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Chow Chow Weight Chart: How Big Will My Chow Chow Puppy Get?

Chow Chow Weight Chart: How Big Will My Chow Chow Puppy Get?

Usually, compared to the Tibetan Mastiff, Chow Chows are a dog breed that we all love and adore because of their amazing temperament and authenticity. They are known to be very loyal and devoted to their dog owners, and they will always leave a mark on everybody’s heart!

After examining different Chow Chow colors and choosing a popular Chow Chow name, now that you have purchased a puppy, you might be interested in more pressing matters such as how big your Chow Chow will get.

The excellent thing about the Chow Chow weight chart that we have prepared for you is that it will enable you to determine whether or not your puppy is growing in the manner it should.

In this article, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know when it comes to Chow Chow growth and weight, as well as the multiple factors that affect your Chow Chow’s development.

Buckle up for the ride! Here we go!

Chow Chow Weight Chart — An Overview

Chow Chow standing on grass outside

Before we dive into each age group, and what to expect in terms of weight and growth, we have prepared for you this Chow Chow weight chart in advance for you to use.

You can use this Chow Chow weight chart to ensure that your puppy is growing accordingly in relation to its age.

It is, however, significant to note that these charts are created by taking a population of Chow Chow puppies and averaging their weight each month, so you might have a puppy that is larger or smaller in comparison to other dogs, and that is totally okay.

The Chow Chow weight chart below will also showcase the weight ranges of male and female Chow Chows depending on how old they are.

We all know that there is an eternal debate concerning the male vs. female Chow Chow, but we can safely say that you will find that most male Chow Chows will generally be bigger than their female counterparts

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When using this weight chart, first, take into account your dog’s sex and then its age when attempting to find its corresponding weight.

For example, let us examine the weight of a hypothetical six-month-old male Chow Chow.

You will drag your finger from the month to the corresponding sex and find that a male Chow Chow’s weight will average between forty and forty-nine pounds at this time mark.

You can also use this weight chart to estimate how large your puppy will get as it continues to grow. If your puppy is following the growth curve indicated on the chart, then chances are it will continue to do so as it gets older.

For instance, if your six-month-old male Chow Chow is at the higher end of the average at the six-month mark, weighing approximately forty eight pounds; therefore, you can expect him to weigh sixty-three pounds when he hits the tenth-month mark.

However, if you own a female that weighs approximately twenty-three pounds when she is four months old, you shouldn’t be surprised if her weight continues to range in the lower end as she grows older.

If your puppy does not fall into any of these averages, you might have an immediate impulse to panic, but the truth is that you have nothing to worry about as long as your Chow Chow is following its natural growth curve.

Chow Chow Weight Chart

cute Chow Chow standing on grass

You might be wondering how puppy weight is affected by the age of your puppy in more depth. Don’t worry — we have your back! We will describe how your puppy will grow from the time you purchase it from your breeder till it reaches its adult weight.

0 – 2 Weeks Of Age

If you are lucky enough to be a breeder yourself, you will witness the miracles of birth and early puppyhood!

When Chow Chows are born, they typically don’t weigh more than a pound.

Factors that affect how much they will weigh at the time of their birth include the litter size, how healthy the mother is, and naturally, how large the mother is, herself, as genetics play a huge role on how large your Chow Chow will be.

Usually, if the litter is larger, the puppies will be tinier. You can expect momma Chow Chow to give birth to anywhere from four to six puppies at once.

By the time the Chow Chow puppies are two weeks old, they will weigh approximately two pounds, with male pups typically weighing more than female pups.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks Of Age

Ah, the weeks of pure puppy mayhem!

So many changes occur in this time period for puppies. Between three and twelve weeks of age, you can expect your puppy to grow more rapidly.

Your puppies will have started to open their eyes and ears to the world, and get familiar with their canine environment.

They will also have started playing with their littermates, and later on, will start to wean off their mother’s milk, consuming dog food instead.

Your Chow Chow puppies will most likely weigh around three pounds at three weeks of age, whereas when they hit the twelfth-month mark, they will weigh a whopping eighteen to twenty-six pounds, depending on genetics and sex!

This is also the time period when puppies are socialized, and later on, rehomed. If you have purchased your dog from a breeder, you might want to pay close attention to what else we will write!

4 Months – 9 Months

Chow Chow looking up

During this time period of between four and nine months, you will notice drastic developmental growth in your Chow Chow puppy.

It will definitely start getting into much more mischief than it did previously because it is becoming more independent — you can expect your puppy to chew on everything and be more active, trying to gain your attention.

The average weight of your pup at the beginning of this time mark should be around twenty-three to forty pounds, whereas by the time this period ends, your pup will weigh anywhere between forty and sixty-three pounds.

