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Cane Corso Poodle Mix – Are They Hypoallergenic? (What To Expect)

Cane Corso Poodle Mix – Are They Hypoallergenic? (What To Expect)

Among all the dog breeds, the Cane Corso is surely one of the more glorious. Standing at an amazing height of up to 30 inches, these dogs are among the largest canines out there!

Their size and power is the main reason so many people want to own this large dog. However, for those who suffer from dog allergies, Cane Corsos aren’t a good choice.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you should give up on your dreams of becoming a Cane Corso owner. What you can do is get a Cane Corso mix – to be more precise, a Cane Corso Poodle mix.

Mixed breed dogs have become increasingly popular in the last few years, so why shouldn’t you get one? This doesn’t mean that you’ll be getting a mutt (although there is nothing wrong with having a mutt in the first place). Instead, you’ll get a dog with a mixed lineage and certain features that can fit your needs.

If the Cane Corso Poodle mix is something that interests you – whether you’re considering getting one or you’re just curious – you’re in the right place. We’ll explain all there is to know about this hybrid breed.

Let’s get started!

What Is The Cane Corso Poodle Mix?

cane corso poodle mix dog sitting in the car

Photo from: @milocanoodle

The Cane Corso Poodle mix is a dog that has a purebred Standard Poodle as the father and a purebred Cane Corso as the mother.

This is a fairly new crossbreed that still isn’t very popular. Even some of the biggest dog lovers don’t know much about it, and there haven’t been enough generations to observe the breed standard.

To understand this, we need to understand mixed breed dogs a bit more.

The first thing you need to do when you bring your Cane Corso Poodle mix puppy home is to go shopping on Chewy. Just add to your cart all these excellent items we’ve found for your dog.

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Designer Dog Controversy

cane corso poodle mix lying in the park playing

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Designer dogs – also known as hybrid dogs or just mixed breed dogs – are crossbreeds of two purebred parents.

While crossbreeding is becoming more and more popular, some people are strictly against it.

For example, some dog breeders claim that crossbreeding ruins breeds, as it makes the dogs deviate from the breed standard set by kennel clubs such as the American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), or Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

This deviation happens because of the introduction of new genes to the dog’s bloodlines. For example, when you add Poodle genes to the Cane Corso, you’ll get new traits that aren’t allowed in any of the two purebred dogs.

Some people don’t think that creating crossbreeds is natural or that it is even animal abuse, although there is no proof to these claims in most cases. Many oppose the idea of combining two dog breeds for the sake of creating a new dog just to fit the needs of humans.

Also, the biggest issue with crossbreeds is that there is no certain way to predict how the offspring will look. This is because you mix two sets of very different genes, allowing for a huge number of combinations and possibilities.

Even in one litter, you can find puppies that will look nothing alike. In the case of the Cane Corso Poodle mix, some pups will look like their Cane Corso parent, some will look like Poodles, while others will be a mix of traits of both breeds.

However, there are many good things about crossbreeding that no one can deny. Most notably, this is the health benefit that mixed breed dogs have over purebred canines.

To maintain the appearance and temperament of a purebred dog, many dog breeders opt to inbreed. Two animals that are cousins are allowed to mate to keep the bloodlines pure. As you may already know, this leads to a large number of health problems or defects.

Crossbreeds have something that purebred dogs don’t, and that’s hybrid vigor.

When you add new genes to the gene pool, nature chooses to pick the healthiest genes and give them to the offspring. Even if a gene for some disease is inherited, it most likely won’t express itself. This is because many genetic conditions are carried by recessive genes, meaning that a dog has to inherit them from both parents.

Hybrid vigor allows crossbreeds to have a smaller chance of inheriting these bad genes, allowing a healthy litter of puppies.

Also, crossbreeding is usually done to prevent some bad features of a dog breed by mixing the breed with a dog that has opposite traits. For example, if an aggressive dog is bred with a mellow canine, chances are the puppy will be something in between.

The same goes for physical traits. If a dog has some features that can cause him health issues, mixing him with a dog who doesn’t have that trait can improve the offspring’s health.

No matter your stance on designer dogs, the fact is that mixing breeds can be very useful for canines, as long as it’s done by responsible breeders who know what they are doing.

The Cane Corso And Poodle Mix

cane cordle in the walk

Photo from: @milocanoodle

As we’ve already mentioned, the Cane Corso Poodle mix is one of the newest crossbreeds. Not much is known about these fantastic dogs. In fact, they are so new that this crossbreed doesn’t even have an official name – although the term Canoodle is being used more and more.

