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Abandoned Dog Hasn’t Moved From Under The Tree For Days Until Kind Rescuers Arrived

Abandoned Dog Hasn’t Moved From Under The Tree For Days Until Kind Rescuers Arrived

It always breaks our hearts when we see a helpless being who has to fend for itself on the street to survive. Unfortunately, this is something we come across every day. 

It was the same this time when good people started sharing posts on the Internet about a German Shepherd who hadn’t moved from one spot in Montebello, California for several days. 

It was a truly heartbreaking sight and it was only a matter of time before someone intervened to help him.

Rescue From Misery

dumped dog lying under a tree
Source: Suzette Hall

As soon as Isabel Gallardo, an experienced rescuer from Marinwood, California, heard about the abandoned German Shepherd under the tree on the streets of Montebello, she rushed to that place. However, things did not go so smoothly when she got there.

“When i arrived an AC officer had just parked and I told her I’m here for him. We tried for several hours to catch him, she called for back up but this boy said ‘not today ladies’.” Isabel wrote in her Facebook post

Luckily, Isabel knew many rescuers with whom she was friends, and they were happy to respond to her call. The most important figure at that moment was a well-known rescuer, Suzette Hall, who brought a trap with which they eventually managed to catch this dog. 

Monte, as they called the canine, was saved from the misery and these kind souls were most responsible for that good deed. Of course, Isabel did not forget to mention the other big-hearted people who participated in this rescue operation.

She thanked “Laurie Mitchel for so many things [she] can’t list, [her] invaluable friendship and rescue experience,” as well as “Laura [Bobadilla] for being the eyes in Montebello.”

In the end, it was Isabel who decided to take Monte home with her and continue to take care of him.

“A Whole New Dog”

dog lying in dog bed
Source: Suzette Hall

Only a few days after the rescue, Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, shared some happy news via her Facebook profile. 

“Before and after,” she wrote in her Facebook post. “This is the way it’s supposed to be , in a home and in a bed . Not dumped laying under a tree”

She wrote that Monte has been through a lot, and that they are “fixing” all the issues, but that they are heading in the right direction.  

Suzette stated that Monte was in the Camino Pet Hospital in Irvine, California and that they diagnosed him with anemia. Right after that “he got a medicated bath, flea treatment, dewormed, bloodwork, injection of an anti-inflammatory plus the cytopoint and antibiotics.”

“After a good few weeks of no fleas and a proper diet, we will get him neutered and a dental,” she wrote. “This sweet baby will be a whole new dog.”

hand petting the dog
Source: Suzette Hall

As you can see, Monte is on the right path and his future is bright, all thanks to the good souls who saved him from misery and gave him a new chance in life.

“We love you so much sweetheart,” Suzette wrote at the end. “We won’t give up on you like they did.”