This Caucasian Shepherd growth chart is meant to help you better understand the impressive size of these dogs and the way they develop.
Military forces, including both Russian and Turkish troops, were guarded by Caucasian Shepherds, also known as Russian Bear Dogs or Caucasian Mountain Dogs, at the time of Russia’s invasion of the Caucasus Mountains, more than 150 years ago.
Even though they have the word “shepherd” in their name, these dogs are not all that similar to German Shepherds, for example.
They more closely resemble a Mastiff-like breed in terms of appearance and temperament, and they excel at acting as watchdogs and guard dogs.
And by being Mastiff-like, we are definitely talking about size. These canines are huge, and it can be a struggle to keep up with their growth sometimes.
Especially since they are not so well-known in America. In fact, they aren’t even listed on the American Kennel Club (AKC)’s list of the most popular breeds in the country.
That’s why we’ve decided to create this Caucasian Shepherd growth chart.
Caucasian Shepherd Growth Chart
Ovcharka Age | Male Height | Female Height |
1 month | 9.4 to 10.3 inches | 9 to 9.8 inches |
2 months | 13.3 to 16.1 inches | 12.5 to 15.7 inches |
3 months | 17.7 to 19.7 inches | 16.9 to 18.9 inches |
4 months | 20.9 to 23.3 inches | 20 to 22.8 inches |
5 months | 22.8 to 25.2 inches | 21.6 to 24 inches |
6 months | 24.8 to 27.2 inches | 23.6 to 25.6 inches |
7 months | 25.9 to 28 inches | 24.4 to 25.9 inches |
8 months | 27.1 to 30 inches | 24.8 to 26.7 inches |
9 months | 27.5 to 29.9 inches | 25.1 to 27.6 inches |
10 months | 27.9 to 30.3 inches | 25.5 to 28.4 inches |
11 months | 28.3 to 30.7 inches | 25.9 to 28.7 inches |
12 months | 28.3 to 31.5 inches | 26.3 to 29.5 inches |
Ovcharka Age | Male Weight | Female Weight |
1 month | 8 to 15 pounds | 8 to 12 pounds |
2 month | 28 to 42 pounds | 25 to 37 pounds |
3 month | 39 to 71 pounds | 33 to 62 pounds |
4 month | 55 to 110 pounds | 43 to 88 pounds |
5 month | 77 to 125 pounds | 60 to 94 pounds |
6 month | 88 to 130 pounds | 63 to 99 pounds |
7 month | 93 to 133 pounds | 70 to 104 pounds |
8 month | 97 to 138 pounds | 72 to 107 pounds |
9 month | 99 to 141 pounds | 76 to 112 pounds |
10 month | 101 to 145 pounds | 80 to 120 pounds |
11 month | 105 to 150 pounds | 85 to 128 pounds |
12 month | 110 to 155 pounds | 88 to 133 pounds |
How Big Do Caucasian Shepherds Get?
Male Caucasian Shepherd dogs can weigh up to 155 pounds and stand between 28 and 31.5 inches tall at the withers in their physical peak.
Females, on the other hand, are somewhat smaller, with a weight of up to 133 pounds and a height between 26 and 29.5 inches.
They are obviously a large breed dog, and any potential owner needs to keep that in mind. These dogs require a lot of room and food.
In addition to being big and tall, they also have a generally commanding and striking build. Their very muscular and nimble bodies support their image as proud and capable watchdogs, in addition to their sheepdog heritage.
Caucasian Shepherd Puppy Development Stages
When you want to know how big your Caucasian Shepherd puppy will be at any particular age, you can easily turn to the simple yet effective height and weight charts above.
But what if you require more information? What if you want to know more about how they develop at particular points in their puppyhood?
Most owners undoubtedly want to know what to anticipate throughout these phases, how to prepare for it, and when puppies become easier.
So don’t worry; we’ve got that covered too. The significant physical and psychological alterations that take place in the Ovcharka’s body throughout the course of its first twelve months of growth are broken down in the segments that follow.
From Birth To Two Weeks Old: Neonatal Stage
The Caucasian Shepherd is going through a delicate stage of growth at this point and is in critical need of warmth and milk from its mother.
