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Cavapoo Feeding Chart: A Complete Guide For A Healthy Pup

Cavapoo Feeding Chart: A Complete Guide For A Healthy Pup

A small dog means smaller food needs. A Cavapoo feeding chart is a helpful tool to assess the optimal amount.

To help your cute puppy grow into a happy and healthy dog, there are a few feeding recommendations to follow.

Having a puppy is such a joy, especially if a dog is as adorable as Cavapoo is.

Therefore, we want the puppy’s happy-go-lucky mood to carry on as long as possible.

A precondition for this is proper care and monitoring the amount of food intake as well as its quality.

Every breed has its specific needs and Cavapoos are no different. The amount of feeding for each age category is listed in this article.

We have gathered relevant information in one place to help you make the right choices for your furry friend.

A Cavapoo Feeding Chart

A Cavapoo feeding chart is an excellent tool for tracking the nutritional needs of your puppy. However, make sure to be careful and also consult with your veterinarian.

Different dog food brands may have different feeding charts. Considering this information, make sure you check their directions too.

The right amount of food that needs to go through the digestive system depends on the age and weight of the dog. This puppy feeding chart can help you out. But beware. These numbers are only a feeding guide. Remember that every dog has specific needs that can change depending on external or internal factors.

These amounts are necessary for a period of 24 hours or one day. Weight is expressed in pounds, while age is expressed in months and years. The amount of food is expressed in the number of cups for one day except where indicated otherwise.

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Cavapoo Feeding Schedule

To keep track of food intake, it is a good thing to have a feeding schedule for your dog.

It is important to feed your dog optimal amounts of food to maintain the optimal dog weight.

If you know the optimal daily intake of food for your dog it is very helpful to create a feeding schedule.

The easy way is to take the planned daily food intake and divide it into three meals, preferably two once the dog gets older.

Give those smaller meals equally throughout the day.

Here is a tip for you – Give the meals in the morning, noon, and afternoon. The easiest way is to feed your dog when you feed yourself – breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If you establish a regular Cavapoo feeding chart, you will also give your dog a sense of routine. This way, the dog will know his schedule which helps with behavior training.

You must be consistent and patient.

One more tip. The last meal of the day should be in the afternoon and never right before going to sleep. This means 5 pm at the latest.

This way, you give your dog time to digest its food and have a good sleep. Feeding early is a prevention for possible health problems.

It is best to avoid free feeding. If your dog gets used to free feeding, it is very possible that your puppy will gain some extra weight due to overeating caused by overfeeding.

Make sure that you have control over the size and number of portions.

How Often Should A Cavapoo Eat According To Age?

1 to 3 months: It is recommended to give at least three or four feedings per day. In some cases it could be more. The total daily amount of food should be divided into three portions.

3 to 12 months: In this period, the number of feedings can be reduced by one. Due to a reduced activity level and slow down of growth, two meals a day are enough.

Over 12 months: The total daily food amount should be divided into two portions.

It is not recommended to feed a dog once a day. If your dog goes without food for more than 12 hours, it can lead to health issues.

Try to put yourself in that position. When we don’t eat for a longer time span we can get dizzy and have a stomachache. It causes excess stomach acid and nausea. These are only short term consequences.

If a dog develops a habit of eating only once a day, it will negatively influence its digestive system.

How much should I feed my Cavapoo?

Our Cavapoo feeding chart gives direction about how much dry food in the form of kibble is enough for daily calories intake.

A balanced diet is key for successful growth and overfeeding should be avoided.

Overfeeding may interrupt the development of a puppy. Even when talking of small breeds, the goal is to maintain optimal body condition.

Uncontrolled weight gain can lead to obesity. Obesity, in turn, can lead to additional health issues such as heart conditions. To avoid health issues activity level should be increased while food intake should be reduced. This is the way to maintain a healthy weight.

As the puppy gets bigger and bigger, his calorie needs become less.

Your puppy is becoming less of a puppy and more of an adult dog. This means that sometimes he will not finish his meal. It is not something to worry about and you shouldn’t try to force him to eat. It means he is just going through some changes which mirror his needs.

RELATED: Cavapoo Growth Chart: A Complete Guide To The Cavapoo Dog Size

What If My Cavapoo Has Problems With Appetite?

A healthy puppy ordinarily has a good appetite. However, there are occasions when the dog will just not be in an eating mood.

Should we be troubled with that information? Well, probably YES!

Problems with appetite are often indicators that something is not quite right.

In most cases it is some kind of illness as a background cause.

It may happen that your dog has something stuck in his mouth or throat. Those can be foreign objects or some sort of wounds such as sores.

It is possible that your dog has a lump inside that hurts him.

