You’re probably reading this because you have learned the ins and outs of the English Bulldog breed, starting from its English Bulldog colors and ending with its standard English Bulldog price.
Now, you’ve got your pup, and you are wondering how large it will become.
We don’t blame you for purchasing this adorable pup — they’re gentle, fun-loving, and kind of a couch potato, which we know is always a winner!
However, now that you have purchased your English Bulldog puppy, you might be wondering how large it will get and when it will stop growing.
Don’t you worry! We have prepared an English Bulldog growth chart just for you to utilize as you are watching your adorable pup grow into an adult.
With this English Bulldog growth chart, you will be able to track your dog’s weight and height as it is developing.
We will also address other concerns when it comes to your dog’s height and weight, so that you are familiar with what your dog needs in order to thrive and be healthy (you guessed it — exercise and diet are always big parts of that).
Sit back and relax as we discuss the details of English Bulldog growth!
English Bulldog Growth Chart — An Overview
Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, we want to provide you with an English Bulldog growth chart that you can use on the go for your pup.
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You can utilize this easy English Bulldog growth chart if you are interested in examining your pup’s weight on a month-to-month basis. This way, you can always check if something seems off with your pup’s weight.
Monitoring your pup’s weight in such a manner is a responsible thing to do, especially considering the fact that your dog is going through a lot of changes as it is growing up.
My Dog Is An Outlier – Should I Worry?
You shouldn’t panic if you notice fluctuations in weight or if the weight of your dog doesn’t exactly match the weight listed in the weight chart.
These weights are averages of English Bulldogs, and you will quickly realize that dogs usually tend to follow their own growth curve.
However, if you are still in doubt, you can always talk to a vet if you realize that some things have drastically changed with your dog, which might be a sign of illness or something else.
There will also be different weights for male and female dogs. You will observe that male English Bulldogs usually tend to weigh around fifty pounds by the time they are fully grown, whereas female English Bulldogs weigh somewhere around forty.
However, you also shouldn’t be surprised if your dog doesn’t follow these averages either. Some healthy females can weigh up to fifty pounds, and some males can reach up to fifty-five pounds without being diagnosed with obesity.
Puppy weight will change depending on the month, but you can safely say that an English Bulldog is fully grown by the time it reaches the twelfth-month mark, which is the case with many dog breeds.
However, it might take them a while to reach their adult weight — sometimes up to eighteen months, depending on the kind of dog you have.
When you are checking your dog’s weight and comparing it to the average on this English Bulldog growth chart, make sure you take into account the age of your dog before comparing it to the weight listed for each month.
Otherwise, you might have a scare!
English Bulldog Growth Chart — Details
You might be wondering how your dog’s development will unravel depending on the age of your dog.
We have got your back. In this English Bulldog growth chart, we will examine what you can expect in terms of your dog’s weight in more depth.
0 – 2 Weeks Of Age
If you are lucky to be a breeder, you will be able to witness the miracles of English Bulldog development from the time they open their little eyes to the world.
You won’t have to worry much about your English Bulldog at this time period as it is completely dependent on its mother for nutrition and warmth. All they will do is eat, sleep, and thrive.
Your only job is to watch and make sure that the mother Bulldog isn’t rejecting any of her puppies because that can sometimes unfortunately happen. In that case, you will have to take feeding into your own hands.
However, more often than not, the mother will accept her pups, and the pups will weigh around five ounces if they are males, and four ounces if they are females.
This time period is also characterized by the pup’s eyes being shut to the world. An English Bulldog puppy will also not react much to sound.
3 Weeks – 12 Weeks Of Age
As your English Bulldog pup continues growing, you will notice that they become much more lively and… well, loud. They will start diving into the incredible rich world of stimuli around them, and they will be attracted to many things.
At this time period, the puppies will respond more openly to sound, have their eyes opened to the world, and interact with you and their mother more intensely.
English Bulldog puppies will weigh anywhere between five and fifteen pounds during this time period. There will be drastic changes in weight and size, so you don’t have to worry that something is wrong if you notice rapid growth.
Puppies at this age will also be expected to start eating solid foods. They will also start to slowly wean off of their mother’s milk.