They can taste and smell their mothers’ milk despite being blind and deaf. They will spend most of their time sleeping and growing. At this point, they truly grow and develop at their fastest rate.
At this point, they don’t actually require much of your care.
From Two Weeks To Three Months: Transitional Stage
At this stage, your Caucasian Shepherd puppy will experience many changes, including weaning and the transition from liquid to solid food. They will continue to grow swiftly if given the proper nutrition.
The transition from milk to solid foods may affect how healthy they will be for the rest of their life at this age, because nutrition is especially important. The ideal weight range for your Ovcharka puppies is 35 to 45 pounds around this time.
Additionally, now is the time to begin training your dog to obey directions and gradually developing a regular puppy schedule. You should also expose it to regular socialization.
From Three Months To Six Months: Juvenile Stage
During this stage, your Caucasian Shepherd should start to get quite big and the size disparities between male and female dogs should really start to become obvious.
Make sure your puppy is getting the nutrients it needs by keeping an eye on it, and be prepared to take it to the doctor as soon as you see anything out of the ordinary, like in its excrement.
From Six Months To Twelve Months: Adolescent Stage
By the conclusion of this stage, your Caucasian Shepherd should reach its full size. Despite this, they could carry on gaining weight and muscle even after turning 18 months old.
Additionally, this is a tumultuous period in terms of their behavior and stubbornness, but you should tolerate this as they should calm down with time.
A Caucasian Shepherd should weigh between 110 and 155 pounds on average when it turns one if it’s a male, and between 88 and 133 pounds if it’s a female.
That weight range is often similar to what it should remain at throughout its lifespan.
Adult Caucasian Shepherd
When your Caucasian Shepherd reaches the age of 12 months, it should be completely matured. However, while that is the case for most Ovcharkas, there are those that continue growing until they are 18 months old.
Its diet must be modified immediately throughout this period in order to prevent weight gain. In order to burn off the calories it consumes, it also needs to exercise as much as possible.
Females will reach between 88 and 133 pounds in weight and be about 26.3 to 29.5 inches tall. Contrarily, male Anatolian Shepherds should be a little bigger, often weighing between 110 and 155 pounds and standing at a height of around 28.3 to 31.5 inches.
Factors That Shape The Growth Of A Caucasian Shepherd
The size of each adult Caucasian Shepherd puppy will vary. Even though this is rather evident, if you look at the Caucasian Shepherd growth chart, you’ll see that the given weights and heights are actually ranges of numbers rather than specific values.
Since some puppies will be bigger than others and vice versa, this is meant to allow for error. But why is that the case exactly?
What factors influence the size and growth of Russian Bear Dog puppies, and why do some dogs end up being smaller than others?
There are various contributing components, and ultimately, it is a complex web of causes that are challenging to separate from one another. We can, however, confidently assert that some of those factors are more significant than others.
Genetics, gender, nutrition, health, and exercise are the five main determinants of a Caucasian Shepherd’s growth.
Your dog’s genetic makeup and health will be influenced in some ways by its parents. Asking your breeder who your puppy’s biological parents are is a good idea because of this.
In general, there is a good possibility that the puppies of a Caucasian Shepherd will be sizable if their parents were larger dogs. On the other hand, their kids will probably be a little bit smaller if the parents were closer to the lesser end of the size range.
Obviously, there are no guarantees and there may be exceptions, but it’s still a good general rule to have. Particularly considering that Caucasians are purebred, which makes estimating their size simpler than with puppies of mixed breeds.
Gender has an effect on growth, which is probably obvious from the growth chart itself.
Adult female Caucasian Shepherds reach a height of around 26.3 to 29.5 inches and weigh between 88 to 133 pounds. The average male Caucasian Shepherd weighs between 110 and 155 pounds and is about 28.3 to 31.5 inches tall.
Later on, there may be additional weight disparities determined by gender.
For instance, your female Ovcharka’s weight will change significantly during the course of her pregnancy and delivery of puppies. She might also go through puppy blues, which could affect her eating and weight.
You should give your Caucasian Shepherd a ration of high-quality dog food that has a fair quantity of protein as the primary ingredient. This is important because they are a large dog breed and need to build more muscle mass.
Although they eat a lot, their appetite is still within the range of normal. If they consistently seem hungry while eating regularly, there may be something wrong.
