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Bullmastiff Price: Security At What Cost?

Bullmastiff Price: Security At What Cost?

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I’m glad the world can enjoy the wonderful Bullmastiff dog breed. They’re one of my favorite gentle giants. With their sweet eyes, and robust, muscular bodies, Bullmastiffs ooze with confidence.

They’re playful pups that keep one eye on the family, and the other on potential dangers.

I’ve never had a chance to spend more than a couple of hours with Bullmastiffs. Still, what I learned during those short hours is that Bullmastiffs are the best dogs for families seeking protection.

They’re as friendly as Golden Retrievers, and as alert as German Shepherds.

But, what’s the cost of this security? What should you know about the Bullmastiff price?

Today, I will break down for you the initial purchase price of a Bullmastiff puppy, followed by in-detail expenses divided into main categories.

Keep on reading to find out what kind of a budget you’ll need for food, toys, veterinary checkups…

Breed Information: A Word About The Bullmastiff Dog Breed

Bullmastiff puppy lying on a green grass

The British Island is proud of its many dog breeds, one of them being the Bullmastiff. This is a love puppy of an English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Over the years, the Bullmastiff has distinguished itself as a breed of its own, with a breed standard and many supporters.

Bullmastiffs are large dogs by default. On average, a Bullmastiff will weigh over 100 pounds! This is why Bullmastiffs are the ideal dogs to be called “gentle giants”. You’ve probably heard of many gentle giants in the canine world. The Newfoundland dog is one of them.

Bullmastiffs are excellent guard dogs that will make your family feel safe all the time. Intruders have nothing on this big fella! If they sense their family is in danger or in any sort of distress, they will react. What amazing watchdogs these pups are!
This Mastiff breed is very fond of its family members, especially kids. They’re playful, friendly, and easygoing. Rarely does any other dog breed get along with adults, kids, AND other animals like the Bullmastiff does. Their big stature doesn’t ooze with intimidating vibes. You can see that their soul is kind if you gaze into those sad, puppy-dog eyes.

Personally, I would always recommend a Bullmastiff if you’re looking for a protector for the entire family. They make terrific family dogs. Their rich history in serving as gamekeepers guarding against poachers makes the Bullmastiff dog breed dominant over other dog breeds like the Cane Corso, the German Shepherd, or the Rottweiler.

Bullmastiffs are very much in demand these days. But, before you decide whether to get this popular pup or not, I recommend you check out the expected costs of owning a Bullmastiff puppy.

Initial Purchase Price For Bullmastiff Puppies

The dog breed Bullmastiff on a green grass

Bullmastiffs are expensive dogs… rare and wonderful, but really expensive. They’re not the kind you’ll see hidden in an animal shelter waiting for adoption. If you want a Bullmastiff puppy, you will need a good dog breeder; someone who will charge for the dog’s high quality.

The average price of a Bullmastiff should range between $2,000 and $3,500. See, the Bullmastiff breed wants you to have deep pockets.

However, show-quality Bullmastiffs and pet-quality pups don’t cost the same. The puppy price for a pet-quality Bullmastiff is usually around $1,500. Now, this is more reasonable.

Of course, if you demand premium bloodlines with a pedigree, ready to compete in dog shows, you will need to pay even more than the mentioned $3,500.

Reputable breeders are the only choice for buying such pups, but even they have their own flaws. You see, the Bullmastiff price is pretty pumped up because of all the competitors on the market.

I recommend you visit Puppyfinder and American Kennel Club (AKC) MarketPlace if you need a list of good Bullmastiff breeders.

First Year With A Bullmastiff: All Expenses

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Here, you have a chart of average expenses that await every future Bullmastiff dog owner. I’ve narrowed it down to only the necessary items, but you can absolutely go crazy with the shopping if you want. If your budget allows, you can buy the most expensive dog bed or the tastiest dog food. No one will blame you.

Luckily, the biggest expenses fall within the first year. This has a lot to do with the actual Bullmastiff price with the breeder. Later on, your dog won’t need new toys, collars, or beds all the time; therefore, the average Bullmastiff cost for adult dogs will significantly reduce in the following years.

