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Dog Rescued From Dumpster Was About To Be Put Down Until This Rescue Stepped In

Dog Rescued From Dumpster Was About To Be Put Down Until This Rescue Stepped In

Is there anything sadder than a little helpless dog being left alone on the streets to fend for itself?

Unfortunately, for many, this is the reality.

Pups all around the world are forced to endure the struggles of homelessness, trying their best to be noticed by loving hoomans.

When Cumberland County Animal Services in Fayetteville, North Carolina, heard about a little pup sleeping in a dumpster, they knew they had to act fast.

You Are Safe Now, Sweet Girl

sad dog lying on a dumpster
Source: Facebook

While investigating her case further, the North Carolina rescuers found out that Sadie, the pup, later renamed Sydney, was actually a case of severe abuse.

“Sadie pottied in the house and she bit her owner after being physically disciplined. After the incident, the owner threw her in the dumpster,” wrote the rescue in a Facebook post.

The rescue staff immediately brought the scared pup to their shelter where they started looking for a loving home willing to take her in.

dog licking himself
Source: Facebook

However, because of her alleged bite history, the North Carolina shelter was only willing to place her with a rescuer rather than an adopter.

Since she was scheduled to be put down if not taken in as soon as possible, the staff was determined to find her a loving home. They constantly posted Sydney all over their social media, begging kind hoomans to open their homes to this sweet girl.

Luckily, Dochas n Gra Animal Rescue of Chesterfield, South Carolina, answered their call and saved Sydney at the last moment!

“She was on her last day. She was going to be euthanized, and she was sick with an upper respiratory infection,” Victoria McGonigal, the founder of Dochas n Gra Animal Rescue, told People.

New Life

Knowing that the world wouldn’t be the same without Sydney, McGonigal was overjoyed to have given her a second chance at life.

After picking up the pup, they took her to an incredible family that was more than happy to provide this adorable girl with all the love she could ever need.

two dogs on a crossing roads
Source: Facebook

“She loves everyone she has met, loves snuggles and kisses, and listens very well,” said McGonigal.

Being away from danger, Sydney is finally able to relax and leave her past life behind.

Her hoomans are doing everything they can to make sure she is happy and healthy by taking her regularly to the vet and spending quality time together.

And when she makes a full recovery, she will start to look for a forever home with a family who will continue to shower her with love and adoration.

dog on the hay
Source: Facebook

Final Word

A big thank you to every hooman who was involved in the rescue of adorable Sydney.

You have no idea just how big of an impact you made on a little girl’s life!

And to Sydney’s previous owners, please never do anything like this ever again! Dogs have feelings, too, and they do not deserve to be treated in such a way.

So, if you are unable to take care of your animals, please consider surrendering them to your local shelter!