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Sanitation Worker Was Shocked When She Peeked Into One Of The Garbage Bags

Sanitation Worker Was Shocked When She Peeked Into One Of The Garbage Bags

It is a sad world we live in, and we can see that every day through the actions of heartless humans. The most affected among us are animals, and what is even more heartbreaking, those are mostly our pets. 

A sanitation worker named Roxanne became convinced of this one day while she was doing her usual job. At one point, while sorting through overstuffed trash bags, she came across one that was very strange to her.

Although she usually never does that, instinct told Roxanne to open the bag. After she did, she was absolutely shocked – inside was a furry creature that was barely alive. 

Heartbreaking Diagnosis

Roxanne’s heart was totally broken when she saw a honey-colored puppy inside the trash bag. However, in a matter of moments, her mood completely changed as she realized that the furry girl was still breathing. 

She quickly managed to pull herself together and call MBAH for help. These big-hearted people were soon at the “scene of the crime” and were delighted that this woman called them and probably saved this dog’s life. 

“Luckily, [the dog] was spotted by animal angel Roxanne, who quickly reached out to our team and had her rushed to the vet,”  they wrote in an Instagram post

At the veterinary clinic, they were hit with some bad news because this dog, aside from being thin and limp, wasn’t feeling her back legs. 

The diagnosis was truly heartbreaking – this poor dog had a broken spine and the consequence of that were the permanently paralyzed back legs

Although they didn’t know what exactly happened to this dog, they were convinced that she was a victim of human malice, which broke their hearts most of all. 

However, at the same time, it made them angry and motivated them to do everything to give this dog a brighter future.

Happy News

Despite the bad diagnosis, Winnie, as they called this dog, did not show that she was unwell, i.e., that she could not use her back legs at all. 

That was mostly because the MBAH staff unlimitedly showered her with love and affection, which helped her quickly heal her deep inner wounds. But, aside from that, it was also the result of her incredible resilience and bright spirit. 

“She was very spunky and really didn’t let her legs slow her down,” MBAH’s Sabria Hector told The Dodo. “Despite all the horrible ways humans had been to her, she was never mean or aggressive and was just always loving and friendly.”

That was truly the happy news but the best was yet to come. That best was the fact that Winnie was soon strong enough to be adopted

The search for a new home did not go well at first because none of the local residents showed interest in adopting her. However, that’s why a woman who lived 2,000 miles away did – she expressed a great desire to adopt this dog with special needs

Yet, for such an undertaking, many good souls were needed to help this dog get to her forever home. 

Long Road To A New Beginning

Susan, the woman who decided to adopt Winnie, seemed to be the perfect match for this pup. Unfortunately, it was definitely a problem to get to her location because it was too far and a bit isolated. 

However, a lot of good souls stepped in and helped this dog on her long road to the new beginning. While she was traveling, a loving fly escort named Christa took care of her, after which she stayed the night with a kind volunteer named Mitchelle. 

In the end, Winnie was taken over by a foster mom named Hope, while the rest of the team continued to work on transferring her to her new home as soon as possible.

This procedure took a little longer, so Winnie stayed in a foster home for four months. However, her happiest day finally came when she boarded the CWR plane and headed for her new beginning. 

Although the place where she continued her life was much colder and snowier than where she had been, her new home was warm enough. She enjoyed every moment of her new life and her cheerful personality completely surfaced.

From a dog that barely survived in a trash bag due to human malice, Winnie managed to come to a new home with the help of big-hearted people who did not want to give up on her even in the most difficult moments.