Malamute Vs Husky: The Battle For An Ice Throne

Alaskan Malamutes initially came  from Alaska, as they were  bred by the Mahlemiut Inuit tribe.

Alaskan Malamute Origin

Siberian Huskies have roots in Northern Asia, or to be more accurate – in Siberia.

Siberian Husky Origin

Alaskan Malamute dogs are pretty big, as they weigh  around 85 pounds.

 Alaskan Malamute Seize

Siberian Husky pups are significantly smaller, as they weigh around 45 to 60 pounds.

Siberian Husky Size

Malamutes are slightly higher maintenance than Huskies. They demand early obedience training.

Alaskan Malamute Temperament

Huskies are outgoing and social by default. Huskies need early obedience training, as they can become quite stubborn.

Siberian Husky Temperament

Huskies are easier to socialize, as they are outgoing and social by default. Properly socialized Malamutes are excellent family pets!

Malamute Vs Husky: Socialization

Both dog breeds are quite intelligent and their trainability level is high!

Malamute Vs Husky: Trainability

Husky puppies are more energetic than Alaskan Malamutes!

Malamute Vs Husky: Energy Levels