Another notable indicator of sickness, besides loss of appetite, is lethargy that accompanies this behavior.

If the dog is having diarrhea, vomits, and cannot eat it, it is probably some sort of poisoning. He may have eaten something toxic. On the other hand, it could be some other internal problem. For instance, he could be infected with some sort of parasite.

The best solution is to visit a veterinarian to tick off all suspicions.

If the veterinarian says that everything is good on the medical side then you should check other conditions.

Your dog may be sad. Check out the atmosphere in the area your puppy lives. Find him a quiet and calm place for eating.

Also check if he has gone through some kind of trauma.

You should also check if he is getting the right type of food. Sometimes a change can make a significant difference.

Cavapoo Puppy Nutritional Needs

Serving high-quality food is of essential importance for your dog’s overall health. When it comes to food, sometimes I will pick up unhealthy snacks just because it is easier for me to do so. But deep down I know that it is of major importance to take in foods that are good for my overall wellbeing.

It’s the same with our doggos. A healthy menu is a base for a healthy lifestyle. I want to give my pooch all the good stuff so he can grow big and strong. I am aware it is especially important to feed a dog properly when he is still in the developmental stage.

Make sure you choose wisely when it comes to food. You may feel like giving your dog treats all the time, but that’s not good for him. Feed him healthily and your dog will thank you. Maybe with some woof woof or by happily wagging his tail.

Nutritional Guide According To Age

Nutritive needs vary through the first developmental months. It is very important that your puppy eats food without additives and preservatives.

High-quality food contains zero fillers, while being rich with nutritive substances.

Here is the optimal nutrition for a puppy for a first year of life.

Birth to 3 weeks

Puppies are still very small during this period. During the first weeks they should rely only on their mother’s milk. Meal times are deployed according to the needs of the puppy. This means he can breastfeed any time he wants.

In this period you should not worry about following any kind of Cavapoo feeding chart – what, how much, and when to feed. In this period, this process is all natural and instinctive.

Mother’s milk is rich with nutrients. During this time, the puppy’s nutritive needs are all covered. He is getting all the good stuff from his mother. This way, his immune system is reinforced and the dog is protected from diseases.

From 3 to 6 weeks

This is a time for transition from mother’s milk to canned food. Puppies may not like the new way of serving food at first. This is not something you should worry about. Make sure you are consistent and patient.

Try mixing food with milk replacer in a 50:50 ratio. As the time passes, the amount of milk should be reduced. This will make the process of transitioning easier. This process may take at least six days or longer.

It is important to make the weaning transition as easy as possible. If it is sudden then the dog can have some difficulties with tummy ache or other digestive problems. A tip to ease the transition is to gently rub a small amount of food on the nose and mouth of your puppy. With time he will get used to the new formula.

In the period from 4 to 6 weeks, the puppy should eat only puppy food, without mother’s milk or a milk replacer.

From 6 to 12 months

This is the period for switching from puppy’s food to adult food. It is a transitional period and it may take some time for the puppy to get used to it. Start small and then transition to adult food entirely.

Small dogs such as Cavapoos or Cavalier King Charles Spaniels or other poodle breeds can transition to adult food somewhere between 7 and 9 months of life. Do not stress much about this.

It may take a little longer sometimes and it is not harmful if the dog stays on puppy food for a while. It is only important that the dog is getting all the nutrients he needs which is a precondition for healthy development.

Transitioning To Adult Food

The transition to adult food from puppy formula is somewhere between one and two years for small breeds.

The age of the dog and the size of the breed should be taken into account when deciding when to stop feeding puppy food.

Your veterinarian could help you to determine the right time and will give you a few tips to ease the process.

Is Adult Food Good For Puppies?

The fact is that young dogs and adult dogs have different nutritive needs. It is not recommended to start with adult food too early.

Sometimes it can do damage to a puppy. The texture and size of adult food is different from the food that is adjusted to a puppy’s needs. Inappropriate chewing can cause damage to tiny jaws and undeveloped teeth.

Also, puppy food is adjusted to the developmental needs of young dogs. It is rich with extra proteins, micronutrients, and carbohydrates.

These are all essentials for a healthy development.

Nutrition options

When it comes to the choice of feed types, there are several options. We have listed them below. Each has a good side. We have also emphasized the importance of hydration and the advantages of supplements and treats.


Dry food such as dry kibble is recommended in the period when the teeth and gums are getting stronger. Chewing dry food helps in jowl development.

Be careful with dry kibble food. Fermented carbohydrates are the most represented ingredient in kibble.

Dry food should be grain-free in order to avoid stomach issues.

Some dry food contains starchy carbs which are not good for the digestive system of a dog. Consuming these ingredients can cause the creation of glucagon, insulin and cortisol which cause inflammation and damage vital organs.

