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Overlooked Dog At Florida Shelter Can’t Understand Why People Keep Avoiding Her

Overlooked Dog At Florida Shelter Can’t Understand Why People Keep Avoiding Her

Sade roamed around the streets, struggling to survive. 

Although she endured hunger and loneliness, she held onto the hope that one day she would find happiness.

Fortunately, some Good Samaritans found her. They were delighted with her sweet disposition and they wanted to keep her.

However, since the good people traveled a lot, they decided to take Sade to The Humane Society of Broward County, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Sade started her life in the shelter, feeling hopeful that someone would give her a second chance at happiness.

She couldn’t wait to give all her love to her forever humans.

The Pup’s Quest For A Home

The staff looked after Sade and showered her with love. They kept encouraging her while she waited for a loving family to notice her.

Sadly, months passed and Sade remained at the shelter without receiving any adoption interest.

Whenever the doggo would see potential adopters arrive at the shelter, she would stand by the kennel door and look at them with hopeful eyes, wishing them to notice her.

While she waited for someone to fall in love with her, the puppies from the nearby kennel got all the attention. 

Sade stood in her kennel, feeling invisible.

Her shelter friends shared a video of Sade as she watched the sweet furbabies leaving the shelter with their new families.

Sade couldn’t help feeling disappointed. She hung her head and lay on the floor, wondering how long she would have to wait to catch someone’s eye.

The shelter felt heartbroken because the beautiful Sade kept getting ignored through no fault of her own. 

They knew that she would make a perfect furry companion. She was a wonderful dog who loved walks and cuddles. All Sade needed was a chance.

“Beautiful girl Sade is still waiting for a forever home 🙏 Sadly, this is the reality for many adult dogs 😔 While the puppies get adopted quickly, our wonderful adult dogs can wait months to find a family,” the Humane Society of Broward County shared on their social media.

Happiness At Last

The shelter dog captured the hearts of many people online.

Several days after the video was posted, the lovely girl found her happily ever after. 

An amazing family who met Sade while they volunteered at the Florida shelter fell head over heels in love with her.

The delightful doggo couldn’t stop smiling when her humans picked her up and took her to her forever home.

Sade finally lives the life that she deserves. She will never feel unloved and ignored again.

The lovely girl found her happiness but, sadly, there are many wonderful shelter dogs who keep getting overlooked in favor of younger pups.

I hope that Sade’s story will encourage other adopters to give all shelter dogs a chance regardless of their breed, size, and age.