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American Bully Growth Chart: Here’s How Your Bully Grows

American Bully Growth Chart: Here’s How Your Bully Grows

The American Bully is the love child of the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pitbull, with many other bulldog breeds. This sweet pup is a fairly new dog breed in the canine world and homes across the States.

Even though they’re new, we can distinguish four main types of the American Bully. Lately, the experts are talking about a new type; the extreme Bully.

No matter which Bully you own, they all should be raised properly, with good dog food and lots of care. Of course, future Bully owners should be aware of the American Bully growth chart. This chart will give them general guidelines that will make raising the American Bully a lot easier.

The UKC recognized this breed in 2013, while the American Bully Kennel Club did so back in 2004. I recognize them as a dear dog breed worthy of today’s discussion.

American Bully Growth Chart

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American Bully Size Chart: How Big Are The Four Bully Categories?

two american bullies on a leash

The American Bully dog breed is proud to have four different types of puppies within their family. Those different categories include standard, classic, pocket, and XL or extra large American Bully.

Lately, there has been a new addition to the family; the extreme American Bully.

Even though they belong to the same family, these Bullies are all different in size and shape. Still, they do have certain similarities.

Here, you have an American Bully weight chart for general guidelines:

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As you can notice, their nicknames truly match their sizes.

Now, let’s discuss each American Bully in detail.

Standard American Bully

The American Bulldog was first bred in the States back in the 1990s. It was supposed to be a show variety of the American Pitbull Terrier, but it became a beloved pet.

When we think of companion dogs, we usually have small, cuddly breeds in mind. However, this is not the case with this companion pooch.

The American Bully is not a small dog, nor is it fluffy and cuddly. They’re mighty paws with a big body frame in proportion with their weight.

As for their size, standard American Bullies can grow from 17 to 20 inches at the withers, while females are a bit smaller, at 16 to 19 inches.

Both genders have the same lifespan of 10 to 14 years.

The Bully’s appearance is something that doesn’t leave people without a comment. They look intimidating at first, but they sure aren’t dangerous.

The Bully’s head is large, with defined jaws. Their whole body is covered in muscles, especially their broad chest. The eyes are placed with some distance between them, shaped like almonds, and oozing with kindness.

Fun fact: The standard American Bully is able to take a lot of pain without making a sound. He never shows he’s hurt, so potential enemies can’t take it against him.

American Bully Classic

The classic American Bully is a variation of the standard Bully, similar in size, weight, and appearance. However, these Bullies seem to be a bit lighter.

The classic American Bully resembles the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pitbull Terrier. They, too, have a defined jawline, a big head, and a muscular body frame.

Even though they’re not as muscular as the standard Bully, classic Bullies are still being put in the basket of dominant pups.

Classics endure pain, too, but they’re considered as terrific protector dogs that are kind with children and the rest of the family.

XL American Bully

The only difference between the XL and the standard or classic American Bully is the size.

The XL Bully is the largest of all American Bullies, with 20 to 23 inches at the withers for males, and 19 to 22 inches for females.

They are thick, muscular dogs with a deep chest and defined lines. Simply put: they’re mighty dogs!

See Also: Here Are 8 XL Bully Breeders You Can Trust!

Pocket American Bully

Even though they’re the shortest of all Bullies, pocket Bullies are still heavy and strong dogs. They shouldn’t be considered small breed dogs or toy dogs. Think of them as a sort of compact American Bully!

Want a mighty paw like the standard Bully, but a bit smaller for your apartment living? Go with the Pocket American Bully!

Extreme American Bully

The Extreme Bully is the biggest variation of the standard Bully. While they’re not as big as Mastiff dogs, Extreme Bullies are still considered large breed dogs that are strong, with a massive body structure.

The adult Extreme American Bully is thick, with heavy bones and lots of muscle mass. This dog has an arched, muscular neck, and broad shoulders. Can we call them bodybuilder dogs? Absolutely!