This is also the age that you will receive your pup if you are purchasing from a breeder, so these later time marks are more meaningful to you!
4 Months – 9 Months Of Age
Your Bulldog should be much more energetic by now, and be getting into a lot of mayhem, which is perfectly normal for a puppy.
During this time period, your pup might be anywhere around thirty to forty-five pounds, and be considered (almost) fully grown. However, its weight will still keep increasing even though your pup might have reached adult height.
You will realize that your pup will have developed a stronger and more dominant personality, which is characteristic of this breed of dog.
If you have more than one English Bulldog, don’t be worried if they pick a friendly fight with one another as this is perfectly normal — they are trying to figure out where they stand in terms of hierarchy with other dogs.
10 Months – 18 Month Of Age
During this time period, you can expect your English Bulldog to have reached adult size. Weight gain won’t be as drastic during this time period as your dog’s weight will have become much more stable.
You will also be interested in exploring the best food for English Bulldogs when you realize that your dog must make that transition from puppy food to adult dog food. High-quality food is very important for any dog’s development.
Your English Bulldog will weigh anywhere between fifty-two and fifty-five pounds regardless of whether it is a male or a female.
However, there will always be dogs that don’t adhere to this rule, but that are also considered healthy — just make sure your pup is following its own personal growth curve and you should have nothing to worry about.
If you realize that your dog is still gaining a lot of weight, you might need to reexamine the manner in which you feed it or consider adding more exercise to its life. Talking to a vet won’t hurt either.
If your English Bulldog has reached adulthood, congratulations! You should pat yourself on the back for being the parent they needed this whole time!
You will notice that your cute pup has developed into an emotionally and cognitively sound adult. You should be proud!
By the time your English Bulldog reaches adulthood, it should weigh between forty and fifty pounds, and reach a height of twelve to sixteen inches.
During this time period, you should make sure that your dog sustains a healthy weight. Even though the puppy growth period is over, that doesn’t mean that your concerns regarding your dog’s weight are.
The amount of food your dog eats is highly important. How much a Bulldog weighs can prevent certain health issues along the way. We all want to have healthy dogs with no health problems!
Check our English Bulldog feeding chart for more information on this dog’s nutrition.
What Are Factors That Affect English Bulldog Puppy Growth?
You might be wondering what the primary factors are that affect English Bulldog weight and size. Just like people, Bulldogs are affected by a variety of things that affect a dog’s development.
When it comes to weight, specifically, the three most important factors are: genetics, nutrition, and physical activity.
1. Genetics
Genetics affects many things in a variety of dog breeds. For example, Bulldogs, in particular, might be more prone to puppy snoring than other breeds because they are a brachycephalic dog breed, which has more to do with genetics than anything else.
However, genetics also affects the weight of your dog. Just by looking at your pup’s parents, you can figure out how large your dog will become. Genetics is the most important factor when it comes to dog weight.
Unfortunately, it also affects other genetic predispositions and conditions, which might stagnate your dog’s growth rate, which is why you always want to be educated on the ins and outs of your particular dog breed.
You can always have your dog take a DNA test if you want to learn more about what you can expect from your particular pup’s genetic makeup.
2. Nutrition
Nutrition is an important factor when it comes to dog weight, but not necessarily for the reasons that you might think. If you feed your dog more, it isn’t like it is going to grow taller than it otherwise would because that is mostly set in its DNA.
However, if your dog is receiving poor nutrition or eating too much unnecessary foods, that might seriously affect its growth and health overall.
A poor diet is one that lacks the adequate nutrients needed for your dog to develop properly. If you give your dog low-quality dog food, it might look fine for a short while, but we assure you that it isn’t getting all of the nutrients it needs to develop properly.
Consequently, this might affect your dog in such a way that it will start developing diseases caused by malnutrition later on in life, and it might even start affecting your dog’s cognitive development.
You should make sure you find food that is filler free and nutritious so that it contains all the ingredients it needs for your dog’s development to thrive. If you are unsure about what kind of dog food to get, you can always ask your vet for top recommendations.
Additionally, you might want to check with your vet if your dog needs any supplements to boost its growth and health.
