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Cane Corso Growth Chart – How Big Do These Dogs Get?

Cane Corso Growth Chart – How Big Do These Dogs Get?

Cane Corsos – also known as Italian Mastiffs – are known to be some of the largest dog breeds out there. These are big dogs with a somewhat terrifying appearance that can make most other canines look like little teddy bears!

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Cane Corso dogs have existed in Roman times, and they were known as bodyguard dogs. In other words, they were guard dogs and war dogs, which explains their huge size.

In fact, just by looking at a Cane Corso growth chart, it’s no surprise to find a Cane Corso taller than 28 inches, and heavier than 100 lbs. Due to its size and somewhat unfriendly temperament, this isn’t a good pet for first–time dog owners as it requires a firm head and someone with experience.

These pups require proper training from a young age as they are not the friendliest of dogs. They are protective, but they won’t be too keen on playing around with people who are not their family members.

If you plan on getting a Cane Corso puppy, but are not certain whether this pooch will be too big for your living conditions, you can consult a Cane Corso growth chart to see if this is an adequate dog for you.

Cane Corso Growth Chart – Why Is It Important?

There are many reasons why it’s important to know the estimated height of a dog. Maybe you’re wondering whether you have enough space for the dog breed you like, or you want to be sure if you’ll be able to control the dog.

Large breed dogs can be challenging to train as some dog owners might be intimidated by their size. Also, if you’re a petite person, having a large dog might require more research as you’ll want a dog that you can take for a walk without him pulling you. Having a small dog that isn’t properly trained isn’t as bad as having a large canine that can overpower you.

Not just that, but large dogs require more space and a greater amount of high–quality dog food. They will be more expensive to keep, and these costs usually increase with the dog’s size. In the end, they require a larger dog bed, a larger crate, and different dog toys.

If you have wondered how a dog’s size is measured, the height is usually taken at the withers. This is the spot between the shoulder blades.

This is the highest part of the body for most dogs.

Sure, the head is higher, but it’s too mobile and challenging to properly measure. This is why the withers are taken as the more precise body part for measuring.

Keep in mind that when it comes to Cane Corsos, bigger isn’t necessarily better. These dogs are valued for their agility and speed; not their size. They are not meant to be the largest Mastiff breed. If they are too large, they might not be able to fulfill their duties, and their health might be compromised.

Female Cane Corsos and male Cane Corsos grow to be rather similar in size, but some differences do exist. These Cane Corso growth charts will explain what we mean:

Cane Corso Growth Chart: Male

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Cane Corso Growth Chart: Female

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Cane Corso Size Chart Puppies

Understanding the size of a Cane Corso puppy can involve more than looking at the size of an adult dog. This is because any deviation from the Cane Corso growth chart can indicate that there is something wrong with your puppy, whether that be certain health issues or developmental problems.
Height isn’t as important in Cane Corso puppies as weight is. As long as the puppy is of a healthy weight, you can be certain he is developing properly.
This is how you can determine whether your Cane Corso puppy is of a healthy weight, no matter the gender:

Cane Corso Puppy Weight Chart

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Cane Corso Weight Chart

If you look at a complete Cane Corso growth chart, you’ll notice that most of these dogs have the same weight when they are born, and this is between 0.8 lbs (0.35 kg) and 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg). As they grow older, this weight will start distributing differently depending on the dog’s bloodline and gender.

By the time puppies are one month old, they’ll already weigh between 5.7 lbs (2.6 kg) and 8.8 lbs (4.0 kg), no matter if they’re male or female. However, when they reach two months, a slight difference will appear as males will usually weigh up to 22 lbs (10 kg), and females will rarely be heavier than 20 lbs (9 kg).

When they reach three months of age, males will weigh up to 35 lbs (16 kg), and females, 32 lbs (14.5 kg).

When they are about one year old, most Cane Corso pups will have already reached close to their adult weight. For example, while they’ve gained almost 100 lbs in their first year of life, they’ll gain about 10 lbs more throughout their second year. This is when their weight should stop fluctuating.

We’ve included a Cane Corso growth chart below. Keep in mind that it should only be used as a guideline. If your pooch has a few extra pounds, but doesn’t have other signs of obesity or being overweight, this is perfectly fine.

The same goes in case your pooch is lighter and smaller than the chart states. While you don’t want there to be huge deviations from the norm, they might occur. As long as your pooch doesn’t deviate too much or if the weight change wasn’t too sudden, chances are everything is perfectly fine.
Of course, if you have any doubt regarding the weight and the health of your Cane Corso, the best thing you can do is contact your vet for advice.