Besides their muscular build, here’s how you can recognize these Bullies: they have a loose lip and a higher rear.

How Big Will My American Bully Puppy Get?

two american bullies running

Chances are, you will find a standard American Bully as they’re the most common ones. The standard American Bully weighs between 65 and 85 pounds, and is measured at 16 to 20 inches at the withers.

One of the first things a future Bully owner will ask himself is: how big will my puppy get?

Some dog owners don’t have the luxury of living in big apartments, or owning a house with a back yard. A large dog has to have its space.

That’s why figuring out how big adult dogs will be is crucial.

One of the ways you can figure out the future size of your puppy is to look at the parents. Females usually take after their mom, while males take after their father. You can’t expect a tiny puppy from a big parent unless it’s a litter runt.

Another way is to look at the puppy’s paws. If the puppy has unusually large paws, it can also be a sign that he or she will grow up to be a big dog.

Of course, there is always DNA testing that can determine the dog’s future size if you’re really that curious.

American Bully Puppyhood 101

black american bully puppy

Newborn American Bully puppies are pretty much helpless. They’re blind, deaf, and rely completely on their mom. At this stage, the puppy can’t do anything on its own.

He depends on the mother for everything: feeding, cleaning, and staying warm. This period lasts up to two weeks when the puppy spends all of its time eating and sleeping. Its eyes aren’t open yet.

This is also the stage when you or the breeder should perform the first deworming treatment as they’re prone to getting parasites.

The socialization period starts at the age of three weeks and lasts up to the age of 12 weeks. The first vaccinations are administered around week eight.

Out of all stages of your puppy’s development, I can say this stage is the most important one because it’s the stage that will tell us how the puppies will behave in the future.

Socialization is crucial, and puppies learn this the hard way: by making encounters with different dogs, people, situations, and environments.

Think of this period as puppy adolescence, which occurs around the age of 12 weeks. During this stage, the puppy’s growth rate will slow down.

Welcome to adulthood. It sucks, you’re gonna love it!

By being mature, I mean the American Bullies have reached sexual maturity. This usually happens around the age of six months.

At this stage, the females get their first heat cycle. You should be very strict with dog training during this stage as the dogs become prone to aggression, wandering, and bad habits.

Bye-bye puppy weight! Hello adulthood and adult weight! Say goodbye to puppy food, too, as the Bully needs proper, grown-up kibble. This transition happens around the age of 18 months.

To keep your dog at a healthy weight, you should let them have plenty of exercise and eat only the best food possible.

When Do American Bullies Stop Growing?

four american bullies

There are no strict milestones that can determine when a male or a female puppy will stop growing. Not every dog breed is the same, and not every gender grows at the same rate.

For most dog breeds, a puppy is considered an adult at the age of 12 months. The first year brings many changes into a dog’s life. But, these changes don’t stop when the puppy turns 12 months of age.

Significant changes to the dog’s bones, weight, and overall size still continue to happen after this milestone. This development can last for an additional six to 24 months! That makes the dog fully grown at the age of three years.

For first-time owners, it’s natural to wonder when their American Bully will stop growing. Being a Bulldog-type puppy, many people believe that Bullies will be giant dogs. American Bullies are larger dogs, but they’re not giants like a Great Dane.

However, we don’t have a breed standard when it comes to weight for this dog breed. What we do know is that a Bully’s weight should always be in proportion with the dog’s body frame.

Some dogs grow faster; some grow slower, and that’s completely okay. Some dogs will achieve a full weight of 88 pounds, while others will stay at the lower boundary of 66 pounds.

You shouldn’t be worried if your puppy doesn’t follow the American Bully growth chart blindly. Dogs grow at different growth rates. If you provide ultimate care, regular vet visits, and lots of love, your Bully will grow at a satisfying rate.

My brother in law has a classic American Bully, and he was nowhere near the suggested American Bully growth chart.