If your dog is obese, please start feeding it less food because obesity leads to so many problems in the long run, and it will affect its lifespan.
Always consult a weight calculator like the one we have prepared above to figure out approximately how much your dog should weigh.
3. Physical Health
The final factor (and an equally important one) when it comes to how large your English Bulldog will become is physical health. This can be boosted with physical activity through playtime and daily walks, which are an important segment of every dog’s life.
At first, you might think that exercise is not as important — why would a dog’s running a little and sweating help it grow? However, exercise drastically improves your pup’s metabolism and health, which consequently affects your dog’s weight.
Younger puppies might not need as much surveillance when it comes to how much exercise they are getting because they are known to wear themselves out from all the mischief they keep getting into, which is also characteristic of younger English Bulldogs.
You can expect a younger pup to wear itself out silly and crash, needing much rest in order to restore the energy that was lost. It will also eat much more than an English Bulldog in proportion to its own weight.
However, older Bulldogs will need more monitoring when it comes to how much exercise they are receiving in order to keep them healthy.
Even though they aren’t considered a large breed that needs crazy amounts of exercise, you will need to be mindful of the English Bulldog’s characteristic short stature that might prevent your dog from getting the exercise it needs to sustain its physical health.
You can think about providing your dog with a variety of playful activities and cognitive games as well, with the physical ability to boost your dog’s health.
How Long Does It Take For A Bulldog To Fully Develop?
Like most dogs, an English Bulldog is considered fully grown by the time it hits the twelfth-month mark.
Because English Bulldogs are considered a medium-sized dog breed, they usually do not develop drastically after their first birthday.
Like we have mentioned previously, factors that affect how quickly an English Bulldog matures are genetics, nutrition, and physical health.
If you realize that your dog is still growing and you realize that it is following the footsteps of its parents, you should not be alarmed. If your pup’s parents are large, then it will most likely be large as well. The opposite also holds true.
Every dog is different, and if the parents are considered perfectly healthy while they are still developing at the age your dog is still developing, you shouldn’t be worried as that is normal.
You should also know that even though most English Bulldogs reach their adult height by the time they are twelve months of age, they continue developing their muscle mass by the time they are eighteen months of age. Those are two different things.
Puppy Paws And Growth
If you don’t have access to your pup’s parents for a variety of reasons, there is an interesting way that you can check how big your dog might get: look at its paws!
Sometimes, you don’t have access to the dog’s parents, which is the surest way of telling how much your dog will grow. Maybe you adopted your pup from a center. Maybe you rescued it, and you don’t have much information.
In that case, looking at your dog’s paws is a safe bet. If your English Bulldog puppy’s paws have a large build compared to another pup’s paws, it is very likely that it will grow into a dog with a large build overall.
Will Neutering/Spaying Affect My English Bulldog’s Growth?
Whether dog owners own a German Shepherd, a Boxer, or any other dog breed, they are all faced with the same questions: should I neuter/spay my dog? Will it affect its growth?
The truth of the matter is that this is a complicated matter that is best discussed with your vet for a variety of reasons.
If you do end up spaying or neutering your dog, you will want to make sure that you do not do it at a very early age because it can affect your dog’s growth within its bones.
Scientists have discovered that bone and joint growth are closely related to reproductive hormones, which is why you should be cautious. You want to make sure that your dog makes use of those hormones before you decide to spay or neuter it.
Neutering and spaying your dog involves the surgical procedure of removing your dog’s reproductive organs, which can have both positive and negative consequences depending on your dog’s age.
You might want to neuter or spay your dog because of a variety of health benefits. Through this surgery, you might lower your dog’s risk of developing pyometra, tumors, or aggression.
Additionally, you will prevent it from unwanted pregnancies and heat periods, which are nuisances to deal with.
Traditionally, it is considered best to spay your female English Bulldog when she is around six to seven months of age, right before her first heat cycle.
Your male English Bulldog should get neutered anywhere between the seventh- and tenth-month mark.
How Do You Properly Weigh & Measure An English Bulldog?
Sometimes, measuring your dog’s weight can be an issue because of all the fidgeting associated with the dog stepping on a scale.
