Shedding is a vital thing every future dog owner needs to consider, especially if they suffer from allergies. This is the main reason why people choose low-shedding dog breeds.
Considering they are one of the most popular short-haired dog breeds, do you know how much Dachshunds shed?
This small dog is considered one of the best family pets. They are playful, loyal, and cute-looking. However, how much do Dachshunds actually shed, and are they challenging to groom? Let’s explore this.
Breed Overview
Dachshunds are small dogs bred to hunt tunneling animals, such as badgers, foxes, and rabbits. Some hunters even take them boar hunting!
Also, they are great as retrievers. Their versatility makes them fantastic family pets, hunters, and show dogs.
Because of their elongated body and short legs, you may know them as Wiener Dogs. Other names you may have heard of are Doxie and Sausage Dog.
These pups are a great option for anyone looking for a loveable little dog that will follow you around no matter where you go. They have a habit of making everyone around them smile!
They are confident, proud dogs who aren’t aware of how funny they might look to us.
Even their head is elongated, with long ears that give them an almost comical appearance. Toymakers use this dog as an inspiration, and kids love them, too!
When hunting, Dachshunds are brave and intelligent. At home, however, their playful and cuddly nature comes out in the open.
They love being close to you! Due to their intelligence, though, they’ll attempt to do things their own way, so you should train them properly from puppyhood.
At times, it seems like a Dachshund is capable of several complex facial expressions. Their eyes are deep and soulful, and it looks like they understand every word you say.
Commonly, a Dachshund will develop a close bond with only one person. While this is cute, they are prone to jealousy and will fight for their owner’s attention with all they’ve got.
They are also avid barkers, and their barking can make them a bit difficult to handle. Not to mention how this might make your neighbors hate you!
But, none of this answers the question of the day:
Do Dachshunds shed, and how much?
A Dachshund’s Coat
According to the American Kennel Club, there are three types of Dachshunds, depending on their coat.
The smooth-haired Dachshund is the most known one. These dogs have a short coat that is shiny and doesn’t require a lot of grooming. When you think of a Wiener Dog, you think of this type.
Keep in mind that these doggies can get cold very quickly. It will be best if you give them a dog sweater in the winter; otherwise, they might get chills.
The second type is the long-haired Dachshund. These dogs have slightly wavy hair that is sleek and gentle. This type of coat can get matted pretty easily, so don’t forget to brush them every day.
Many people have also reported that this type of Dachshund is much friendlier and more docile than the other two.
Finally, you have wirehaired Dachshunds. These pups have short, wiry, rough, thick coats that make them stand out.
They typically have a beard and bushy eyebrows. One might say they resemble a crossbreed of a Dachshund and a Schnauzer.
You don’t need to dress them in a sweater during winter. However, daily brushing is a must; otherwise, they will develop mats.
All types of Dachshunds come in many colors, including:
• Black
• Red
• Cream
• Tan
• Black and cream
• Chocolate and tan
• Blue and tan
• Isabella and tan
They may even have several types of patterns, such as a dapple, sable, brindle, and piebald.
Do Dachshunds Shed?
If you understand the coat type in this breed, you probably wonder how much these dogs shed.
While many Dachshund owners swear their dog doesn’t shed, this isn’t really the case. All Wiener Dogs experience some level of shedding. However, the exact amount depends on their type.
As you can probably guess, the short-haired Dachshunds experience the least amount of shedding.
This is because their fur is smooth and short, so loose hair won’t get everywhere. At the same time, they don’t have too much of an undercoat, which is why they get cold so quickly.
With these pups, you may not even notice their shedding since the hairs are so tiny. They are low-shedding, and therefore low maintenance dogs. You won’t have too many issues cleaning after them.
On the other hand, Dachshunds with long hair are moderate shedders. Not only is their hair longer and much more noticeable, but they also have a thick undercoat that enables them to stay warm during winter.
Wirehaired Dachshunds have longer streaks of hair that look very difficult to maintain due to the breed’s dense undercoat. However, you’d be surprised to learn that this type of Dachshund sheds the least!
The Dachshund’s small size also helps with shedding. Check out the Dachshund growth chart to see just how big (or small!) these pups are!
