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Man Was Shocked To Learn Why Maryland Police Came To His House And Started Asking About His Dog

Man Was Shocked To Learn Why Maryland Police Came To His House And Started Asking About His Dog

There are too many cases in this world where people see an abused or neglected dog either on the street or in someone’s home and decide to look the other way.

This has always been a problem, but every once in a while, you will see a person do the right thing and report on a dog who needs help.

In about 99% of the cases, that’s a good thing because it shows that people care, but in the case of this owner, it might have been a bad idea.

When this man realized that police officers came to question him about his dog, he was most definitely confused because someone called the police about his dog.

Neighbor Called The Police

white dog in front of the house
Source: mrcolorblind1

When Danny McCarthy, from Maryland, received a visit from the police officers and Animal control, he was quite confused about the nature of this visit.

The officers explained that they came to check up on his dog, Nuko, who was reported by the neighbor. They said that the neighbor suspected that the pup might be neglected.

The reasoning behind this was that Nuko spent a lot of time in the yard during the winter and the neighbor assumed that the pup was cold in the weather.

sweet white dog
Source: mrcolorblind1

However, the situation was completely different, and the reason is simple. Nuko was a Samoyed, and that meant that he preferred the cold weather. 

He absolutely loved playing outside, so the owner didn’t mind leaving him out for a few hours. When he cleared this up with the officers, they understood and left.

Danny noted that he didn’t feel upset by the neighbor’s call for the dog. In fact, the concern was touching because this is what any reasonable person would do if they suspect a dog might be neglected.

Many Reactions On The Internet

comments on a tiktok
Source: mrcolorblind1

Nevertheless, Danny thought it would be a good idea to post about this unusual incident on his TikTok, so he did. It’s no surprise that the video gained a lot of attention.

After all, it was an unusual case, but this was something that could be interpreted in many ways by the public.

One person commented: “I have a husky and a dog door. He’ll come back inside in the spring.

Well, that is certainly one way to explain that your dog likes winter. In all seriousness, though, many dogs like winter and it’s always good to see them amusing themselves.

Another person said: “I had a neighbor who called the cops because we had a pet bear in the backyard. It was our Newfoundland dog! My mom made fun of our neighbors for years after that!

Normally, I would be curious how incidents like this occur, but I guess it can happen. Some dogs are just really big and it’s only natural to get confused.

Lastly, somebody commented: “I called animal control once on what I thought was a puppy whining and begging to go inside because it was snowing. They called me back after checking up to let me know it was a husky. I felt so bad.


he likes to sit on the porch when its cold outside #fyp #samoyed #dog

♬ original sound – mrcolorblind1

In situations like this, I would like to say that it is okay to call if you suspect something is wrong. Although it is important to have all the facts, it’s good to see that people care.

There are too many cases where people have rightly reported an abused and neglected dog. In turn, that gave the pup a new chance to recover and start over. 

Even though Danny’s dog was not suffering in any way, it’s good to see people acting responsibly and it’s something that is really important for any dog lover.