There is nothing more irritating than those numbers bouncing back and forth when all you want to do is check if your dog is the right weight.
It is also difficult to explain to your puppy that you’re trying to weigh it for its own benefit when all it wants to do is play with the first thing that captures its attention.
However, we all know that weighing your English Bulldog is important because you need to be on top of its health, and maintaining a healthy weight is an easy way to go about it.
You should weigh your dog every year, and weighing it more often helps when it comes to diagnosing health problems that might arise in the meantime. If your puppy is still developing, you should weigh it more often.
Here is an easy way to weigh your pup:
- Step on your bathroom scale and write down your weight.
- Hold your puppy and step on the scale together. Record your joint weight. If your puppy fidgets, it won’t be as much of an issue than if you put it on the scale alone.
- Subtract your joint weight from your own weight recorded in step one. That will be your puppy’s weight.
Measuring your puppy’s height might prove to be an easier matter. Have it stand on the floor, and measure its weight from the shoulders to the ground. That will be your pup’s height.
How To Measure My Bulldog’s Neck Size
Depending on your English Bulldog’s weight, you will have to find the correct collar so that you can comfortably take it out for walks.
You will have to use a measuring tape to find your Bulldog’s neck size.
What you will do is circle the tape around the bulkiest section of your dog’s neck. Afterward, place two fingers underneath the tape. This is important because you want to make sure that your dog has enough breathing space.
Your dog’s neck size will be the value you find on the tape after you have completed these steps.
The typical neck size of the average English Bulldog is somewhere between eighteen and twenty-four inches, which is larger than the neck size of the French Bulldog (between twelve and sixteen inches).
The English Bulldog Body Condition Score (BCS)
If you’ve never heard of the BCS, that’s alright! It’s just a fancy term that’s used to measure the fat range of animals.
There are two scales that are used for measuring the BCS. One is scaled from 1 to 9, whereas the other is scaled from 1 to 5.
An obese dog has a score of 9/9 (or 5/5); its condition is such that you won’t be able to see its waistline or feel its ribs. On the other hand, an underweight dog will have a score of 1/9 (or 1/5); you will be able to see its bones from afar, which isn’t good either.
You can examine your English Bulldog physically and visually in order to figure out its BCS.
The best BCS your pup can have will be around 3/5 (or 5/9) depending on which scale you are using.
Your puppy’s ideal weight will be such that you can see its waistline and feel its ribs/pelvic bones.
My English Bulldog Is Not The Right Weight — Now What?
If you have realized that your English Bulldog doesn’t fall into a good weight range, there are a few ways that you can help it.
You might want to first consider your pup’s diet. Make sure you are feeding it the right amount of calories and high-quality food. Many dogs are obese either because of overfeeding or low-quality dog food.
You might want to start making sure your dog is getting more exercise. Does it spend most of its time lounging around the house? It’s time to take it out more frequently! Just make sure the exercise isn’t excessive so it doesn’t suffer from heat stroke.
If you are doing both of these things right, you might want to talk to your vet about health conditions your pup might be dealing with. For instance, it is known that hypothyroidism affects weight gain.
You have to make sure that your dog is not overweight because it is well known that obesity affects health conditions such as hip dysplasia, cancer, osteoarthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, and heat stroke.
You should also know that an extra pound or two won’t harm your dog. However, if you realize that your dog is significantly off the chart, it might be time to reevaluate its lifestyle and health.
Conclusion: English Bulldog Growth Chart
We hope that we have answered all of your questions, and that you can easily utilize the English Bulldog growth chart that we have created just for you.
If you realize that your dog doesn’t follow the growth chart exactly, it doesn’t have to necessarily be a cause for concern, especially if you realize that your dog is following its natural growth curve.
You have to understand that every dog is different because of its unique genetic makeup. You don’t have to worry if your dog doesn’t follow the weight range by a pound or two — remember, these growth charts are made of averages, and it’s okay if your dog is an outlier.
However, also make sure that your dog is getting the care that it needs in order to develop into the healthiest version of itself. Always ask a vet if you have any specific questions related to your pup!
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