Cane Corso Weight Chart

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When Do Cane Corsos Stop Growing?

Cane Corsos are large dogs. All large dog breeds take a while until they’ve reached their full weight and height. This is why it might seem as if they take longer to grow and mature compared to small breeds.

If you have a Cane Corso, don’t be surprised if he reaches his full height at around one year of age.

However, this can be rather individual. Some dogs might take up to two years to grow entirely!

As such, most Cane Corsos will grow to the upper point of the Cane Corso growth chart when they are around 18 months of age. While some Cane Corsos might grow a bit more after this age, most will stay the same size.

Cane Corsos usually reach up to 28 inches, and this is the height they’ll get between their first and second birthday. Because of this, there isn’t a rule set in stone about when a Cane Corso stops growing. This difference will only increase as they grow older.

Cane Corso Development

If you plan on buying a Cane Corso dog, keep in mind that most responsible breeders won’t allow you to take home a puppy that hasn’t reached 8 to 12 weeks of age. This is because dogs younger than that are too young to be taken away from their mother.

The same goes for any other dog breed. Whether you want to buy a Bulldog, a Bullmastiff, or a Chihuahua, you’ll have to wait until the puppy is of this age.

Despite this, it’s important to understand how a young Cane Corso will develop. This will ensure that you don’t buy an underweight or sickly dog, as well as help you to understand why a dog is too young to be taken away from his family before a certain age.

We’ll look at the Cane Corso growth chart and combine this with some temperamental and behavioral traits of this breed to explain their development:

Birth To Two Weeks Of Age

When puppies are born, they are blind and deaf. This is the same for all dog breeds, from German Shepherds to Pitbulls. The only thing that puppies this young do is sleep and feed.

It’s interesting that most dogs are born at approximately the same weight. Sure, there are some size differences between a Great Dane and a Chihuahua puppy, but this is nowhere near as significant as the size difference will be once these pups are adults.

Two Weeks To 16 Weeks Of Age

By the time they are two weeks old, puppies should’ve already opened their eyes and started exploring a little bit. Believe it or not, this is also the time when socialization should start, and most reputable Cane Corso breeders will know this.

At four weeks old, the puppies should start weaning off their mother’s milk and start showing interest in wet dog food. Of course, this will go rather slowly, and the full transition can last up until puppies are eight to 10 weeks old.

At six weeks old, most puppies will be ready for their first vaccinations. The breeder should be conducting early obedience training by now as dogs can learn the most before they are 16 weeks old.

As soon as the puppy has received his vaccinations, socialization with puppies outside of his litter should start. Cane Corso puppies should be socialized and trained as early as possible as it’s in their nature to be a bit unfriendly.

To be prepared for the future, all puppies must experience as many different situations as possible before they are four months or 16 weeks old.

Four Months To Six Months

This is the time when it’ll seem as if your puppy will grow the fastest. If you want to make sure your pooch is of healthy height and weight, consult with Cane Corso puppy growth charts.

Between four and five months of age is also when a Cane Corso puppy should lose his baby teeth. This might cause him to become a bit more agitated.

At the same time, this should be the period to switch to dry dog food – but don’t worry if it takes longer.

Six Months to Nine Months

When your puppy is about six months old, you can start taking him for short walks. By this time, he should look less and less like a puppy, and will resemble an adult dog.

However, such young dogs don’t have the same stamina as adult working dogs do. They might grow tired faster than you expect them to, so don’t go overboard. It’s important to keep exercise at a healthy level so your dog can properly develop.

Also, this is the period to housetrain your pooch. Be mindful that not all dogs can learn things at the same pace. Some will take years to learn how to behave properly, and there’s nothing wrong with this.

Cane Corsos can be stubborn, independent dogs as this is the time frame during which his temper will start to show.

You might also consult with your vet about neutering or spaying your Cane Corso at around this age.

Nine Months To One Year

This is the period during which many dogs will reach their adult size, although some minor growing and filling out will usually occur after this. As Cane Corsos are large dogs, they might take some time after this since it’ll take them longer to grow.

Once your Cane Corso is nearing his first birthday, you can switch to adult dog food. After this time, he’ll be considered a fully-grown dog.

Older Than One Year

After his first birthday, a Cane Corso will be considered an adult. He’ll reach the top of the Cane Corso growth chart, and any significant weight drop will likely be due to an unhealthy lifestyle or health problems.