Budgeting Food: How Much Do Bullmastiffs Eat?

bullmastiff in the nature

Big dogs eat a lot. That’s a fact. But, big dogs shouldn’t eat a lot in one sitting.

You see, dogs like Bullmastiffs, which are brachycephalic, shouldn’t eat too much in order to prevent a health condition called “bloat“. Bloat occurs when a dog has too much to eat in one big meal. A dog’s stomach fills with air and twists, causing general distress, breathing problems, and may even be fatal. Also, extensive exercises before and after should be forbidden for these large dogs.

Trust me, they don’t know when to stop. That’s why you should set up mealtime preferably twice a day. The total daily amount of dry kibble recommended for a Bullmastiff is 1 1/2 to 2 cups. Of course, this means high-quality kibble.

What I want to recommend to you are big and elevated food and water bowls. You can find them on Amazon or in any pet store starting at around $30 for a set of two. This helps prevent bloat, and makes feeding time more comfortable for your big boy since it doesn’t have to stoop down too much.

Bullmastiffs are canines that should consume high amounts of proteins from real animals. I wouldn’t stuff them with meat by-products, grains, or other fillers. Try to find a top-quality dog food brand that isn’t advertised that much. Chances are, they’re far better than regular dog kibble.

My recommendation for this dog breed would be Natural Balance Lamb & Brown Rice dog food. You will get 52 days’ worth of dog food for around $55. That’s a good deal if you ask me because this is premium-quality kibble.

Speaking of costs…

On average, you should set a budget of between $50 and $200 for dog food monthly. Food expenses vary because not every dog finds the same food to be appropriate for him. Also, add occasional treats to the count and you’ll match this budget.

I’d say this is a pretty reasonable expense keeping in mind you’re feeding a really big fella. Our Bullmastiff feeding chart let’s you in on all the food this big boy needs! 

Grooming Costs: Are Bullmastiffs High-Maintenance Dogs?

When getting a Bullmastiff puppy, or any other puppy to be precise, you should have a shopping list prepared containing all the necessary grooming items.

Sure, you can take your dog to see the groomer every once in a while, but you should be aware that professional groomers are pricey. Not every groomer in your area will take care of your Bullmastiff. Honestly, I’ve heard of cases where the breeder refuses to work with such large dog breeds.

If you do find a breeder who will take care of your doggie, prepare yourself for a hefty bill. Large dogs will cost more to groom, and that’s an undeniable fact. I understand them. It’s not the same to groom a Chihuahua versus a Bullmastiff.

Luckily, Bullmastiffs come with a lovely short coat, which is a delight for upkeeping. You can groom it alone at home! All you need are some good tools, including bristle and slicker brushes, dog shampoo, nail clippers, and some cleaning solutions for the ears and the eyes.

Good brushes can be found for only a couple of dollars online. Shampoos – natural ones, of course, can cost from $5 to $25. It all depends on the brand you prefer and the shampoo’s benefits.

Let’s do some math. I’ll imagine I’m buying grooming supplies for my new Bullmastiff.

Here’s what I would choose:

[lasso id=”23064″ link_id=”75578″ ref=”oatmeal-dog-shampoo-link”]

[lasso id=”23066″ link_id=”75579″ ref=”hertzko-self-cleaning-slicker-link”]

[lasso id=”23068″ link_id=”75580″ ref=”furminator-nail-clippers-link”]

[lasso id=”23070″ link_id=”75581″ ref=”vetnique-labs-ear-cleaner-link”]

This is pretty inexpensive. You don’t buy dog brushes or nail clippers every month, and you certainly won’t use all of the dog shampoo in one bathing session. We can’t really calculate a strict Bullmastiff price for grooming monthly. If I were you, I’d set aside $50 just in case your dog brush breaks down or you accidentally spill all of your pup’s shampoo.

Grooming costs can vary from $50 to $200. Naturally, the price can go up or down, too. It’s really a matter of your preferences.

Training A Bullmastiff: Does It Take A Lot Of Money?

