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Witness How These Drivers Cleverly Guided This Dog Away From Harm On A Dangerous Highway

Witness How These Drivers Cleverly Guided This Dog Away From Harm On A Dangerous Highway

The Internet is full of displays of human failures and they always come in many forms. However, it gets a bit tiring to always watch that.

Positive events seem like they are far and few in between, but they happen almost regularly. We just have to know where to look.

There are many instances of people working tirelessly to help save other people or animals in need and that is something that we should focus more on.

In this scenario, a dog was stuck running through a very dangerous highway. Luckily for him, a group of drivers noticed it and decided to do something about it.

A Very Clever Plan

dog on a highway
Source: Instagram

As the pup was trying to navigate his way in the traffic without being hit, some drivers thought of a clever way to guide him away from harm.

One driver first drove to the dog’s side, trying to guide her in the right direction. Then, other people saw what was happening, so they joined in.

The cars turned on their blinkers and slowed down, so they were able to safely help the dog move around.

scared dog on a highway
Source: Instagram

However, this unfortunately did not help the dog relax. While it worked for the moment, the pup got really scared, so he fled. He kept running ahead of them.

This didn’t stop the concerned drivers, who kept on trying to help somehow. One of the drivers opened the door and tried to grab the dog.

That unfortunately didn’t work, but they were not going to stop. The three cars were now in the perfect position to try and do the same thing again.

The Plan Worked

rescued dog in a car
Source: Instagram

So, the driver slowed a bit again, carefully grabbed the dog, and pulled him inside. The dog looked relieved to be finally away from danger.

He looked just so exhausted, it was so heartbreaking to know what he must have endured during this whole event.

However, it was all over now. The dog was safe and the driver could just tell on his face that he was happy now. He understood that he was with a good person.

The kind driver realized that this dog actually belonged to somebody, so he worked diligently to reunite him with his owner. 

man and rescued dog
Source: Instagram

Everyone was more than glad that this horrible event was over, and the owner was so happy to see his dog again. Hopefully, the pup will be able to put this scary experience behind him soon. 

Even though the world might seem like a really dark place sometimes, we have to turn away from the ugliness and remind ourselves that kindness exists in this world.

This short clip really shows humanity shine and put forward its best side. I am so happy to see people like these kind drivers exist.