How Much Shedding?
The amount of a Dachshund shedding also highly depends on the type, as well as the season. As we’ve already mentioned, the shorter the hair, the less the shedding – with the exception of wirehaired Dachshunds.
Overall, owners consider this breed to be low-shedding, but you can expect some loose hair to fly around.
One thing everyone agrees on is that you should groom your Dachshund regularly.
This will ensure that his coat is slick and shiny, and it will also remove any dead hair still in his fur. This will make your pooch appear like he isn’t shedding as much.
Still, it’s impossible to outright say how much a dog will shed. Every pup is individual, and even two dogs of the same breed might not shed equally. However, it all comes down to brushing and coat maintenance.
What Affects Shedding And How Do You Deal With It?
Now that you know that Dachshunds shed, you should be aware that some things can influence the amount of shedding.
We’ll cover most of them, and talk a little bit about how you can manage the quality of your dog’s coat.
Regular brushing is the primary step for reducing the amount of shedding. If you don’t take good care of your pooch’s coat, not only will it look bad, but your pup will shed more.
Your grooming routine should depend on the coat type. Overall, regular brushing will help you catch all those dead hairs that would otherwise fly around and onto your furniture.
Try combing your short-haired Doxie with a slicker brush or a soft bristle brush at least once a week.
If your Dachshund has a long coat, then brush him more frequently. Try combing him at least once a day; otherwise, his outer coat can become matted.
You may even have to detangle some mats with your fingers. More stubborn mats might need to be cut off.
On the other hand, wirehaired Dachshunds need one extra step. You have to perform what is known as ‘stripping’ to help his double coat. This will remove dead hairs stuck at the roots.
Stripping should be done by a professional groomer approximately three times a year. While you may attempt to do it yourself, if you don’t do it properly, you may cause discomfort for your dog.
It might also be a smart move to use a grooming brush or electric clippers to help you take care of your wirehaired pup’s fur.
Another good idea is to bathe your pup once every three months. However, don’t wash him more than that unless he gets really dirty.
Excessive bathing can dry his skin out, and this will, in return, ruin the quality of the dog’s coat, making him shed more.
This is because a dog’s skin produces sebum, which keeps its fur and skin healthy. When you bathe your pooch, you remove this sebum, and therefore, the skin won’t become moisturized.
Also, it would be best if you always use dog shampoo. Shampoos made for humans don’t have an adequate pH value for a dog’s skin. You can find some good products on sites such as Amazon.
As with most dog breeds, Doxies will shed more in the spring as they drop their winter coat. As the weather becomes warmer, their fur doesn’t need to be as thick, so they get rid of the extra hair.
If your pooch spends plenty of time outdoors, he has a greater chance of dropping his winter fur compared to a pet who stays inside most of the time.
While you can’t prevent seasonal shedding, it’s helpful to know when the shedding might increase.
Another thing that can highly affect the dog’s hair quality is his diet. If your pooch doesn’t get enough nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, his fur will shed a lot.
A balanced and nutritious diet ensures that hair follicles are healthy and strong. If a canine doesn’t eat well, he’ll experience moderate hair loss.
Sure, healthy dogs shed, and this is quite normal. However, a dog that is malnourished will suddenly lose plenty of hair all over his body. This can cause dandruff and even visible hairless patches!
Because of this, it’s vital that you provide your pup with a nutritious diet. Of course, there are more reasons why you should buy him the best dog food out there, but losing hair is an important one.
Look for foods rich with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as these will highly improve the quality of not just your pet’s hair, but also his bones, heart, and kidneys.
Consider replacing store-bought snacks for healthy variants. Brussels sprouts are a good thing to give to your dog if he happens to like them. Even plain rice cakes are a better option than sugary treats you can buy for cheap in pet shops!
If you aren’t sure what is missing in your dog’s diet, consult your local vet. They will tell you exactly what to change and what your Dachshund needs.
It would also be best to contact a veterinarian if you notice a sudden change in the quality of the fur.
Also, you can find useful information in our Dachshund feeding chart.
A dog’s overall health highly impacts the quality of his fur. Anything from a virus or a chronic disease to a skin condition, or even stress, might increase the amount of shedding.
