California Rescuers Uncover Another Fake Shelter And Help 23 Neglected Dogs Get A New Chance
There is nobility in being a dog rescuer. It’s a job that takes a lot of strength and patience, and it’s most definitely not for …
There is nobility in being a dog rescuer. It’s a job that takes a lot of strength and patience, and it’s most definitely not for …
The health and well-being of their dog is one of the biggest concerns of every loving owner. So, you can imagine how terrified a family …
A kind-hearted man was on his way to work when he spotted a pile of trash scattered along the road. As he approached the pile, …
Monty and his brother, Phoenix, were surrendered to animal control when they were just four-and-a-half-week-old puppies. Kathleen C. Cailloux Humane Society of Kerrville (KCHS), a …
It’s difficult to put into words and describe how heartbroken two dogs felt after they were cruelly dumped in the Utah desert without any food …
Many shelter dogs never get the chance to experience life in a beautiful family. Black dogs, in particular, face this heartbreaking issue the most. Due …
When animal control came across a stray Pittie named Juni, they rescued her and realized that she had recently had puppies. As much as they …
It was vacation time for these farm owners from Pennsylvania who just wanted to relax and enjoy their time as a family. During their leisure …
All stray dogs long to be loved and to have a roof over their heads. T-Rex was not the exception. When the eleven-month-old puppy ended …
Cold weather isn’t a friend of stray and abandoned animals, that’s for sure. So, when John Debacker, a long-time rescuer from Long Island, New York, …