German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide, but making sure yours remains healthy can take a bit of effort, particularly if you’re trying to stave off health issues.
One of the most notorious and deadly ones is cancer, something all living beings, not just dogs, are prone to.
For German Shepherds in particular, the one to look out for is hemangiosarcoma, known as blood vessel cancer, one of the most aggressive forms of it.
However, there is some good news too in the fact that you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of cancer occurrence in your Sheppie through a few simple dietary changes.
It’s important to note that it’s by no means a cure and that no treatment or regular health checkups should be replaced with said diet.
But what are these “wonder foods”? Let’s take a look at some of the most effective, and delicious, anti-cancer treats.
1. Broccoli

First up on the list is Broccoli, a vegetable always touted for its health benefits, the most important of which are antioxidants, potassium, calcium, as well as vitamins A and D.
It’s an absolute goldmine of benefits all in a small, tree-like green.
Naturally, it’s a good fiber source which makes it a good addition to any meat to aid digestion, plus it has some protein of its own, but not nearly enough to replace meat entirely.
The key component, however, the anti-cancer one that we’re looking for, are the glucosinolates found within which have been proven to help reduce tumor size, making it less aggressive.
However, proper preparation is required so it doesn’t lose said benefits (and so it doesn’t bloat the doggo up and make him real gassy with some nasty toots).
You want to just lightly steam the broccoli to make it soft without boiling off any beneficial nutrients, then pairing it up with meat as mentioned earlier.
2. Sweet Potatoes

A big favorite among healthy dog food options for its exceptional taste and health benefits.
The sweet potato is a healthy source of fiber alongside folates, copper, thiamine, magnesium, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B6, B9, C, D, and E.
The cancer combatting material we’re looking at here are the vitamins themselves which help with cancer prevention.
Unlike broccoli, sweet potatoes taste good on their own, so including them in your German Shepherd’s diet shouldn’t be too difficult.
They’re already part of some of the most popular dry dog food brands, but if you want to use them in their natural form, just cook them like you’re making mashed potatoes from them.
3. Pumpkins

Pumpkins are another easy to include dietary option alongside sweet potato, however, its cancer combative strengths lie in its antioxidants and beta-carotene nutrients.
On top of those, you have vitamin B and C too, for some extra nutritive goodness, as well as various digestive benefits due to their high fiber content.
The preparation is relatively similar too, all you need to do is cook some to make it more palatable and easier to manage for your GSD and he’ll eat it up in no time flat.
4. Darker Berries

Blueberries and blackberries are another solid candidate for good GSD anti-cancer foods, a sweeter one than the other entries at that.
Like most fruits, they’re fiber rich and chock full of vitamins.
The inclusion of anthocyanins helps protect against canine colon cancer as it helps combat gut inflammation, plus the antioxidant content is overall beneficial against cancer.
Including them into your dog’s diet is real simple too. Either find a kibble that has them in the mix, or just give them to your German Shepherd directly, just wash them first to be safe.
A great trick that dogs love is to freeze them to add a bit of a crunchy texture to them so your Sheppie can gnaw on them and get the satisfying crunch in.
5. Pitted Fruits

Easy inclusions into a German Shepherds diet, be it fresh or frozen, pitted fruits are a viable and usually affordable option for combating cancer manifestation.
The most popular ones often end up being plums, peaches or cherries, among many other options.
The main benefit, the one we’re looking for are antioxidants, nutrients responsible for protecting the body from various toxins, thus reducing cancer risks ever so slightly.
And, depending on the fruit in question, you’ll find a variety of vitamins and nutrients in each option, it’s only a matter of what your Sheppie prefers of the bunch.
6. Beets

One of the most iconic anti-cancer options are beets with their deep red color and wide assortment of nutrients.
While being rich in fiber is one of its most advertised strengths, it also packs vitamin A, potassium and beta-carotene.
These are all very key components in cancer prevention, as seen in prior food options.
Their inclusion in diets is relatively simple, similar to broccoli in the fact that you just need to steam them up a little and they’ll be good to go.
Their enticing color and taste will make it hard for your GSD to resist.
7. Fish

Last, but certainly not least, is an alternate option to beef and chicken in the form of fish.
While German Shepherds aren’t the biggest fish fanatics, it’s a great alternative to include every now and then.
The main reason for it is its richness in omega 3 fatty acids which not only help improve skin and fur quality, but help stave certain forms of cancer off.
Other than that, you’ll also find some magnesium in there alongside some zinc, iodine, phosphorus and iron, as well as many other healthy options.
Since it’s a form of meat, you can prepare it any way you like, as long as it remains tasty for your pooch and has a little bit of flavor added to it.
Which Options Are The Best For German Shepherds In Particular?

If we’re talking about their most likely form of cancer, the hemangiosarcoma, then going with anything from the list which contains antioxidants is the way to go.
They help keep blood healthy and protect cells from getting damaged by free radicals, both of which touch upon potential causes of hemangiosarcoma.
However, do remember that this is still just a prevention method, and not a guaranteed cure.
If your German Shepherd is particularly prone to developing cancer, it still may happen, even with all the precautionary measures taken.
It’s best to get him checked often to detect it early to increase his chances of survival.
In Conclusion
Some foods contain benefits which make them solid cancer prevention options in GSDs and other dogs alike.
They’re not all too bad taste wise either and your precious pooch won’t often protest to getting them in his bowl.
However, they won’t help cure an existing condition, they’re merely there to stave off a potential development and allow your dog to live a potentially longer life.
Make sure to get him to the vet if you suspect a carcinogenic development and to get him checked as often as is reasonable.
This is the best thing you can do for him as it can help detect cancer development early and can potentially save his life.
Until then, just give him your love, attention and make sure he remains a healthy boy.
Until next time, pet parents.
READ NEXT: 8 Healthy Foods That May Help Prevent Canine Cancer