Senior Dog Saved From A Horror Home In Pennsylvania Gets A Second Chance At Life
Sometimes, I can’t help but think about all the animals tucked away in the kennels of shelters. This pup right here is somebody’s dream dog. …
Sometimes, I can’t help but think about all the animals tucked away in the kennels of shelters. This pup right here is somebody’s dream dog. …
All Sweet Potato ever wanted was someone to love her – and someone to love! Yet, what she received instead was truly heartless abandonment in …
Among many abandonment stories I’ve come across over the years, Nova’s is definitely one of the hardest. This good boi ended up being thrown away …
Most of our canine fellows love spending time with their beloved owners, and that’s when they’re usually the happiest. However, not all dogs are the …
On the internet, we often see struggling dogs who just want to have enough food to make it through the day. The common assumption is …
There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a dog who lives under the iron fist of its owner and is used solely for breeding purposes. …
One trait that I have always admired about dogs is their perseverance. I just keep wondering how they can endure so much and stay so …
When I read dog stories, I am reminded over and over again just how much good is in this world and that we need more …
Not every dog is lucky enough to start their life in an idyllic environment – a warm home and a loving family. In fact, many …
The love we have for our canines is boundless and it will last forever. Our pups feel our love and they know that we will …