These dogs should eat nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables that will fill their intestines with fiber and promote a smoother metabolism because they are frequently prone to digestive issues.
Make sure the meal is the right kind and quantity, and resist giving in to puppy eyes that beg for a treat.
Because of their strong structure, Caucasian Shepherds place a high value on exercise. If proper exercise is not maintained, their muscles may atrophy, harming their look, growth process, and general health.
In simple terms, all dogs, regardless of whether they are high-energy or low-energy dogs, need physical activity.
Exercise for Caucasians should not be too intense, as this may result in joint issues. However, because of their lively nature, it is advisable to play with them as often as you can and walk them frequently.
As we’ve already mentioned, dogs can have a variety of congenital health conditions, some of which can have an impact on their growth, like hip dysplasia, for example.
However, there are also those health issues that develop over the course of a dog’s life and interfere with or restrict its development in some way.
The health problems associated with a dog’s weight, on the other hand, can be dangerous for your Caucasian Shepherd in some cases. The two most prominent ones are underweight and obesity.
Does Spaying/Neutering Affect The Growth Of A Caucasian Shepherd Puppy?
You should wait until your Caucasian Shepherd is at least one year old before having them spayed or neutered. By this time, the male would have to go through the necessary physical changes induced by testosterone.
Given that testosterone is known to enhance growth, doing the treatment too soon runs the danger of interfering with the male Russian Bear Dog’s normal growth cycle.
However, by the time they are ready to be spayed, female Caucasian Ovcharkas will have gone through their first heat cycle and are most likely too young to give birth to puppies.
Caucasian Shepherd Growth Chart FAQ
The Caucasian Shepherd growth chart has been extensively discussed in this post, therefore we wanted to move on to some of the most often asked questions regarding it.
These are some of the questions that have flooded the internet from owners of Caucasian Shepherds, both existing and potential, who wanted to know more about their development, size, and weight.
One of the most vital aspects of dog ownership is keeping track of a puppy’s development during that critical early age. You must leave adequate space for the Caucasian Shepherd to move around as they are large dogs.
By periodically weighing your puppy and utilizing our Caucasian Shepherd growth chart as a sort of height and weight calculator, you can keep track of its development and ensure that its weight is increasing appropriately.
Not to mention all the other elements, such as the food, level of activity, training, etc., that demand your attention. You can plan your Caucasian Shepherd’s diet, living conditions, and spending by knowing how big and heavy it should be at a specific age.
Your dog’s height is measured from the ground to the withers. The tallest part of your dog’s body is where the shoulder blades are closest to the withers.
Before setting the measuring tape on the ground and moving it straight up toward the withers, make sure your dog is standing straight.
Measuring your dog is essential if you want to make sure it is progressing as expected.
As an excellent method to ensure its health, you can monitor its weight over the course of its life.
There are two ways to determine the mass of your Caucasian Shepherd. The first approach is really straightforward and simply requires that you place your dog on a scale.
If your dog is unable to stand on a scale by itself for some reason, you can climb on it while holding your dog, record the weight, and then deduct your own weight from it.
The difference between these two numbers represents the weight of your dog.
Caucasian Shepherds are wonderful family pets who will get along with your family members, whether they want to move around a lot or just be couch potatoes.
They are characterized by their beautiful, thick coat that comes in many colors and patterns, including brindle and piebald, as well as occasional Terrier-like white markings on their chests.
Aside from coat length, another one of their trademarks is their gigantic size. They are not small dogs, to say the least.
If you have one of these enormous dogs, the Caucasian Shepherd growth chart is an excellent resource to have.
People who aren’t accustomed to handling large dogs may be very concerned about the size of this Russian dog. They are not the best dogs for first-time owners in large part because of this, but also because of their tendency to drool.
Despite their wonderful family-friendly traits, these pooches can be difficult for novice dog owners. You need to spend a lot of time with them and take care of their needs.
Therefore, you should become acquainted with them beforehand and become aware of what to expect. Knowing the dog’s size will help you decide what supplies, food, and care are required for it.With the aid of this Caucasian Shepherd growth chart, you can easily monitor your puppy’s development at any time by comparing the chart’s values to your puppy’s actual weight and height.
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