This doesn’t have to be a cause for concern if you realize that your pup always ranges on either end of the weight spectrum when you are looking at the Chow Chow weight chart above.

The truth is that this is when male and female differences in weight become much more drastic than previously. Your puppy is most likely growing just as it is supposed to!

Make sure that your puppy is receiving adequate nutrition during this time period just as before in order to foster healthy growth.

10 Months – 18 Months Of Age

During this time period, your Chow Chow will begin to stop growing as quickly as before.

At the tenth-month mark, your typical Chow Chow pup will weigh approximately anywhere between forty-one and sixty-three pounds.

By its first birthday, you will notice that your puppy might have gotten taller. However, this is probably the size your pup is going to be as an adult.

Chow Chow puppies typically reach their adult height before they reach their adult weight, so you don’t have to be alarmed if you notice that your pup is gaining an extra pound or so.

However, just make sure you are not going overboard on the food; you don’t want to be dealing with an obese puppy as that could produce many health problems in the long run.


Ah, sweet adulthood, when you will stop worrying about whether your pup is growing properly — well done with the parenting, but it hardly stops after the first year of age!

When your Chow Chow reaches the eighteenth-month mark, it will usually have stopped growing.

The typical adult female Chow Chow will weigh between forty-four and sixty pounds. The average adult female height will be around eighteen inches.

However, the average male Chow Chow weighs anywhere between fifty-five and seventy-one pounds, which is quite a difference when you compare it to females! Their full adult height will be around nineteen inches.

However, don’t be alarmed if your Chow Chow’s adult dog weight isn’t in this range as there are multiple factors that can influence how large your dog will become.

How Much Should A Chow Chow Weigh?

Chow Chow sitting outside

Your Chow Chow will be anywhere between forty-four and seventy-one pounds as an adult depending on whether you have a male or a female!

After looking at this weight calculator, depending on age, you might wonder what the most important factors are that affect your dog’s weight. We will discuss some of them below.

The only sure way of knowing how big your Chow Chow will get is by taking a DNA test, but sometimes that isn’t always possible when you pick your puppy up from the breeder. This is why we will now discuss the variety of factors that affect your dog’s weight.

Factors That Affect Chow Chow Weight

If you want to figure out what determines Chow Chow weight and growth, we have got you covered!

Experts have identified these three main factors: genetics and gender, nutrition, and physical activity and health.

We will now discuss each of these three factors in greater detail! Buckle up!

Genetics and Gender

This shouldn’t be quite a surprise, but one of the greatest factors that affect how large your Chow Chow will be is definitely genetics.

If you want to know approximately how large your Chow Chow will become, most of the time, all you have to do is look at its parents. If momma and papa Chow Chow are small, then more likely than not, your Chow Chow will be small as well.

It is more likely that Chow Chow dogs that have larger parents will be larger than other Chow Chow pups that have smaller parents.

Gender is also a significant factor that affects a Chow Chow’s size.

As we have mentioned before, it is natural for male Chow Chows to be larger than their female counterparts when it comes to weight.

However, when we are talking about height, there is not much of a difference between the two. Like we mentioned previously, a grown Chow Chow male will generally be nineteen inches in height, whereas a female will be eighteen.


Chow Chow eating banana

You know how you always tell your kids to eat broccoli so that they can grow to be big and healthy?

Well, there is not much difference when it comes to purebred Chow Chow puppies that need the best food and nourishment in order to sustain healthy development.

Although excellent nutrition will not magically make your dog taller than its genetics will determine, poor nutrition will definitely adversely affect your dog’s development. You are probably wondering how this is possible.

If you do not give your Chow Chow proper nutrition, you can expect your puppy to develop many health issues as it gets older.

Say you give your dog poor-quality puppy food and it starts to develop obesity (or becomes underweight) — this will definitely affect your dog’s joints as your dog ages.

An adult Chow Chow should not be gaining weight more than what is necessary for its bones. Likewise, a puppy should get the proper nutrition it needs in order to sustain healthy development and promote a happy, healthy adulthood.

You wouldn’t want your Chow Chow pup to slouch or have massive problems as it grows older because of malnutrition. The quality of food as well as the amount of food you give to your dog is extremely important for healthy weight.

Make sure that you look at the kind of kibble or wet food you are feeding your dog in order to ensure you are sustaining this large breed’s development.

Physical Activity and Health

Healthy dogs always get their physical exercise in, so you should make sure that your Chow Chow is getting its daily walk or run in, so as to prevent obesity and promote better metabolism.

Like we have mentioned before, if your dog is overweight, there is an increased chance of it gaining health problems, especially joint issues, in the long run. Obesity puts a lot of pressure on a dog’s joints, so this shouldn’t be a surprise.

When your dog gets its physical exercise, you can expect it to become a happier dog overall.