Of course, there will always be a variance in numbers, and that is perfectly fine as long as it’s not deviating too much from the size chart.

While there is no precise age when your four-legged friend can be considered an old Cane Corso, this is usually when a dog is around eight years old. As Cane Corso’s lifespan is 10 — 12 years, so don’t worry if your pooch becomes elderly. You’ll still have several years with him.

What Impacts A Cane Corso’s Size?

If you notice your pooch is deviating from the Cane Corso growth chart, or if you want to know how you can make sure your pup is of the right size when he is a full-grown Cane Corso, you probably wonder if you can impact his size.

While it’s easy to guess what can lead to dog weight gain, understanding a Cane Corso’s size can be a bit more tricky.

We’ll explain four factors that can impact your dog’s growth and lead to him straying from his size. Here’s what they are:


Genetics is the most important factor when it comes to how large your dog will grow. This is what causes Chihuahuas to stay tiny and Great Danes to become huge. The same goes for dogs within the same breed.

It’s important to meet the parent dogs when buying your Cane Corso puppy. If they are rather large, you’ll likely get a big dog. If they are on the smaller side, your Cane Corso will be unlikely to grow larger than a Cane Corso growth chart predicts.

Fixing Your Dog

Most reputable breeders will require you to spay/neuter your Cane Corso once he reaches a certain size. In fact, even most vets would recommend this. Fixing a dog not only lowers the number of abandoned puppies on the streets, but it also reduces the chances of many severe medical conditions.

Many people think that spaying and neutering will stunt a dog’s growth. However, once you fix a Cane Corso, you’ll cause a delay in the closure of the growth plates. This will cause him to grow even taller than he normally would!


If your pooch didn’t get proper nutrition during his growth period, his growth will likely be stunted.

If you don’t give your Cane Corso enough food or if you don’t feed him the right dog food with proper nutrients, he won’t grow as big as his peers.

Puppyhood is a crucial stage in a dog’s life, especially when it comes to growth. You need to provide your pup with vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients to ensure his muscles and bones grow properly.


Worm infections are a common problem in Cane Corso puppies. While they can be a dangerous and potentially deadly issue, the consequences go even beyond this.

When your dog is infected by ringworms, the parasites will absorb the nutrients that would normally go inside his body. This will cause the same effects as malnutrition.

Because of this, it’s essential to take your pup to the vet if you suspect he has been in contact with ringworm larvae. The sooner you give him deworming medication, the lesser the consequences wil be.

How To Help Your Cane Corso Grow

Now that you know what affects your pup’s growth, it’s time to give some tips on how you can help him reach his full size! We all want our family companions to be the best dogs they can be, and one of the ways to do this is to help them be healthy and happy.

Here are some tips for new Cane Corso parents who want their dogs to grow big and strong:

Give them proper nutrition. You don’t want to save on dog food. Purchase high-quality products that are designed with large dog needs in mind. There are many products that are labeled as the best Cane Corso dog food, but you need to make sure you’re feeding him something that will give him all the right nutrients he needs.

Don’t skip exercise. The Cane Corso is an active dog breed that requires regular exercise. While this might not affect the dog’s height, it can help him maintain a healthy weight and give him the muscular appearance that this dog breed is adored for. Not to mention that exercise and training will help strengthen his bones and improve posture – and he might even lose any excess weight he has.

Regular vet visits are the key. A dog has to be healthy to reach the recommended size. The only way to make sure your pooch is of perfect health is to never skip vet visits. Speaking with a professional will help you learn proper feeding habits, and they might give you better insight into the Cane Corso growth chart.

​Does Size Matter?

Photo from: @cash_canecorso

Most dog owners don’t buy Cane Corsos with the intent to measure him to the last inch just to make sure the dog meets certain criteria – unless you want to take your dog to a dog show, in which case, things change, but this is a discussion for another time.

However, you should have some idea about whether your dog fits into the Cane Corso growth chart as this is a great way to know if he is healthy.

Sure, a dog might be sick and still be of proper size – in fact, this is the more common scenario than the opposite. Despite this, some health issues will cause stunted growth, and these problems can have life-long consequences.

If you notice your Cane Corso puppy is growing too slowly, or if your older dog has suddenly gained a lot of weight, looking at a Cane Corso growth chart can help you understand whether there is a need for concern.

If you suspect there is something wrong with your dog due to his size, it’s of utmost importance to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

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