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Hikers Shocked To Find 2 Hopeless Dogs Locked In A Cage And Dumped In Utah Desert Without Food Or Water

Hikers Shocked To Find 2 Hopeless Dogs Locked In A Cage And Dumped In Utah Desert Without Food Or Water

It’s difficult to put into words and describe how heartbroken two dogs felt after they were cruelly dumped in the Utah desert without any food and shelter.

Since they were locked in a cage, all they could do was look around the desolate area and hope to spot someone approaching them.

The two male Landseers desperately wished they could get out of their crate, look for food, and try to find help.

Knowing that there was nothing they could do, the dogs felt hopeless. 

They couldn’t understand why humans betrayed them and left them to perish in the desert where they could not even try to fend for themselves.

Good Samaritans Rush To Help The Dogs

Luckily, hikers came across the heartbreaking scene and rushed to help the dogs. They were shocked to find the dogs all alone in the desert, cramped in a cage, and exposed to the elements.

While the hikers were approaching them, the dogs looked at them with confused expressions on their faces.

The big-hearted hikers comforted the sad dogs who still needed some time to process what was going on. The good people called the police and asked for help.

Upon receiving the call for help, the police officers dashed to the location, collected the pups, and took them to Hurricane Animal Shelter.

The dogs were taken to the vet. Fortunately, they were found to be in good health, which indicates that the pups didn’t spend a lot of time in the desert.

The canines didn’t have microchips or collars and the staff couldn’t find their owners.

Safe And Sound

On February 25th, 2025, the shelter posted photos of the abandoned dogs on their Facebook.

Since they didn’t have any information about the dogs or the person who dumped them in the Utah desert, they asked people who had any relevant information to reach out to them.

“We have minimal information on who left them. No collars or microchips. If anyone knows additional information that could be helpful in this case, please contact us at 435-635-8314,” Hurricane Animal Shelter wrote on Facebook.

Andrea Kaz, a Hurricane resident known for her animal advocacy, felt terrible when she heard about the horrible incident. She previously heard about similar abandonment cases and hoped that people would stop discarding their pets.

“Everybody needs to stop thinking that animals are disposable. They’re not disposable,” Kaz told FOX 13 News Utah. 

The dogs that were rescued from the desert are currently at the shelter. They feel safe and are glad to have kind humans by their side who take great care of them.

After their stray hold expires, the canines will be available for adoption. In case they don’t find their forever homes, they could be transferred to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab.

I hope that the dogs will soon find forever humans who will spoil them with unconditional love.