Bullmastiffs are smart cookies. They love learning new things, and they’re highly motivated by snacks and praise. In other words, positive reinforcement works wonders! This dog breed loves to be around humans, so don’t be surprised if training goes smooth like a hot knife through butter.

However, we live a fast life, and many dog owners aren’t home all the time. This makes training, especially obedience training, quite difficult. Dogs need socialization and training lessons. Otherwise, you will end up with a dog that’s not ready to face the outside world.

Luckily, there is a solution in the form of professional dog trainers. These guys will cover everything from potty lessons to basic commands and obedience. All you have to do is bring your dog… and bring money, too!

Experts claim that Bullmastiffs need approximately nine lessons in order to become well-functioning dogs. These lessons can cost you from $900 to $1,200. I wouldn’t skimp on professional training, especially if I’m not capable of teaching my dog at home. You can find a cheap trainer, but at what cost?

Find a reliable one, even if he’s on the pricier end. This will only mean successful training and a socialized Bullmastiff.

Veterinary Bills: Will They Knock You Off Your Feet?

Pet bullmastiff dog sitting near the river

On average, vet bills should vary from 0 to $400 a month. Not every month in your dog’s life will be critical or require a vet’s assistance. There are good months with zero expenses, so I recommend you put aside a small amount to be prepared.

Veterinary bills include all sorts of treatments from tick and flea meds to vaccinations and procedures like spaying or neutering.

Most Bullmastiff breeders will sell you a puppy that isn’t spayed or neutered. If you don’t want more puppies, you should go with these procedures. They have a price range from $50 to $500 depending on your location. It’s an unwritten rule that spaying is more expensive than neutering.

The first visit to your vet should be done within 72 hours of getting the puppy. This visit will cost you around $500, more or less. The vet will examine the puppy, give you useful tips, and introduce you to all sorts of treatments and your pup’s vaccination schedule.

Treatments to prevent heartworm and fleas cost from $5 to $120. The vet recommends that you keep on taking them throughout your dog’s life.

As for vaccinations, you will get a schedule of your dog’s vaccination, and a recommendation to let your dog take some shots in case he spends lots of time outside and with other dogs.

Such vaccinations are against:

• influenza ($70-$90)

• Lyme disease ($50-$80)

• leptospirosis ($15-$20)

I highly recommend you let your dog get these shots to prevent further complications.

After the first year, your vet expenses should come down between $120 and $250 per year. Naturally, there are still health risks you should be aware of, and as such, those health risks bring more veterinary bills.

The most common health problems with this dog breed are:

hip dysplasia

elbow dysplasia

cranial cruciate ligament rupture (as the most severe ones)



hypothyroidism (as some less severe conditions)

Hip dysplasia is a health condition that affects a dog’s overall life quality and lifespan the most. This crippling pain can be stopped in two ways.

You can choose between two options:

a) pain management and physical treatments

b) hip replacement surgery

Treatment for this painful health issue will cost you anywhere from $500 to $12,000!

Elbow dysplasia treatment varies from $2,000 to $3,000 per elbow.

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture is a condition that usually strikes senior Bullmastiffs. In case your dog has issues with this rupture, he will need surgery. The hospital bill should be around $100 to $4,000 depending on how severe the rupture is.

Hypothyroidism requires lifelong medications, which may cost from $300 to $900.

Entropion is easily solved with cosmetic surgery, and will cost you from $700 to $1,500.

Of course, these are worst-case scenarios. There is still a chance your Bullmastiff won’t suffer from any of the mentioned conditions.

Bullmastiff Cost: Additional Expenses

Bullmastiff dog lying on the ground

Photo from: @buddy_bella02

As if all the previous expenses were not enough, we now have additional expenses for you, my friend!

Under additional or secondary expenses, I list the following things:

• microchipping

• pet insurance

• dog walking / dog sitting service

• license

In case you don’t get a puppy that has already been microchipped, I highly recommend you do it as soon as the puppy arrives. Microchipping is cheap. For only $20 to $50, you’ll be able to track down your dog if it gets lost.

Pet insurance is something I’d like you to consider. It’s not only insurance in case something bad happens to your dog; it’s a program that covers your emergency veterinary bills and really saves the day.