To understand a Cane Corso Poodle mix, you need to look at its parents’ traits. This is the best way to get an idea of what kind of a dog you’re getting.

The Cane Corso Poodle Mix History

While the Cane Corso Poodle mix has only been around for a few generations, its parent breeds have existed for a long while.

Knowing a dog’s historical background can tell you a lot about its behavior, and it can help you understand why a dog looks or behaves a certain way.

Cane Corso History

The Cane Corso belongs to molossus dogs – also known as molossers – a special kind of working dogs originating from giant guard dogs that the ancient Greeks bred. All dogs of the molossus type belong to the Mastiff-type of dogs.

Roman people brought these giant dogs to Italy, where they mixed them with native Italian breeds, creating the ancestors of both the Cane Corso and Neapolitan Mastiff. These were huge war dogs used to charge enemy lines with buckets of flaming oil tied to their backs.

It is believed that these dogs were even larger than the Cane Corsos we have today, as they had to look as scary as possible and be very strong.

As the Roman Empire fell, Cane Corsos were used for boar hunting, livestock driving, farming, and guarding henhouses and farmsteads.

While the breed became nearly extinct by the 20th century, a group of Italian breeders decided to revive it in the 1970s. In 1983, The Society Amorati Cane Corso – also known as the Society of Cane Corso Lovers – was formed, and the AKC recognized the breed in 2010.

Poodle History

standard poodle laying in grass

While Poodles are associated with France (a country in which they are known as the Caniche), they actually originated in Germany, where they were used as duck hunters. Their name is derived from the word pudelin, which is the term used for splashing in the water.

Believe it or not, but Poodles were actually used as water retrievers! Their curly coat served as great water protection, and their intelligence made them easy to train.

As the Miniature Poodles were bred, royals took to this breed and brought it to the courts. Also, because of their flamboyant appearance and high intelligence, they were used in circuses for entertainment.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Appearance

cane corso poodle mix

Photo from: @milocanoodle

A hybrid dog’s appearance can vary greatly depending on the crossbreed generation and the individual dog’s genetics. Some dogs look just like one of their parents, while others are a near-perfect mix of the two.

Still, while observing the small amount of Cane Corso Poodle mixes out there, we can notice that most of these pups are large dogs with wavy, medium-length coats.

They will be built like larger Poodles (but still smaller than a Cane Corso), but with heads that look like Cane Corsos’, albeit with a less droopy muzzle and short, floppy ears.

As both parent breeds can come in many coat colors, the same can be said for its offspring that can come in a variety of shades – although it seems like pure black is the most sought-after.

Cane Corso Appearance

Cane Corsos are large, intimidating dogs that stand around 28 inches tall (but some can be as tall as 30!) and weigh over 100 lbs.

These dogs are muscular, with a broad chest, a wide skull, as well as a wrinkly forehead. Many Cane Corsos in the US have cropped ears, although this is a controversial practice banned in some areas and most European countries. This is why Cane Corsos with floppy ears are becoming more popular on the streets.

They have a short, coarse, double-layered coat that is allowed to come in black, red, blue, fawn, and brindle colors. Some Cane Corso owners compare their coat type to that of a cow!

They have almond eyes that can vary in color. While many Corsos have dark brown eyes, they can come in amber, yellow, and even blue!

Poodle Appearance

There are three types of Poodles based on their size:

• Standard Poodle, standing at the height of 15 inches or more and weighing up to 70 lbs, according to their growth chart.

• Miniature Poodle, which is 11–15 inches tall and weighs no more than 20 lbs.

• Toy Poodle, which is shorter than 10 inches and rarely weighs more than 7 lbs.

For an understandable reason, most Cane Corso Poodle mixes are made by mating a Cane Corso with a Standard Poodle. As even the largest Poodle is still significantly smaller than the Cane Corso, there is no need to mix smaller Poodle types with this giant breed.

Poodles have a straight back and a long, elegant neck. Their legs are noticeably long even with all that fur, and their ears are medium-length and dropped.

A Poodle is most known for its glorious coat. If left intact, their coats will be medium to long and curly, giving them an adorable teddy bear appearance.

However, many Poodle owners give their dogs a significant cut that can be seen in many cartoons and movies where Poodles are shown as spoiled pets of rich owners.