You can always consult a puppy growth chart or a puppy weight chart to make sure that the weight of your Chow Chow is optimal for its development, and if you need to adjust your dog’s daily exercise accordingly.

Health is also very important for determining the weight of your dog. If your dog has any health issues, it will definitely affect its development.

That’s why it is so important to make sure that you make all of the regular vet visits in order to make sure that your pup is a healthy, happy dog.

What Are Common Chow Chow Health Problems?

Chow Chow sitting on floor

Now, you are probably wondering what some of the health issues are that your Chow Chow could develop, and whether you need to worry about them.

When it comes to common genetic diseases, a Collie or a Chihuahua won’t have the same issues as a German Shepherd, and a Great Dane won’t have the same predispositions as a Labrador or a Pitbull.

Therefore, it is important to note that like all other purebred dogs, the Chow Chow is also more likely to develop certain issues that are specific to the breed.

If your dog develops certain issues, it can certainly affect its weight and development, which is why it is always best to err on the side of caution.

It is always an excellent idea to have as much information as possible about these possible health conditions that your Chow Chow might have or develop, so you know what the best thing to do for your pup is.

We will discuss the most common health issues that we find in Chow Chows down below. Ask your vet about exactly how these conditions might affect your pup’s weight, and whether they will be issues for your dog’s development.

Autoimmune Thyroiditis

According to the American Kennel Club, some breeds are more predisposed to Autoimmune Thyroiditis than others, such as the Doberman Pinscher and the Golden Retriever.

As the name suggests, a dog with this disease will have an abnormal immune system that attacks the thyroid gland. As a consequence, your dog’s thyroid function will be impaired.

This might cause changes in your dog’s weight, which is something that you want to keep an eye on.

The good news is that it can be treated with certain medication.

Hip Dysplasia

Another common condition we see in Chow Chows is hip dysplasia.

A pup that has this condition will have issues with its hip because it has not grown properly. When the dog is younger, it is usually not an issue. However, as the dog gets older, you will observe that it will become less mobile than it used to be.

Dogs that are overweight are more prone to developing severe forms of this condition.

Patellar Luxation

This might be a tongue twister, but understanding patellar luxation is not that complicated.

A dog with patellar luxation has a knee issue similar to what is found in hip dysplasia. Likewise, it isn’t an issue when the dog is young, but it becomes more of a problem as the Chow Chow begins to age.

Obese dogs have greater issues dealing with this condition.

Eye Conditions

It is known that certain Chow Chows might develop a variety of eye conditions; some of which are distichiasis, glaucoma, and cataracts. In more extreme cases, these issues can cause blindness.

If your dog starts developing certain eye conditions, it will definitely impede your dog’s ability to exercise properly, which is important for regulating weight. Make sure you learn more about what you can do to help your pup if it is facing any of these issues.

It is always a good idea to consult your vet to see how you can help your dog if it is facing any of these diseases.

Should I Neuter/Spay My Chow Chow?

Chow Chow sitting in grass

It is impossible to give a hard and fast answer to this question. This depends on what is best for you and your dog.

Usually, dog owners are recommended to neuter or spay their pup when it becomes six months of age. The reason why owners traditionally did this was to prevent dogs from going into heat.

However, science has now proven that spaying or neutering your dog before this time might affect its growth.

Spaying or neutering your dog will have the effect of stunting the growth of your Chow Chow’s joints.

The best thing to do is ask your vet what they recommend for your Chow Chow.

What If My Chow Chow Is Not The Right Weight?

There is no need to panic if your dog isn’t following the Chow Chow weight chart completely.

There are some good ways to tell if your Chow Chow is following the developmental growth curve that might be specific to your dog. Sometimes, it is difficult to tell whether you just have a large dog or if it might have weight issues.

If you notice that your Chow Chow’s waist is difficult to see, or if its ribs are protruding, there might be cause to worry because your dog might not be the right or healthy weight.

If you are concerned about your dog’s weight, you can always ask your vet for his or her opinion, so that you can make sure there is nothing wrong with your dog.

As your pup is growing, and until it reaches its adult size, you will notice fluctuations in its weight, which is perfectly normal. Just make sure you are feeding it properly — and your vet can tell you all about that as well!

Conclusion: Chow Chow Weight Chart

Chow Chow standing behind bush

We hope that we have answered all of your puppy questions when it comes to its weight, and that this Chow Chow weight chart has been of use to you.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell if your Chow Chow is the right weight because it is such a large dog breed, but we hope that the information we have provided will be useful on your puppy weight journey!

Even if your dog doesn’t follow the weight that is listed in the Chow Chow weight chart, it might just be following its own specific growth curve, but always make sure you check with your vet if you have any questions or if your dog is looking ill.

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