Pet insurance is affordable. For an average of $550 per year, you can sleep soundly knowing your dog’s health is covered.

Licenses are some things that every dog owner must obtain. So, don’t bother skipping them; they’re only $10 to $20! These documents will list you as the dog owner, and will carry all the necessary info about your Bullmastiff.

Lastly, dog walking or sitting services. Now, this is a tricky one. Most dog walkers will charge you $20 to $50 for an hour-long walk. Pet sitting services are far more complicated. Their prices vary from really cheap ones at around $50 to expensive daycare centers for a couple of hundred dollars a month.

If you’re a working pawrent, you should consider a dog sitting service or an individual. Check out your area for reliable people who would look after your Bullmastiff. Prices for this service really vary a lot.

Tibetan Mastiff Puppy Cost

Bullmastiff puppy sitting on a green grass

Lastly, I have to address the price of a Tibetan Mastiff, which is quite a curiosity in the canine world.

You see, Tibetan Mastiffs usually go for $1,000 to $5,000. Yes, they’re very expensive dogs. I recommend you sit down and grab a glass of water because what I’m going to say will shock you.

The most expensive Tibetan Mastiff, Big Splash, was sold for a sky-rocketing price of $1.5 million! That’s not a lot of money… that’s beyond every common sense!

Now, you won’t think that regular Bullmastiffs are too expensive, right?

Is There A Difference Between A Mastiff And A Bullmastiff Or Are They The Same?

Bullmastiff walking in the park

Many people have problems with finding differences between Mastiffs and Bullmastiffs. However, they’re pretty obvious as it’s a matter of two different dog breeds.

For starters, you should know that Mastiffs are much, much older than Bullmastiffs. The first Mastiff dogs originated in ancient times, around 2700 B.C.E. The breed as we know it today was distinguished during the 1500s.

Our Bullmastiff is a much younger kind, dating back to the early 1800s. Still, the Bullmastiff has some ol’ Mastiff blood. It’s an old soul trapped in a new body.

Besides the origin difference, which not all people know, Bullmastiffs and Mastiffs differ in their appearance. To a trained eye, it’s not a problem to tell which one is which. You’ll be able to figure out the differences soon.

Purebred Bullmastiffs are smaller than Mastiffs, both weight- and height-wise. The difference is uncanny since Mastiffs can weigh twice as much as Bullmastiffs. For example, an average Mastiff can pack on over 200 pounds in weight, while our Bullmastiffs can weigh around 100 pounds.

Physical differences are the only features that set these dogs apart. They may look the same on the outside, with their fawn, brindle, or red coat colors and black markings, but Mastiffs and Bullmastiffs are quite opposite personality-wise.

While both dog breeds are extremely territorial and protective, Mastiffs seem to be more relaxed than Bullmastiffs… as if they’re saying: Relax, human, I’ve got everything under control. Bullmastiffs won’t act like that. They will stay alert even when they’re snoozing.

A curiosity about both breeds is that they’re big droolers. Mastiffs drool more, but that’s just because they have bigger jowls. Still, you will need to handle this messy situation no matter which breed you own.

They are so similar, and yet so different. These friendly big boys are incredibly loyal pups. At the end of the day, you will be satisfied with both of them.


The Bullmastiff price falls within the expensive range of prices. You will need to set aside $2,000 to $5,000 to get this gorgeous puppy. However, Bullmastiff puppies can be found for an average price of $1,500 if you care for pet-quality pups.

But, the initial purchase price shouldn’t really worry you. It’s the additional expenses that add up the bill.

When you put down everything on paper, you’ll notice that the first year spent with a Bullmastiff puppy is the most expensive one. You’ll need constant treatments, vaccinations, and new collars and harnesses since your puppy will be growing, along with appropriate dog food.

But, aren’t you glad the high expenses will stop in only 12 months. Yes, they will reduce in half, and you’ll be left with a happy Bullmastiff doggie and a few extra bucks in the bank.

To wrap it up, the Bullmastiff price is high, but think of the amazing pet you’ll get for life!

Read Next: Top 9 English Mastiff Breeders In The U.S.