old-fashioned and that rocks are the way to go! So, whenever she is out on a walk, she makes it her mission to find the best rock ever.
“An average walk with Yuma is usually spent pushing rocks the whole time and screaming at the top of her lungs in a very yippee, high-pitched, valley-girl bark that only comes out for rocks,” Darcy told The Dodo.
Her owners aren’t really sure what she is barking about, whether she is smack-talking them or just saying hello. But, one thing is clear… she refuses to stop.

No matter the weather, terrain outside, or how much they call out for her, Yuma is determined to get the best rock out there. This also includes diving eight feet underwater to get it because they are better down there. Or, at least that’s what her owners assume!
Add It To The Collection
Now, you must be wondering what this adorable pup does with all those rocks. Well, they serve two purposes. The first one is as currency for her food.
“She will trade a rock at night for dinner. When she is ready to eat, she will come in, drop a rock on her food dish, and be like, “OK, I’m ready for dinner!” he said.
All of her other rocks are added to the bank, which is the rock garden, of course!
Her hoomans made sure to put all of her chosen rocks in their backyard where they are proudly displayed. Without skipping a day, Yuma goes to check on her incredible collection, making sure that everything is in order.
“We stopped buying toys for her about a year ago, because we were like, nothing is going to trump this,” they added.

Now, some of you might think that Yuma has a mineral deficiency that she is trying to overcome herself. But, this is definitely not the case.
Her loving owners made sure to do every blood test she needed and they were assured that she was one happy and healthy girl who just loved collecting rocks!
And, honestly, who can blame her? Rocks are kind of fun.