Dealing with loss can be an incredibly painful thing to do no matter what the loss is about. Whether it’s failing a test, losing a job, or even breaking your favorite cup, it can deeply affect a person. However, the grief of losing a life companion is a different kind of pain…
We all know how much of an impact our furry friends can leave on us, and how they effortlessly become a part of the family. They start being such a part of our daily routine with their cuddling sessions, their curiosity about what you are doing, and all in all, the unconditional and pure love we exchange.
The beginnings are hard, but there is always a way!

When I lost my Freckle, my good boy, my world lost some of its colors. I always thought that he took them away to show the other dogs that passed The Rainbow Bridge what his old life looked like, and sometimes I’m even glad he did. He will remember me through them.
The grief still holds on to me, and I believe many of us still feel this way. But, I’m here to tell you, it can get better! With patience and time, there are many ways to start healing, and I will be happy to share the one that helped me the most!
After my handsome man passed, I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do with all the love I still held for him. But, then I discovered the power of writing a letter addressed to him.
It became a way to contain my scattered emotions, to materialize my feelings, and gain a more objective perspective. This process allowed me to finally confront and cope with my grief.
I share my goodbye letter in hopes that it will help others deal with their loss and show them that it is possible to heal.
Goodbye Freckle, goodbye my best friend!

My sweet boy,
Ever since you moved out to your new home, my life simply can’t get back on track, and how can it when you were the one holding the steering wheel.
Everything is quiet. The house is empty. The corners of the rooms are waiting to bounce off the echo from your barks again so that even the attic gets a taste of what happiness sounds like. I don’t have the heart to tell them that we won’t be hearing them any longer…
My ribs get cold at night because you’re not laying beside me anymore to warm them. Then, I start walking around the house in the middle of the night until I catch myself staring out the window from your spot, looking at the stars, hoping to see you.
How is it up there? I hope you have friends. Some of the dogs back here didn’t really play with you… I always thought it was because you were just too happy for them to understand so they stayed away. My happy boy.
I sent you off with your favorite toys. I know how much you love that bunny so I thought you would make some new friends by showing it off. I hope you did. I hope you never feel alone, just like I wasn’t with all the drool from your endless kisses.

Remember when I had to leave for that business trip, and I was gone for 5 days and you had to stay with Jake? And, when I came to finally pick you up, you jumped on me and kissed me so much that I was all wet. Or, that time when I came to pick you up from doggy daycare and you hugged me so hard you knocked me over. Oh, how much love you had…
Everything reminds me of you. Whipped cream and peanut butter, parks, the back seat of my car… Whenever it rains, I sit and do my work under the stairs where you hid because you were afraid of the thunder. I can’t stop doing some of the routines we did together…
The dogs from down the street, Manny and Lea, still run to our front door on their walk, asking for you. I gave them some of your old toys so that they have something from you, I hope you don’t mind. Some of them I kept for myself…
I know that you are in a better place now and that you are still with me in spirit, but sometimes my heart likes to cry itself out. I will get better. I will make you proud. Promise.
My handsome boy,
My spot,
My little fluff,
I send you kisses with the hope they reach you.
With everlasting love,

Final word
It may seem impossible that doing such a simple thing as writing a letter can help so much, but trust me, it does! Our sweet pets will never leave our heart, and they don’t have to. But, we must learn to live without their head resting in our lap.
And, one way of doing that is this: pick up a pen, talk to your furry friend, let him know how much you love him, and say a proper goodbye. Do this as many times as you wish! This can be the new game you guys play.
Also, don’t be afraid to consider adopting another dog and pouring all the love and affection you have into your new furry companion. I’m sure your former doggo won’t be upset, he will even be happy that you have somebody else to play catch with.
Remember: there is nothing wrong with moving on. It is natural to experience a mix of emotions when considering bringing a new dog into your life; however, opening your heart to a new canine friend will never reduce the love you have for the dog who passed away. You can still honor him while loving another.