As soon as the rescuers learned that there was an injured dog helplessly lying on a vacant lot, they rushed to her aid.
Upon arrival, they saw the exhausted pup. She looked at them with eyes filled with tears, pleading for help.
The rescue team felt devastated.
The doggo had a wound on her thigh and she was unable to get up. The good humans picked her up and drove her to a hospital.
The dog breathed a sigh of relief because she received the help that she was waiting for.
Fighting For The Dog’s Recovery
The vet examined the pup, later named Megi, and discovered that her condition was more complicated than they thought.
Apart from being malnourished and injured, Megi was motionless due to medial patella luxation (MPL) of grade 4.
Her knees were deformed and she needed consecutive surgeries in order to regain the use of her legs.
After conducting a complete medical checkup, the vet team was sure that Megi had given birth to many litters of puppies and that she spent a lot of time locked up.
They assumed that when Megi got sick, her owner kicked her out on the street because they could no longer use her to make a profit.
The rescuers stroked Megi. They did their best to console her, promising her that everything would be fine.
Due to her condition, the pup was hospitalized and she received the necessary medical care.
Once she started feeling better, Megi left the hospital and moved in with her foster family.
She needed to regain strength in order to undergo several surgeries.
Megi’s foster mom lavished her with attention and gave her love.
The doggo was content because someone loved her and cared for her for the first time in her life. She got attached to her caregiver and loved snuggling with her.
As time passed, her health condition improved and she put on weight.
Megi’s Journey To Recovery
After the pup underwent successful surgeries, she began recovering at her foster home.
Thanks to the impeccable care and a lot of love, Megi bounced back pretty quickly. She reached her normal weight and started walking again.
Megi loved going on walks, running freely, and exploring her surroundings. She discovered the beauty of life and enjoyed every day.
From an injured and sorrowful dog, Megi transformed into a healthy and happy pup, thanks to love that healed her broken heart.
I’m grateful to her incredible rescuers who saved her life and supported her on her journey to recovery.
Although we don’t know whether Megi got adopted, I’m pretty sure that wherever she is, she enjoys her life.