Pluto has always been a chubby Bully despite limited treats. He’s just chunky. If it wasn’t for its height, I’d say the breeder lied to Jonas and sold him the XL Bully.

Read More: Best American Bully Breeders

Is There A Link Between A Puppy’s Growth And Spaying Or Neutering?

There is a fine line between a puppy’s growth and these procedures.

Spaying and neutering doesn’t have much effect on the dog’s overall growth. However, this doesn’t mean that you should perform these procedures at any stage of your puppy’s life.

For example, spaying or neutering at the age of only two months is just ridiculous. Just let the puppies grow up a bit before you perform the mentioned procedures.

Getting the dog spayed or neutered too early is unnecessary. Most experts claim that the best age to spay or neuter an American Bully is from four to nine months of age.

At this stage, females will get their first heat cycle. If you don’t plan to breed your American Bully female, you should spay her. Spaying prevents unwanted pregnancies, and it minimizes the risks of UTIs (uterine infections), breast cancer, and ovary cancer.

On the other hand, neutering prevents testicular cancer, but the proceedure’s many benefits affect the dog’s behavior the most. Neutered males don’t wander away as unneutered males, and they’re less likely to develop aggressive behavior.

What Is BCS Or Body Condition Score?

Body Condition Score (BCS) is a sort of weight calculator that determines the ideal weight of your pet. Think of it as the BMI we humans use to measure our ideal weight according to our height and age.

The BCS scale has a range from 1 to 9, with 1 being an indicator for underweight dogs, and 9 being a sign that your dog is obese. The ideal BCS score for the American Bully is 5 out of 9.

The mark ‘5’ means that the dog is within the breed standard. Dogs with the ideal BCS score have an abdominal tuck. Their waist is visible when you look at the dog from above. Also, the rib cage is not covered in too much fat, and the ribs aren’t protruding.

Extreme scores of 1 and 9 require immediate vet help.

Here’s How To Help An Overweight / Underweight American Bully

man petting an american bully

At some point of raising an American Bully puppy, you will ask yourself: Is my puppy the right weight?

If you want only the best for your puppy, and have him grow up in a safe environment, it’s natural to ask such a question. But, what should you actually do if your Bully puppy is not the right weight?

The first thing you should do when you get a puppy is monitor its growth by following the changes on your dog’s body and studying the standard American Bully size charts.

Parameters like the dog’s age can tell you whether its weight is appropriate for the stage your puppy is at. The measurements don’t have to be identical. Not every puppy grows at the same rate, so if the sizes are similar, you shouldn’t worry about a thing.

However, lately, we’ve noticed that many dogs have become a bit obese. I blame the many delicious treats available for our puppies. You will spot an obese dog if there is too much fat on its ribs.

On the other hand, underweight dogs have a visible rib cage, and they look terribly exhausted.

If you notice the first signs of severe obesity or lack of weight, you must consult your vet. Only the dogs that follow the American Bully growth chart nearly may reach their full potential.

Overweight and underweight dogs are a serious problem, and they should be treated immediately. We can’t say that one condition is easier than the other because in some cases, obesity may be caused by thyroid problems, and that’s not harmless at all.

If you believe your American Bully is obese, then you should help him by:

– changing the dog’s diet and introducing healthy, balanced meals

– removing treats from the dog’s diet

– exercising the dog on a daily basis by taking him on hikes, runs, and playing games with him

If your Bully still isn’t losing weight, then consult your vet. Hidden health problems can be a cause of obesity.

If you notice your dog is underweight, you should make some changes in your dog’s diet. Pay extra attention to what your dog eats. You should always check out what the back of the dog food says.

The first ingredient should be real proteins. You shouldn’t choose dog food with meat by-products or fillers like soy or corn. Dogs need their daily dose of minerals, vitamins, carbs, and proteins. Kibble that is rich in carbs, but poor in proteins isn’t the kind you should choose for your dog. Furthermore, you might consider choosing the raw diet for your American Bully.