There are many Poodle colors, and all are allowed by the AKC. This also gives plenty of shade possibilities for the Poodle’s offspring.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Full Grown

cane corso poodle mix dog

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Since there is such a large size difference between Poodles and Cane Corsos, it is hard to predict just how big a full-grown Cane Corso Poodle mix will get.

Most of these dogs will reach the size of around 20 inches, but their size can vary anywhere between their parent’s sizes. This means that a Canoodle’s size range can be 15 to 28 inches!

Overall, you can expect a Cane Corso Poodle mix to be a large dog, although not as giant as its Cane Corso parent, making it a bit more comfortable to live inside houses or even larger apartments.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Temperament

cane corso poodle mix looking up

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Cane Corsos and Poodles have very different temperaments, so Canoodles can be an interesting mix.

When you combine these two breeds, you’ll get an intelligent dog that might seem a bit show-offish. However, their desire to please their owners also makes them very obedient.

While Cane Corsos are a bit stoic, Poodles are outgoing and playful, so these dogs tend to be friendly yet proud, making them some of the more elegant-behaving dogs around.

Cane Corso Temperament

Cane Corsos are dogs that are ready to face any challenge they might face. This is both a good and bad thing, depending on how you behave around them.

They have an aggressive streak, so they need a responsible owner who will give them plenty of socialization early on.

Fortunately, they are affectionate dogs that can do great with children if trained properly and on time. They are docile and can be very gentle if you’ve worked with them from puppyhood.

These highly intelligent dogs can be a bit bossy, so they require a firm hand that won’t let them have their own way. You need to show them who the pack leader is in time; otherwise, they can become quite stubborn. This isn’t something you’d want from such a large dog.

As they were bred to be guard dogs, they can be wary of strangers, which is another reason why you want to socialize them in time. Also, they have a high prey drive, so they won’t do well in households with small animals.

Are Cane Corsos Aggressive?

Cane Corsos and some other breeds, such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinscher, and Bulldog, are considered aggressive dogs. Is there truth to these rumors?

Unfortunately, there are many reported cases of Cane Corso bites. These dogs can be aggressive towards both humans and animals alike.

When you look at the dog’s history, this might be a bit of a surprise. Just like German Shepherds or even Border Collies, these dogs were bred to be watchdogs. However, GSDs and Collies aren’t considered aggressive. Why is that?

People seem to forget that Cane Corsos were initially war dogs. They were used to hunt down people or to carry explosives, and these tasks couldn’t be done by a dog that isn’t aggressive.

Unfortunately, some Cane Corsos were also used in fighting rings due to their large size and strength. All of this helped develop an aggressive streak in these dogs.

Still, there isn’t really a bad canine. Cane Corsos can make amazing family dogs if you know how to train them properly. They are affectionate and loyal, and some might even behave as giant lap dogs! However, they are not for novice owners or people afraid of big dogs.

Poodle Temperament

Poodles are friendly, intelligent dogs that love to have fun. They are active and ready to be the clown of the house! They love attention so much they can easily develop some bad behaviors, such as constant barking.

Smaller Poodles can be a bit aggressive to other pets, especially dogs of the same gender. Opposite of that, larger Poodles are more aloof, and they won’t have an issue with another animal, especially if trained in time.

Despite their looks, Poodles can be protective of their owners, and they make great guard dogs. In the end, they were bred to be hunting dogs, and this can be seen if they feel like their owner is in danger.

Is The Cane Corso Poodle Mix Easy To Train?

cane cordle dog in the grass

Photo from: @milocanoodle

To understand whether the Cane Corso Poodle mix is easy to train, you need to look back at their parent breed’s temperaments.

Both the Poodle and Cane Corso are highly intelligent dogs. In theory, this means that they are effortless to train. However, they can be a bit stubborn, especially Cane Corsos, which can make the process a bit more difficult.

Fortunately, this stubborn streak isn’t too common, and most Cane Corso Poodle mix dogs will be very easy to train – which is a good thing, as they’ll need lots of training. These are large dogs that can have a problem with other animals, so you’d want to teach them how to behave in time before the window to socialize them closes.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Everyday Life

cane corso poodle mix in the car

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Now that you know some of these details about the Cane Corso Poodle mix’s appearance and temperament, you’re probably wondering how everyday life would look with one of these unique dogs.

While the Canoodle is an agreeable pet that can fit in many different family setups, you’ll still have to dedicate lots of time to this dog. Proper training and socialization, while easy, have to be repeated daily, as you cannot let these canines fall off track.

