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Rescue GSD Battling With Cancer Gets To Live The Best Months Of Her Life In A New Home

Rescue GSD Battling With Cancer Gets To Live The Best Months Of Her Life In A New Home

Tera’s case is proof that sometimes, even the simplest dog rescue and a little bit of love can turn into the most beautiful life story! This five-year-old German Shepherd was saved from a shelter in Long Island, New York, when her old family had decided to let her go.

Tera was all alone in this world. Her hind legs had given out due to terminal cancer that covered the good part of her spine, and there was no hope that somebody would apply to adopt her. But, then – a miracle happened!

Tera Was Abandoned At A Shelter By Her Former Family

One day, Tera was unable to stand on her hind legs, and her family decided to surrender her to a local Long Island shelter. The good people from Bark Animal Rescue & Rehab For K9’s spotted her and decided to provide her with veterinarian help.

When she first came into the BARRK facility, she was covered in ticks. It took the vets several hours to remove them, but eventually, she was all cleaned up! However, the main problem was her immobility, which was caused by cancer in her spine.

The rescue team tried different treatments to help this poor girl, but all veterinarians came back with the same conclusion – her cancer was untreatable and surgery wasn’t an option, as there was no guarantee that she’d survive it.

Tera was given three months maximum to live…

Finding The Perfect Family

In partnership with Foster Dogs NYC, the good people of BARRK enlisted Tera in the program called “Fospice”, trying to find her a foster family so that she could spend her last days in a home filled with love. And, guess what – the pawfect family showed up!

Matt and Allison, a couple from New York, welcomed Tera with open arms! They were ready to give this girl the time of her life, and even though they were about to move to Seattle within two months, they didn’t think twice!

Matt and Allison already had a dog named Frankie and a cat named Viper, but there was room for one special girl! They did everything in their power to make Tera feel welcomed and loved by all! 

They even provided her with a comfy doggo bed and her own food bowl, but she needed some time to figure things out. At first, she slept on the floor and ate only from the ground, as she hadn’t been used to being an indoor dog.

In just a few short weeks, Matt and Allison fell in love with Tera, as she was just the sweetest girl ever!

“When we welcomed a #fospice into our home, we knew the time would come when we had to say goodbye. What we didn’t know was how much we’d grow to love her, how very much a part of our family she’d become,” wrote Allison.

A Road Trip To Remember

Instead of flying to Seattle like they initially planned, Matt and Allison came up with the most beautiful idea ever! They wanted to make Tera’s last months memorable, so they rented a minivan, put dog beds in the back, and decided to take the ultimate road trip together!

It was a lifetime adventure for all of them, especially for Tera! Once an abandoned girl living in a shelter, she was now able to soak up all the beauty and enjoy beautiful moments with her new family!

They pretty much visited everything they possibly could! From the University of Notre Dame to Yellowstone National Park – Tera was the princess of her own private adventure! They even visited Mt. Rushmore, had a picnic at the Mississippi River, and swam in Montana!

This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the entire family, but it was worth it! Tera didn’t take the smile off her face even once! You could just tell that she enjoyed every moment of it!

Her Legacy Still Lives On

Before she said her last goodbye, Tera got to see what a family life full of love looks like! She lived her final moments in Seattle, surrounded by the perfect family of four, and loved and cared for every step of the way.

Unfortunately, after two and a half months in the new home, she lost her fight to cancer. 

“I hugged onto her tightly and kissed her forehead as she took her last breath.

Although it was immensely difficult for us to say goodbye, we know she’s now happy, free of pain and running uninhibited once again.”

“I know she’s looking down on us from there now, where she will forever feel the immense love we carry for her in our hearts.”

Even though she’s gone forever, her memory still lives on in Matt and Allisson’s home. This brave girl and her big smile will never be forgotten!

Inspired by Tera’s story, Allisson wishes that all dog lovers take part in rescuing dogs with disabilities more. This is her message:

“In honor of Tera, please continue the fight. Welcome a fospice into your home, adopt a senior dog. Rescue. Adopt. Advocate.”

We truly hope all dogs in need find their way to a loving home some day.