Also, reduce the amount of exercise your dog is having if you suspect he’s underweight. If you go on runs together, don’t push your dog’s limits.

What Kind Of Dog Food Do Overweight / Underweight Dogs Need?

american bully being fed a treat

Growing American Bully puppies can eat a lot. They really have a big appetite. But, these growing puppies need premium-quality dog food for proper development. If you don’t give them the right nutrition, these puppies won’t grow up to achieve their full potential.

Here’s how you should feed your American Bully puppies:

– Puppies under four months: feed four meals a day

– Puppies from four to 10 months: feed three meals a day

– After 10 months: feed two meals a day

One giant meal a day isn’t a good idea. It may lead to low blood sugar. Too long of time intervals between the feedings can only hurt your dog. Also, dogs may develop bloat, which is stomach torsion usually seen in large dogs, and this can be fatal.

These are your recommended feeding amounts for an American Bulldog puppy:

– three cups per day until four months of age

– Up to five cups per day between four and 12 months

– three to four cups a day for adults over 12 months

Combine this with an active lifestyle rich in activities like running, playing games, or hiking, and you will have a healthy American Bully.

What Type Of Health Problems Affect A Bully’s Growth?

american bully and puppy

With the average lifespan of 10 to 14 years, the American Bully is a dog that can give you lots of happy years as long as you do your best to provide it a good life. However, as with other dog breeds, you can expect certain health issues with the American Bully. These listed diseases can also be transferred to other Bully mixes.

The most common health problems that this breed faces are:

– Hip Dysplasia. Unfortunately, hip dysplasia can’t be detected until the dog becomes an adult. It’s impossible to detect this defect during the puppy stage. Hip dysplasia is a deformation when the hip joint grows abnormally and leads to a deformity that affects the dog’s mobility.

– Patellar Luxation. This represents abnormal growth of the kneecap, which eventually dislocates and causes limping and severe pain.

– Cleft palate/lip. This condition represents a malformation of the mouth or the top lip. Even though this condition doesn’t affect the dog’s lifespan, it does seriously affect the quality of the dog’s life. A cleft palate requires cosmetic surgery to improve the pup’s overall lifestyle.

Demodectic mange. Since the American Bully doesn’t have a rich, double coat, it’s pretty easy to discover demodectic mange with these dogs. This condition causes hair loss and scabs.

– Congenital heart failure. Otherwise known as an “enlarged heart”, this condition leads to fluids being released in the body. Even though American Bullies are dogs with giant hearts, it doesn’t mean their actual heart should be enlarged.

– Ichthyosis. This is also a skin condition, but it causes thickening and peeling of the dog’s paw pads.

– Atopy. As a quite common skin allergy, atopy should be treated to prevent further discomfort. It’s often found with rare coat colors, i.e., the blue Bully.

– Cerebellar abiotrophy. This is one of the rare conditions that can be detected in puppyhood. It affects the puppy’s brain and nervous system.

– Hypothyroidism. This causes severe thyroid gland problems that affect the dog’s weight, cause weight gain, and makes the dog’s activity slower.

– Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Also known as PRA, this is an eye disease that gradually disintegrates the dog’s eyesight and may lead to blindness.

– Cataracts. This is another eye disease that affects this breed. Cataracts can cause vision loss, but it can be corrected with surgery.

All of the listed diseases may affect the dog’s growth rate. If you notice that your puppy is far off the standard American Bully growth chart, then you should consult your vet to run some health testings.

Which Factors Are Responsible For Changes In The Growth Curve?


A dog’s growth can be affected by genetic health problems. That’s why we always ask the breeder to see the puppy’s parents and their health records. Genetics will decide what your dog will look like and which diseases it will be prone to.


