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Abused Pitbull Is Free After 5 Long Years In Captivity, All Thanks To Georgia Rescuer

Abused Pitbull Is Free After 5 Long Years In Captivity, All Thanks To Georgia Rescuer

All Belle dreamt of was freedom.

Yet being confined in a small, dirty cage was all she had ever known. 

She had no idea that a dog’s life could be sweet or that humans could be gentle. Her understanding of life had always revolved around constant trauma, neglect, and abuse.

However, Belle never lost her hope. And it was a good thing she didn’t because she eventually came across a rescuer who would change her life completely!

Belle’s Heartbreaking Story

When Audray Luck, the founder of Luck’s Rescue from Trenton, Georgia, came across Belle, she was completely heartbroken. Just learning the dog’s sad story was enough for her to immediately decide to fight for her. 

Sadly, Belle spent the first five years of her life as an outdoor dog. She was kept in a small cage, used for breeding, and was completely neglected by her owners. 

On top of everything, Belle was starving.

“She was caged up for 5 years, forced to breed, forced to fight, starved, abused, neglected. Her previous owners would shoot fireworks at her in the cage and she had nowhere to hide. She lived in her own feces and the only water she had was from the rain,” Luck describes Belle’s situation in an Instagram post.

The thing that left Audray even more heartbroken was how genuinely sweet Belle was. Despite all she had been through, when she first encountered Audray, she immediately began to wag her tail and give her rescuer the sweetest smile.

Her little “happy dance” after seeing the light of day after years of captivity was incredibly tear-jerking. For the first time ever, Belle was about to learn what life was truly about.

Her original owners eventually agreed to let her go, and she was now on her way to a brand new chapter, far away from her dirty cage.

All She Wants Is Love

The first thing Belle needed was proper socialization. To regain her lost confidence and learn how to behave in public, she underwent a four-week program in a dog training facility in Georgia called Good Citizen K-9.

To say she did amazingly would be an understatement! 

Belle quickly picked up new tricks and commands and learned how to walk past other animals. After only a month of consistent training, it is safe to say that Belle is fully ready for life in a home.

Other than that, this inspiring Pittie girl enjoys people’s company, long walks, and exciting hikes. She naturally loves exploring new things and places, which is why Belle would be a great addition to any family.

“Despite the abuse, neglect, and torture Belle went through she shows nothing but love and compassion for people. She just wants to be a dog, explore new things and get all the love in the world and give it too,” Luck added in another post.

Belle hopes her pivotal meet and greet with her future owners will arrive as soon as possible.

After years of neglect, she surely deserves to begin her new journey in a loving home, possibly where she’ll be the only pet. 

Hopefully, Belle’s owners are just around the corner, coming to give her the life she needs!

You can keep up with Audray’s work on her official Instagram account.