Be firm and strict, but also somewhat gentle, as Canoodles can be sensitive dogs. Never use force or punish a dog if he’s a slow learner, this will only backfire, and your pet will shut down. Use lots of positive reinforcement, as these pups can be food-driven. Just try not to go overboard, as you don’t want them to become overweight!

Your Cane Corso Poodle mix will require lots of walks and exercise, as this is an active dog with high energy levels. If you don’t have the time to spend at least an hour outside jogging, playing fetch, or exercising your dog in some other way, don’t get this dog mix.

Frequent exercise isn’t necessary just to keep your Canoodle in shape. Due to their intelligence, these dogs can get bored very easily, and boredom leads to destructive behavior. The best way to prevent this is to make sure your dog is tired enough when it’s bedtime.

Also, give him enough dog toys to occupy him for the better part of the day. Interactive toys with treats are a good idea, as they will make your dog think in order to get that yummy bite he desires.

If your pup doesn’t get enough mental stimulation, expect him to show you this – and your furniture, walls, carpets, or shoes will get the short end of the stick.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Grooming

cane corso poodle mix dog looking up

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Luckily for all Canoodle owners, these dogs don’t require lots of grooming. Poodles are a non-shedding breed, while Cane Corsos experience mild to small amounts of shedding. You won’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning up loose hairs after them.

The Cane Corsos’ short coat can be brushed weekly. However, curly Poodles require daily brushing to keep mats and tangles from forming. How frequently you’ll need to brush your Cane Corso Poodle mix depends on the individual dog’s coat type and length.

Most Canoodles have a medium-length coat that is wavy. While this means they don’t require as much brushing as Poodles, it would be wise to brush them every day or two. Occasional visits to a professional groomer are advised for those dogs that have inherited a longer coat.

Just like with all other dogs, the Cane Corso Poodle mix needs to have his nails trimmed whenever they grow long enough to curl. This isn’t just for aesthetics. If a nail becomes too long, it can hurt the inside of the dog’s paw, which can be very painful. Even if this doesn’t happen, a twisted nail is uncomfortable, and it can make walking difficult.

Make sure to check your dog’s ears weekly for infections. Look for any odors or signs of irritation. Dogs with floppy ears can get ear infections – although, fortunately, Canoodles aren’t too prone to them.

Brush your dog’s teeth a few times a week to keep his dental hygiene in check. Studies have shown that approximately 80% of dogs older than two years have some type of dental issue.

While these seem harmless, gum and teeth problems can be very dangerous for your dog. Not only can they cause pain, but all the bacteria will easily get into the dog’s digestive system, making him more prone to all sorts of gastric problems.

At the same time, there have been indications that gum issues can increase the chances of some cancers, so it’s better not to risk it.

Is The Cane Corso Poodle Mix Hypoallergenic?

cane cordle at home

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Most Poodle mixes have been made because dog owners want more canines that won’t give people who suffer from allergies issues.

Poodles are considered to be the best dogs for people who sneeze or wheeze after they come in contact with canines.

This is why many dog breeders add their genes to their bloodlines, hoping they will create a hypoallergenic dog. This is the case with Goldendoodles (a mix with a Golden Retriever), Labradoodles (Labrador Retriever Poodle mix), Huskydoodles (Siberian Husky crossbreed), and so on.

Most people reported having issues with dog hair. Poodles are considered non-shedding dogs. While they do shed their coats, just like all other mammals, the hairs get stuck in the curls, so they don’t fall out until you brush them off.

While this increases the chances of your pooch developing mats or tangles, it also means that you won’t have dog hairs flying everywhere.

Cane Corsos are short-haired dogs that don’t shed much. Most of the time, they won’t cause issues for people with mild allergies.

Theoretically, this combination makes Canoodles great dogs for allergy sufferers. With one hypoallergenic parent and the other that doesn’t shed a lot, it seems like you can’t go wrong.

However, there is a catch.

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?

If you have an issue with allergies of any kind, you are probably familiar with the term hypoallergenic. This word seems to be plastered on all sorts of items, usually foods, soaps, shampoos, clothing materials, even family pets. But what does hypoallergenic really mean?

Hypoallergenic is the word used to describe items that don’t have any allergens. These items are safe to use by people with a specific allergy, as they don’t contain substances that will give you issues.

However, this gets a bit tricky with dogs.

