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Street Dog With Severely Matted Coat Leaves California Rescuers Shocked To The Core

Street Dog With Severely Matted Coat Leaves California Rescuers Shocked To The Core

The mission of a rescuer is far from easy. It involves not only the act of rescuing but also the entire process that follows.

Dogs need to be cared for and placed in a suitable environment, which normally includes a good diet, vet treatments, and training in social skills. In some cases, canines even require extensive grooming treatment after experiencing neglect on the streets.

Maurice, a teeny-tiny boi saved from the streets of Los Angeles, California, is exhibit A! When he was first found, his coat was so matted that he could barely see anything. 

He Was Found Just In Time

a hairy dog ​​is standing on the street
Source: Suzette Hall

Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy rescue from Irvine, California, received a distressing call while on another rescue mission. Her friend, Sandra, informed her about a severely matted dog roaming the neighborhood that needed immediate help.

As Hall couldn’t arrive at the site immediately, her fellow volunteers, Karla, Yamileth, and Nunez Aky scouted the area instead. 

a dog with long hair is lying under the car
Source: Suzette Hall

They spotted the dog, later named Maurice, hiding under a vehicle. He was extremely nervous, with layers of matted fur covering his entire face. He could barely see anything.

“Poor baby covered in dreadlocks and carrying a heavy past of never knowing love,” Hall wrote in a Facebook post.

According to the rescuers, Maurice lived on the streets with a homeless owner. His life was nothing but suffering and neglect, as he barely even looked like a dog. On top of everything, Maurice was evidently traumatized and didn’t trust people.

Instead of rushing into his rescuers’ arms, he nervously hid deep under a car and stayed there.

“I feel in my heart that he suffered a lot in the hands of a homeless person because the owner said that he had left for a long time and came back but didn’t let anyone touch him,” Aky wrote on Facebook.

the hairy dog ​​tries to look ahead
Source: Suzette Hall

The rescuers spent some time trying to encourage Maurice to get out with words of encouragement. When that didn’t help, they used some nice treats to earn his trust. 

Eventually, little by little, he gave in and let the kind-hearted trio put a leash on his neck.

The rest, as they say, is history! 

Not only did Maurice leave the area safely, but he embarked upon a life-changing journey together with his rescuers.

A Brand-New Dog With The Cutest Underbite

a man holds a shaggy dog ​​in his arms
Source: Suzette Hall

Hall and the team provided Maurice with a veterinary exam at a local vet clinic. After receiving the necessary treatment, there was only one more thing left – to shave off his matted fur and give Maurice the look he truly deserved.

It took one extremely long grooming session and a dedicated group of people, but Maurice eventually looked like a brand-new dog. It turns out that underneath layers of knots and tangled fur was a hauntingly cute pup with the most adorable underbite!

a cute poodle is standing on her pillow
Source: Suzette Hall

Hall and the rescuers couldn’t contain their excitement after seeing Maurice. He was indeed a completely different pooch now, ready to take on life like he truly deserved.

“Today is the beginning of a whole new life. A past stripped away,” Hall stated in an update post.

Thanks to Hall, Maurice was successfully transferred to a foster home where he’ll be receiving all the love and care.

When the time is right, this little boi hopes to find a suitable home and a family to love him. After a not-so-glamorous start in life, discovering all the joys of being a dog is what Maurice truly deserves.