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California Woman Noticed Something Looking At Her From A Field Only To Be Shocked By A Realization

California Woman Noticed Something Looking At Her From A Field Only To Be Shocked By A Realization

Sometimes, timely decisions not only yield the best results, but they actually save lives! 

If it wasn’t for a brave woman that day, Petey, the stray, would probably not have made it on his own.

This tiny little pup was hiding under a tree in Garden Grove, California, when a random passenger spotted him, but he was too scared to let anyone approach him. 

Trying not to make him any more anxious than he clearly was, the passenger posted the photo of Petey on social media, which was enough for a giant-hearted woman to rush into what turned out to be a life-saving action! 

“I Knew He Wouldn’t Make It Through The Night”

little dog sitting near big tree

It was Suzette Hall, a long-time rescuer of Logan’s Legacy, from Irvine, California, who saw Petey’s photo and decided to jump into action.

She was so worried about this tiny pup, as he was definitely not capable of defending himself, and she was already told by one of the locals that the area Petey was hiding in was full of coyotes.

dog sitting near big metal fence

“Poor baby thought he was safe there but with the coyotes he wasn’t. I knew he wouldn’t make it through the night,” Suzette wrote on her Facebook.

Anxious And Timid, Petey Needed Time To Calm Down

Once Hall got to the spot, she noticed that Petey was sitting in the very same spot for quite some time. It was as if he was looking for his family while trying to protect himself at the same time.

The rescue mission didn’t quite go as planned, as Petey was just too anxious and scared to be approached by anyone. Hall then tried a different approach! 

She set two humane traps, filled with dog food, on both sides of the field Petey was hiding in and distanced herself far enough to let him find his way to it.

It took him some time, but eventually, Petey went into it – and he was finally safe!

“He was starving, circling my trap. He would stretch his tiny legs as far as he could stretch them, too scared to go to the back of my trap. He stretched his tiny legs again… And then he got brave. He got the courage,” wrote Suzette.

Transforming Into The Sweetest Lovebug

cute dog sitting in a cage

It took him some time to relax, but eventually, Petey calmed down and let Hall pet him. As soon as he felt the gentle touch of a hooman, he transformed into the sweetest lovebug! 

As it was already late in the evening, Hall decided to sleep in the car with Petey and take him to the vet first thing in the morning.

close up view of stray puppy

She even sent the photo of him to Garden Grove Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets to try and find his family, but no one came forward.

Petey was sent to foster care where he made an unbelievable transformation into the sweetest little pup ever! While waiting for a furever home, he absolutely loved and enjoyed every moment with his foster family and his new doggo siblings.

It turns out that all it took for Petey to be happy was one timely decision and a little bit of love!