Most people think that it’s dog hair that gives them issues. However, it isn’t the hair itself that causes an allergic reaction but rather dog dander.

Dander consists of tiny specks of dead skin. Everyone has dander, from dogs to humans, and this is something that can’t be prevented.

Dander sticks to objects like hair. When a dog sheds, the dander is spread around together with the loose hair. This is why it might seem as if people are allergic to dog hair – but it is, in fact, the dander that’s giving them problems.

The same protein that gives you issues can also be found in the dog’s urine and saliva, and this is yet another thing that all dogs secrete.

In fact, Cane Corsos are prone to drooling due to the droopy shape of their muzzles. This cannot possibly be good for a person with dog allergies!

Luckily, most Canoodles don’t drool nearly as much as their Corso parents, but this can still happen in some dogs. Predicting how a crossbreed will look and behave is near impossible, so you’re risking getting a dog that may drool more than usual.

So, Is The Cane Corso Poodle Mix Hypoallergenic?

cane cordle enjoying in the park

Photo from: @milocanoodle

All dogs secrete urine, saliva, and dander to a certain extent. This means that no dog can be considered truly hypoallergenic.

However, the Cane Corso Poodle mix could be a good choice for all but the most extreme allergy sufferers. These dogs will shed little to none, and most won’t drool a lot, so there aren’t many things to worry about.

Even if your Canoodle gives you allergies, there are still things you can do that might help you enjoy the time you spend together.

It’s a good idea to make a dog-proof area, and it would be best if this were your bedroom. While sharing a bed with your dog is tempting, this is the worst possible thing for an allergy sufferer! Make sure your dog cannot enter your bedroom by placing a baby fence or simply teaching him to stay out of it at all times.

If the little hair Canoodles shed gives you issues, ask a family member or a roommate to be in charge of the brushing, as this is usually when you’ll come in touch with loose hairs and dander.

You might also want to visit your doctor, who can prescribe some antihistamines.

Also, before you buy a Cane Corso Poodle mix, try spending some time with this dog breed. While all dogs are individuals, if one dog from the breed doesn’t give you issues, chances are slim that other dogs of the same breed will. Of course, this can vary.

If you do have a problem with Canoodles, you might want to consider some other purebred hypoallergenic dog, as they are a more certain option. Some of these breeds are:

• Poodles


• Bichon Frise


Cocker Spaniel

• Chinese Crested

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Health

cane cordle in the car

Photo from: @milocanoodle

As mentioned earlier, crossbreeds tend to be much healthier than their purebred parents. However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t some health concerns that you should be aware of.

A hybrid dog can inherit any of the conditions of its parents. This is why it’s important to buy only from reputable breeders who conduct all the necessary genetic testings of their dogs, ensuring they only have healthy puppies.

Still, it’s important to be aware of health problems your dog might get.

Poodles are healthy dogs that usually live 12–15 years. However, they are prone to some health issues, such as:

Hip dysplasia

Addison’s disease

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)

Thyroid issues

Collapsed trachea


Gastric torsion (bloat)

While most large dog breeds tend to live shorter lives, fortunately, the Cane Corso has a decent lifespan of 9–12 years. These pups are prone to:

Hip dysplasia

Eye problems

Demodectic mange

Gastric torsion (bloat)

As you can see, two of the issues that the Cane Corso Poodle mix is most likely to have are hip dysplasia and bloat.

While the first one isn’t a life-threatening condition, bloat is. In fact, bloat is the biggest cause of sudden death in larger dogs, and most Cane Corsos that die young die from bloat.

This is why it’s important to only buy from reputable breeders and to know that you have a good vet nearby, as bloat can be treated if you notice the symptoms in time.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix Puppies

cane cordle puppy

Photo from: @milocanoodle

Cane Corso Poodle mix puppies come from a Poodle father and a Cane Corso mother. While it is possible for dogs to conceive when it’s the other way around, there is a reason why the mother should be a Cane Corso.

Cane Corsos are the larger of the two breeds. If the Poodle is the mother, she might have an issue carrying and giving birth to a litter of larger puppies. On the other hand, a female Cane Corso won’t have problems if the puppies are smaller than regular Cane Corso puppies.

While still puppies, it can be hard to predict how your Cane Corso Poodle mix will look in adulthood. This is the main reason why not many breeders are willing to breed and sell crossbreeds. It’s risky, and they can never guarantee how your puppy will turn out.

