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Louisiana Boy Spots Strange Fuzzy Lump Near Storm Drain, Leading Parents To Stunning Discovery

Louisiana Boy Spots Strange Fuzzy Lump Near Storm Drain, Leading Parents To Stunning Discovery

A cheerful boy was walking casually through the streets of Hammond, Louisiana one day, not expecting anything surprising to happen. However, at one point, he noticed a fuzzy lump near a storm drain.

He was instantly aware that something was wrong, but he didn’t want to do anything himself. That is why he called his parents to investigate the situation.

They quickly came to that place, and when they saw what was going on, they decided to immediately call for help.

Saved Just In Time

The little creature who was helplessly lying near the storm drain was a baby skunk, also known as a kit. These kind people were heartbroken because of this sight, but they didn’t know what to do. 

Accordingly, they didn’t want to do anything by themselves, but they called animal experts from Geaux Wild Rehab, a rehabilitation center located in Hammond, Louisiana. 

Tisha Raiford, the director of the center, asked them to bring the baby animal to the center’s premises and was very grateful that these people decided to help the poor animal in the first place. 

“I am so thankful for people who stop to rescue an innocent life and don’t just turn their backs and keep going by,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

When they finally brought the kit to the rehab center, Tisha was even happier after realizing that this poor creature had been saved just in time. Namely, she had maggots on a sensitive part of her body, and those can be very dangerous if not treated in time. 

“I am so glad she was found because maggots can cause so much damage. Praying that she will be strong and healthy and NOT poof again,” Tisha wrote in the post. 

To her delight, the vets did a fantastic job so this baby skunk was soon out of danger. 

“Spicy Little Thing”

After a certain period of stay in the rehabilitation center, progress was visible, and this baby skunk was finally healthy and behaved well.

“She’s thriving,” Tisha told The Dodo. “She’s eating and growing just as she should … She’s a spicy little thing. She likes to spray.”

From an abandoned animal that none of the passers-by wanted to help, this baby skunk came to a happy life full of care and love, all thanks to good people for whom every living being is important.

All she needs is the happiest ending, that is, to return to where she belongs. Fortunately, that will happen soon as well, and seven more of her friends from the rehab center will share her happiness. 

“She’ll go in that group of eight,” Tisha said. “And the whole group will be released together.”