Wet Food

Wet food is a more suitable choice during the period of transitioning from mothers milk to solid food.

Considering the fact that the puppy’s teeth are still soft, wet food will ease the process.

If you are offering a dry meal at this time, it should be softened with some warm water.

There is an option of feeding your dog either with wet food or with dry food. There is also a possibility of combining both options. Either way, keep in mind to regulate calorie intake.

Raw food

Experts often emphasize the benefits of feeding a dog with raw food. It could be raw food purchased at a store or made at home.
Raw food ingredients are muscle meat, ground bone, offal-organ meat, fruits and vegetables.

Some scientific studies say that consuming raw food helps in balancing gut health. We know that our gut (no matter whether dog or human) is the most important link in microbiome balance.

This means healthier toilet habits and less smell. This is because quality nutrients from raw food absorb in greater amounts and there is less waste.

Feeding raw food to your dog will help in maintaining an optimal weight. Ultimately, he will look and feel better.

Human food

You should be very careful when feeding your dog with human food. Not all of it is good and nutritious for dogs. And what is worse, some human food can be toxic for dogs which can even cause lethal outcomes.

Another negative side of treating your dog with human food is setting up a reward mechanism. He understands this as a reward for his behavior. And this behavior is undesirable if we take the possibility of poisoning into account.

Once the habit is set up, it is hard to break it later. Only feed your dog his own food from his own plate.


Dogs that eat quality and balanced food get almost all the needed nutrients.

Supplements are a complement to food and must not be taken as a substitute for a whole healthy meal.

They are an extra help to the immune system.

When implementing supplements into your Cavapoo feeding chart, take care about quality.

Supplements need to be whole and natural. Read declarations and consult with a veterinarian. Make sure you buy those without chemicals, synthetics, and other harmful ingredients.

By adding supplements to regular meals you will be sure that your dog is getting it all.


Puppy treats are an effective mechanism in the training of all dog breeds.

This means that we can sometimes overdo rewarding a dog. But hey, who can blame us? It is really hard to resist those loving and craving eyes that watch us with desire.

But this does not mean we should not be firm and stand our ground. After all, we must do what is best for our dog.

The rule made by nutrition and veterinary experts says “90/10”. What does this mean?

This means, of the total daily calorie intake, 90 percent should come from puppy food and only 10 percent should come from treats.

It is very important to stick with this rule. It is a way to prevent your dog from gaining excess body weight and keep its overall health on point.


Regular hydration is as important as regular feeding. More active dogs need more water intake.

This means that a Cavapoo puppy needs more water than an adult Cavapoo. This is due to the higher activity levels of a younger dog.

When a dog starts to eat dry food or canned, make sure he has enough fresh water with it.

Also, during hot summer days, you should take extra care. A bowl of fresh water should always be at hand.

A puppy needs about one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day.

An adult Cavapoo needs one cup of water every four hours.

Health And Proper Nutrition

Always take care when to choose the best dog food you can afford. It is important because high-quality food provides your dog with all necessary nutrients.

Sure, the top shelf is a bit more expensive than the regular stuff, but a bit more cost to maintain your Cavapoo’s health isn’t an overly big sacrifice and you will save in vet bills later.

High-quality proteins ensure proper muscle growth. Fats and carbohydrates maintain energy levels on point. This means no carbs, no play.

Without calcium there are no strong bones and teeth. And for a healthy nervous system including vision and brain, dog food needs to contain DHA. A Healthy skin and coat depends on Omega-3 fatty acids intake.

Gut Health and Immunity

Gut health is important for overall health. Inappropriate nutrition may lead to an imbalanced microbiome levels in organisms. This imbalance can be the direct or indirect cause of many health issues.

There is a whole list of them: diabetes, skin issues, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, obesity, allergies, digestive issues, and inflammatory problems.

Low quality food can cause a leaky gut and insufficient nutrient absorption. Also, toxins from low quality food can pass through the gut into the bloodstream and cause inflammation which damages the immune system. That is when a dog becomes more prone to illness.

Now we can see the close bond between gut health and the immune system. 70% of the dog’s immunity is dependent on its gut health.

Immunity is a natural protection mechanism of the body which is very effective in defense. Sometimes it can get overwhelmed and the defense may be taken down under pressure from toxins and pathogens.

The Bottom Line

Cavapoo feeding charts may help breeders and dog owners to assess the right amount of food that their puppy needs to stay healthy and have proper development.

It is not a strict rule, but it may be a good orientation for an owner.

Other factors that need to be considered are age, activity, and state of health. Ofcourse, always ask for an expert opinion from your vet. A balanced lifestyle is the key to well-being.

But most important is having a good time with your furry best friend.

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