Cane Corso Poodle Mix For Sale

cane corso poodle mix

If you’re looking to buy a Cane Corso Poodle mix, you may have noticed some listings that seem to be very cheap. While such offers are attractive, you need to be smart about this. If someone is selling something for under its value, chances are there is something defective with the product (or, in this case, the dog) they’re selling.

Always purchase Cane Corso Poodle mix puppies from reputable breeders who know how to deal with crossbreeds and giant dogs.

The first few weeks of a dog’s life are the most important when it comes to temperament and behavior, and when you have a dangerous dog such as a Cane Corso as a parent, you want to work with people who know how to do their jobs.

A good breeder will let you meet the parents – or at least the mother – and they’ll allow you to see the environment the puppies are growing up in. They’ll be willing to answer all your questions about these dogs, and some might even tell you to call them if anything is unclear while raising your mixed breed puppies.

Avoid backyard breeders, puppy mills, and pet stores, as these don’t do the necessary health tests on their dogs, and they’ll rarely provide you with any papers.

When it comes to the price of Canoodles, you need to consider the price of their parents. While mutts are considered much cheaper than purebred dogs, intentional crossbreeds are usually more expensive than their parents.

While it’s hard to find out the average Cane Corso Poodle mix puppy price, here’s what we know about the parent breeds:

How Much Does A Cane Corso Cost?

A Cane Corso puppy will usually cost anywhere between $700 and $2,500, with the average price being around $1,500. These are medium-priced dogs that don’t cost as much as some other high-end breeds.

When it comes to the yearly costs of owning a Cane Corso, you should expect to pay approximately $4,500 during the first year, and each of the following years will cost you around $1,900. This includes the costs of dog food, dog items, vet visits, and other expenses.

How Much Does A Poodle Cost?

Standard Poodles are fairly affordable dogs that cost around $700 to $1,500. While Miniature and Toy Poodles tend to cost up to $2,000, they are rarely used to create a Cane Corso Poodle mix. Of course, some rare colors tend to cost more as well.

During the first year of Poodle ownership, you can expect to spend about $3,300 on dog-related expenses. For further years, you’ll pay about $1,920 per year.

What Is The Difference Between A Mastiff And A Cane Corso?

bull mastiff and cane corso

While some people think that Mastiffs and Cane Corsos are the same breed, they are not, and confusing the two can make you fail to understand the Cane Corso Poodle mix as well as you should.

While these two dog breeds share the same ancestry, they are not the same. First off, Mastiffs are significantly larger and can weigh more than 200 lbs! This is twice the weight of a Cane Corso.

Their temperament is very different, as Mastiffs are more calm, dignified, and friendly than the affectionate but shy Cane Corso.

Unfortunately, Mastiffs also tend to live much shorter than Cane Corsos. This is because the Corso breed has been crossbred with other dogs in the past, making it healthier than the Mastiff.

Still, with a fairly similar appearance and because the Cane Corso is also known as the Italian Mastiff, it’s easy to see why someone would confuse the two. The same goes for many other giant breeds, such as the Great Dane or Boxer.

Should You Get A Cane Corso Poodle Mix?

If you want to get a Cane Corso Poodle mix, there are a few things you need to consider first.

These dogs aren’t suited for first-time dog owners. While nowhere near as temperamental as Cane Corsos, these are still large dogs that are challenging to control. If you fail to train them properly, they can become a danger to you and the people and animals around you.

Also, Canoodles require lots of daily exercise, and you, as their owner, need to provide them with this. While professional dog walkers are a thing, this isn’t a good solution long-term, and you need to be able to provide your dog with a way of getting rid of all that excess energy.

Not to mention that these dogs can be expensive to own. They eat a lot, and some may suffer from health conditions that can end up being expensive to treat.

All of these are things to consider before making such an important decision.

If you’re okay with these few downsides, you should know that a Cane Corso Poodle mix can make an amazing family pet. These are affectionate and loyal dogs that would do anything for their owners.

Also, they make excellent watchdogs, so they’ll excel at keeping your house safe – while not being a danger to wanted guests.

There are many more Cane Corso crossbreeds you might be interested in, such as the Cane Corso Boxer mix, Cane Corso Bullmastiff mix, and Cane Corso Husky mix. All can make amazing family pets in the hands of the right owner.

In the end, the decision is up to you – just make sure you have thought about all the good and the bad and made the right choice for both you and the dog.

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