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Dog Abandoned At Local Mall In California Shocks Everyone With His Test Results

Dog Abandoned At Local Mall In California Shocks Everyone With His Test Results

Looking at all the countless animals roaming the streets truly breaks my heart.

But then, I remember that there are good people in this world who still do their best to help animals every day, and that makes me feel hopeful.

When one pup was abandoned at a local mall, he went through unimaginable pain. People were so cruel to him that they even started hitting him with their car. Luckily, one of the workers noticed the pain in his eyes and began bringing him some yummy snacks.

As days went by, the worker realized that he needed some professional help so they called in some professionals.

A Much Needed Rescue Mission

dog laying in grass
Source: Suzette Hall

The pup continued limping around the parking lot of the mall and lying beneath a tree to rest, unaware of what was going to happen.

Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy, a rescue organization based in Irvine, California, was on her way with some reinforcements!

As soon as she saw the poor boy, her heart broke. All the pain and suffering he endured was clearly seen on his sad face. All he wanted was a yummy meal and a nice bed to lay his tired head on. And, he was about to get exactly that.

Since they didn’t want to scare him away, Hall and her fellow rescuers decided to set up a trap and wait for the pup to walk in all on his own.

And, he did it!

As soon as he noticed the rescuers approaching him, he started to wag his tail in delight, knowing that he was finally saved.

The Californian rescuer immediately got him into his car and rushed him to the vet where he received a thorough medical examination.

cute dog in car
Source: Suzette Hall

The Beginning Of A New Chapter

After his examinations, the vets determined that the pup, now named Bruiser, had a broken pelvis which would need to be fixed surgically. He remained at the vet’s office where he received all the medical attention he needed, along with some pain meds

black dog at vets
Source: Suzette Hall

But, despite all of this, Bruiser is one of the sweetest pups ever. He loves to hang out with his new hoomans, showering them with hugs and kisses whenever possible.

“It always amazes me how scared they are on the streets and then how thankful they are after they know they were rescued,” Hall wrote in a Facebook post.

As he waits for his surgery, which will more likely involve the insertion of a plate in his pelvis, Bruiser is constantly surrounded by good company that provides him with fun time and yummy food.

very cute black dog
Source: Suzette Hall

However, as time went on, something incredible happened – Bruiser began healing all on his own!

He no longer needed the expensive surgery; just a little bit of time and a whole lot of rest. This is what love and commitment can do to a pup!

black dog at couch
Source: Suzette Hall

“Bruiser will be on cage rest with his amazing foster mom. His hip fractures are in line to heal on their own,” wrote Hall in an update.

I am sure that the time spent with his incredible foster mom will allow this sweet boy to heal in no time.

I can’t wait to see Bruiser running around, having the time of his life with his forever family. He truly does deserve the world!