Of course, feeding your dog is important! In fact, it’s the most important thing. But, it’s also important what you feed your dog.
You shouldn’t just hop on Amazon and order the first bag of kibble that you see. An inappropriate diet can create chaos with your dog’s overall health.

Unsuitable dog food may stunt the growth or cause health issues. Pick smaller brands with protein-based recipes for your Bully.


Gender difference is one of the biggest factors as to why American Bully puppies grow at different rates. Males tend to grow faster than females; hence, they are bigger in size than females.


The dog’s overall health is another significant factor that affects the growth curve, but more on American Bully health problems later.

How Long Are American Bullies Pregnant?

Got 63 days to wait? Well, that’s how long your American Bully female will be pregnant. But, it’s always a day or two over or under this number. The average gestation period lasts from 57 to 63 days.

At this period, I recommend you buy dog food that is designed for pregnant and nursing American Bullies to help them survive the new stage called momhood.

How Big Are American Bully Litters?

The American Bully has an average litter size of four to eight puppies. This is a pretty standard number for dogs, but there are always cases when there are just too many puppies for the mom to handle. Still, I recommend you help her with nursing, and watch closely as to which puppies don’t get enough milk. We don’t want nature to take its course this early.


black american bully1. How do you properly weigh an American Bully?

If you couldn’t figure this out so far, monitoring your dog’s weight is more important than you think.

This means measuring and weighing your dog on a regular schedule. No, it doesn’t mean we should have our American Bullies step on the scale every morning like we do, but a couple of times a year is perfectly fine.

You don’t have anything to worry about if your Bully gets plenty of exercise and eats premium-quality dog food without fillers or treats. Bullies are dogs that are prone to obesity, and that’s something you should keep in mind.

To weigh an American Bully, you will need to visit the vet and have him weigh the dog on the dog scale.

However, if you want to do this at home, you should step on the scale and measure yourself first. Then, hold your dog and measure the two of you together. The difference in weight is your pup’s current weight.

You’re a lucky dog owner if your Bully wants to step on the scale all by himself. It makes things so much easier!

2. What is an American Bully’s average neck size?

The American Bully has an average neck size of 14 to 18 inches.

Knowing the dog’s neck size is very important because the dog needs to wear a collar. A collar that’s too tight will be uncomfortable and may even hurt your dog. A collar that’s too loose will just slip off and your dog might wander away.

To get the ideal collar, you will need to learn how to measure the dog’s neck properly. Tie a tape measure around your Bully’s neck and put two fingers between the tape and the dog’s neck. If the fingers fit, that’s your dog’s neck size. Pick a collar according to size charts usually listed online alongside the collar.

3. What’s the average price of an American Bully?

You can think of American Bullies as rare dogs that you don’t see in your local park everyday. The biggest reason for this is their purchase price. To buy one of these sweet babies, you will need to have a pretty deep pocket.

The American Bully puppy can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000, with the average price of $3,500. This is pretty high when you take other dog breeds into consideration. For example, their cousin, the American Pitbull Terrier, costs significantly less.

However, this is only the initial buying price. Raising a bully puppy can be pretty expensive, too! The first year in the life of every dog owner is the most difficult one in terms of expenses.

A new puppy will need a good dog bed, new food and water bowls, a high-quality collar and harness, some toys, and, of course, premium-quality dog food. That’s a lot of things, and that’s a lot of money.

The average costs for the first year of owning an American Bully puppy can add up to $5,000! If you do some math, you will see that you need approximately $140 a month for keeping your Bully happy and its needs satisfied.

Are you ready for this kind of commitment?

Final Words

American Bully puppy growth chart is an important source for raising Bully puppies, especially if you’re a first-time Bully owner. And, mark our words, you will want a healthy and happy American Bully puppy.

To give these sweethearts the life they deserve, and proper growth, you should follow the growth chart and take extra good care of your American Bully. These pups are sweet, protective, playful, and loyal. Don’t you think they deserve to have proper development?

Read Next: How Much Does An American Bully Cost