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California Family Notices That There Is Something Wrong With Their Puppy And Take Her To Vet Only To Be Shocked

California Family Notices That There Is Something Wrong With Their Puppy And Take Her To Vet Only To Be Shocked

The health and well-being of their dog is one of the biggest concerns of every loving owner.

So, you can imagine how terrified a family from Los Angeles felt when Luna, their seven-month-old Bernese Mountain puppy, began feeling sick all of a sudden.

As soon as Luna’s owners noticed that she was vomiting and that she had a firm and swollen stomach, they rushed her to the vet. 

As the family drove their beloved pup to Corona Animal Emergency Center, a hospital located in Corona, they were terribly worried for her and hoped that everything would be alright. 

The family didn’t know the reason why Luna felt sick and they couldn’t imagine the shock that they were about to experience.

The Whole Hospital Was Shocked

Upon arriving at the hospital, the vet examined Luna. 

After the puppy had an X-ray, the vet looked at the scans and realized that Luna’s belly was full of objects and that her intestine was blocked.

The puppy underwent surgery and the surgeon removed all the items from Luna’s belly as well as the onesie that was blocking her intestine.

The hospital staff was shocked to the core when they found out what the surgeon pulled from Luna’s stomach.

“What we found was jaw-dropping: 24 socks, one scrunchie, two hair ties, one shoe insert, one small onesie (from her intestines!) and miscellaneous cloth pieces,” the hospital wrote on Instagram.

The hospital shared X-ray photos of Luna’s stomach prior to the surgery as well a photo of the vet posing with the twenty-four objects removed from the pup’s stomach.

Fortunately, the puppy’s life was saved and she is now the same happy pup that she always was.

A Lesson Learned And A Cautionary Tale

Luna is now recovering and wagging her tail again. She’s wearing a cone over her head so that she can’t lick her stitches.

The Corona Animal Emergency Center urged pet owners to be vigilant of their pets and make sure they avoid eating something harmful.

“Luna’s story is a reminder to trust your instincts. If you notice vomiting, lethargy, or a firm abdomen, don’t wait — act fast and contact your vet. Prevention is key, but we’re here for emergencies 24/7,” the clinic added.

Her family is happy that their beloved Luna is completely healthy. The ordeal that the puppy went through was a wake-up call for her owners who already took action in order to prevent Luna from swallowing objects again.

Luna’s family is currently working on developing a solid prevention strategy, which includes making their home puppy-friendly and supervising playtime. Luna also started working with a trainer to help her build good habits.

I’m sure that Luna will forget the ordeal that she endured and continue enjoying her life along with her family.