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This EPIC Rescue Of A Dog From A Dangerous Roof Will Leave You Speechless

This EPIC Rescue Of A Dog From A Dangerous Roof Will Leave You Speechless

It is the acts like this one that reassure us that humanity isn’t dead!

Throughout hundreds of rescue stories I have come across over the years, this particular one had me shook to the bone!

Thanks to the joint forces of the local community and the people who dedicated their life to saving dogs – an epic rescue took place in Missouri, on January 1st, 2023. 

The House Was Crumbling

It all started with a phone call from a giant-hearted local who saw a canine coming out onto the roof of a crumbling house for more than a week.

Fortunately, the experienced team of Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Missouri, was on the other side of the phone – and they immediately rushed into action!

Together with a group of volunteers, Donna Lochman, Chief Life Saving Officer at SRSL, was inclined to save the poor dog from an inevitable accident, but when they arrived at the spot, they couldn’t believe what they saw.

The house was literally crumbling, and it was so dangerous that the rescue team couldn’t get up the stairs. 

Donna had to use an extension ladder to get onto the roof, and after a little bit of scoping around – she finally spotted a set of sad eyes peeking from the ruins.

As soon as Donna called him out, the dog slowly approached her, as if he knew that he was finally in good hands. He was calm throughout the entire rescue – and the pawfect boi right off the bat!

He let Donna put a leash on him, and he walked with her right to the ladder, where she passed him to a man who lowered him down. 

When the dog finally reached the ground, everyone was so excited and overjoyed to finally see him safe.

“We rescued Epic on New Year’s Day from one of the WORST houses we have ever been in… He somehow, some way, got to the top floor of a house that was not only crumbling, but there wasn’t even enough floor left for us to get to him,” SRSL team wrote on their official Facebook.

The New Year’s Day Just Got Better

The rescue was so epic that they just needed to name him EPIC

He was admitted to the SRST facility, and went through an initial checkup, but luckily, he had no injuries whatsoever.

Epic immediately fell in love with his caregivers and became the sweetest lovebug ever! He leaned into the laps of his volunteers like he was trying to say: “It’s decided, I’m all yours!”

And, the greatest thing of all – it didn’t take too much for this sweet boi to melt the hearts of his parents to be!

Epic Has Begun An Epic Life

In February, Epic was adopted into a loving family and he couldn’t be happier about it! He adapted to being everyone’s sweetheart in no time, and he just can’t stop smiling.

“Epic has begun an epic life as an adopted baby boy! He is so funny and gallops around the yard like a gazelle,” SRSL wrote.

He runs, jumps, and walks with his new pawrents, but I’d dare say that his favorite part of the day is definitely resting and cuddling with his loved ones on the sofa.

Epic is LOVING life now that he is FREE! He’s free from cold, and free from loneliness, and free from hunger, and free from fear. This guy is absolute perfection,” the SRSL staff wrote in one of their posts.

Once a stray boi fending for himself in an abandoned, crumbling house, Epic now has a home of his own and the most comfy sofa to sleep on.

But, the most important thing of all – he’s not alone anymore!