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Dog Left In An Abandoned House Finds Hope When A Kind Rescuer Gives Him A New Chance

Dog Left In An Abandoned House Finds Hope When A Kind Rescuer Gives Him A New Chance

It breaks my heart to see how many people heartlessly neglect their dogs and leave them to fend for themselves.

Like all canines, Richie deserved love and care, but sadly, he experienced mistreatment and loneliness. 

After his family left him behind in an abandoned house filled with garbage, Richie felt confused and sad.

The pup roamed around the area, sniffing the ground and rummaging the trash, desperately searching for something to eat.

His sore skin was itchy and he badly needed help, but he didn’t know where to go. The abandoned house was the only home he ever knew.

Little did Richie know that destiny would soon send giant-hearted humans to his path.

Rescuers Jump To Richie’s Aid

neglected dog
Source: Suzette Hall

As soon as Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, a rescue in Irvine, California, heard about the neglected and abandoned canine, she knew that she had to help him.

Hall called Mary Nakiso, a volunteer at the rescue, and they dashed to the family address to rescue the pup.

When they spotted Richie for the first time, the rescuers felt devastated. The pooch was in terrible condition. He was skinny and his body was infested with fleas. 

The kind rescuers were extremely worried for Richie’s safety because he kept walking up and down the busy street.

The faithful dog would always return to his previous home as if he wished to check whether his owners came back for him.

dog in a bad shape
Source: Suzette Hall

Hall and Nakiso set a humane trap with delicious treats, hoping to bring him to safety as soon as possible.

Unable to resist the smell of the food, the hungry pup entered the crate and began eating.

When Richie’s rescuers approached the crate and saw him up close, they were sorrowful to see the extent of his skin issues.

“We could see how bad his skin was and we were so sad for him,” Hall wrote in a Facebook post.

Richie Finds Happiness

dog in a crate
Source: Suzette Hall

The good humans reassured Richie that he was going to be alright, and they rushed him to the vet.

The pup smiled as if he sensed that he was finally getting help.

Once they reached the hospital, the vet examined Richie and prescribed him the necessary treatment for his skin. 

woman holding a dog
Source: Suzette Hall

With his heart filled with hope, the canine started his road to recovery.

He moved in with a foster family who cared for him and gave him a lot of love.

As time passed, Richie’s sore skin started healing and new strands of fur began growing.

After a couple of months, the canine made a full recovery and he turned into a gorgeous boi with a luscious new coat.

Second Leash On Life, a dog rescue located in San Diego, California, made Richie’s biggest wish come true.

woman carrying a pup
Source: Suzette Hall

They found him the forever home of his dreams. Richie was the happiest pup on the planet when he hugged his forever family.

The pooch couldn’t stop smiling as his beautiful brown eyes twinkled with happiness. He knew that his new family loved him unconditionally.