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Loyal Pup Refused To Leave Furry Friend’s Side After She Suffered A Horrifying Accident

Loyal Pup Refused To Leave Furry Friend’s Side After She Suffered A Horrifying Accident

Max and Ruby were two stray pups who wandered the streets with each other by their side, hoping to survive the cold and harsh conditions.

Even though they didn’t have much, they knew they had each other, and to them, that was enough. They would try to ignore the hunger in their bellies by playing fun games and playing chase around the park.

They truly were best friends.

Unfortunately, something happened that made their lives even more difficult.

Heartbreaking Accident

Ruby was involved in a scary car accident, making her fall to the ground unable to move. Having witnessed the whole thing, Max came to Ruby’s aid but he soon realized he couldn’t help her.

All he could do was stay by her side and call for help. And so he did.

Max begged and pleaded with the hoomans passing by, hoping that one of them would stay and help his best friend. But nobody did.

Until one kind-hearted woman who didn’t have the heart to leave this adorable pair to their suffering. So, she took one of her shirts, covered up Ruby with it so that she could get warmed up, and contacted the New York animal rescue, Good World Animal Rescue and Protection – GWARP.

The second they arrived, they picked Ruby up and rushed her to the vet. Seeing how loyal Max was to her, they knew they couldn’t leave him behind.

Unfortunately, as he witnessed them take his best friend away, Max got scared of the hoomans and didn’t allow them to get near. But the rescuers persisted. They offered him some yummy food and waited for him to become comfortable with them, allowing them to capture this sweet boy too.

At The Vet

Even at the vet’s office, Max refused to stay away from Ruby.

He was a very gentle and polite boy who, throughout the entirety of Ruby’s medical exam, stayed by her side in case she needed him.

After getting the results back, the medical team determined that Ruby had some major internal bleeding, broken ribs, and severe head trauma that needed to be assessed immediately.

Unfortunately, Max’s condition wasn’t great either. He was suffering from a progressive case of ehrlichiosis, a parasite infection that occurs in the bloodstream. But the only thing that was important to him at the moment was his best friend.

“Ruby is OK! Max continues to stay by her side as she goes through the most difficult time of her life. Ruby remains in critical condition. Everyone is doing the best they can to save this girl. We are moving in the right direction and today – she started to eat on her own! This is great progress and a great sign,” GWARP wrote in a Facebook post.

The vets also put Ruboy on oxygen therapy and IV fluids for her head injury. Both pups have also been placed on antibiotics.

Road To Recovery

Four days later, the vets made an incredible discovery.

Ruby also suffered from pyometra, a uterus infection. Since this infection could have taken her life if she remained on the streets, the vets saw the car accident as a silver lining as they were now able to cure her.

After yet another surgery, Ruby was finally able to begin her recovery journey.

“Max and Ruby are being kept together. He needs her, and she definitely needs him. They are separated only for procedures (ie Ruby’s IV treatments),” the shelter wrote.

As the days went by, the kind hoomans at the New York shelter worked restlessly to see Ruby and Max as happy as ever. After a couple of months, both pups have completely transformed! Not only have they beat all of their diseases, but they are also completely unrecognizable.

“Ruby’s open wounds on her legs and eye have healed. She walks and eats with confidence. Full strength is back in her legs, there’s no more wobbling when she walks… Max is a happy dog. During the day, he is let out on the shelter floor where he socializes with others. He always makes his way back to Ruby though. This pair remains inseparable,” they wrote.  

With such an incredible transformation, it was clear that the duo was ready for their forever home.

And as much as they wished for them to be adopted together, that simply wasn’t possible. Max had found a loving hooman who adores him, while Ruby decided to stay a bit longer at the shelter, with all the familiar faces of her hoomans.

However, I am sure that she will also find an incredibly loving home that will treat her like the queen she is!