If you notice any symptoms causing hair loss, you should contact your vet immediately. Excessive shedding might be the first sign of some severe health issue, so don’t leave anything to chance.
Fortunately, Dachshunds are healthy dogs with a fairly long lifespan, so this isn’t something you’ll likely have to deal with lots of times.
Your Perception
Sometimes, you may think your dog is shedding more because of some external factor; for example, a change in his behavior or in your environment.
If you typically don’t allow your dog to climb on the furniture, you won’t notice any hair on it. However, if he gets up when you aren’t looking, it’ll seem like he’s shedding more.
Also, while it might seem as if he doesn’t shed, you could suddenly find plenty of hairs on his dog bed.
If you bought a piece of new, white furniture, but you have a dark-haired Dachshund, you may think he has suddenly experienced hair loss, but the truth is, the dog hair simply became more visible due to the contrast with the furniture.
Is There a Difference in Shedding Between Genders?
If you’re a Dachshund owner, you’ve probably noticed all the differences that exist in male vs. female Dachshund.
Getting a boy and a girl of this dog breed can seem like getting an entirely new dog altogether! While male and female Dachshund are quite different in many things, the amount of shedding isn’t one of them.
Gender doesn’t affect shedding in any way possible. Even if you plan on mating your female dog, the shedding amount won’t change between the two.
Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic?
Since Dachshunds don’t shed too much, some people wonder if they cause issues for people with dog allergies. The simple answer would be:
No, Dachshunds are not hypoallergenic.
Hypoallergenic means that an object or a creature, such as a canine, minimizes or entirely neutralizes the chances of an allergic reaction, as it doesn’t contain any allergens.
An entirely hypoallergenic dog doesn’t exist. This is because what causes an allergic reaction is, in fact, a dog’s dander.
Dander consists of flecks of dead skin, usually microscopic, that animals such as canines shed. This dander sticks to a dog’s hair, then flies around your house causing an allergic reaction.
Some people experience issues with dogs’ saliva as well, although this doesn’t occur as often as a dander reaction.
As all dogs shed dander and salivate, there isn’t a dog that is guaranteed not to give you an allergic reaction.
Most dogs that are considered to be hypoallergenic actually just don’t shed a lot, meaning their dander won’t reach your nose or eyes as easily. However, any dog can cause allergies.
Photo from:@arlominidachshund
Even so, Dachshunds aren’t considered to be hypoallergenic. While they don’t produce as much dander as some bigger dogs, they are moderate shedders, and you might still come in contact with their hair on many occasions.
However, they aren’t as problematic as some other breeds.
While short-haired Dachshunds don’t shed as much, their fur won’t stick together, and it will easily get embedded in clothing or upholstery.
The loose hair can be challenging to clean, which might increase allergic reactions.
Long-haired Dachshunds might even cause fewer breathing issues than short-haired ones simply because their hair can clump together on the floor, furniture, and clothing.
This means that it’s easy to pick up and clean, even though it seems like this dog sheds more than a short-haired Doxie.
As for wirehair Dachshunds, while they have significantly more hair to shed, his dead hairs usually remain on the fur. When they do fall out, they’ll be in clumps, making it very easy to clean.
So, while a Dachshund isn’t a hypoallergenic breed, it probably won’t cause a severe allergic reaction.
Still, if you’re someone with severe dog allergies, it might be best to talk to your doctor before getting yourself a new family pet.
A professional might advise you on managing your allergy symptoms, so you and your pooch can coexist.
Do Dachshunds Shed – Bottom Line
So, now you know the answer to the question: “Do Dachshunds shed?”
No matter how well you take care of your dog’s coat, you might still find some loose hairs on your furniture. Living with a shedding Dachshund is a normal thing if you choose to be a dog owner.
However, Dachshunds are moderate shedders, and chances are you won’t have too many issues cleaning up after your pooch. In fact, many owners have reported that their dogs don’t shed at all!
While some vacuuming has to be done, you won’t have too much work to do with a Sausage Dog as your pet!
Of course, keep in mind that some Dachshund mixes might experience a different amount of shedding compared to purebred dogs.
Read Next: 10 Reputable Wire Haired Dachshund Breeders In The U.S. (2022)