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Shelter Worker Does Everything To Help A Stray Heal But Ends Up Heartbroken By What Happens In The End

Shelter Worker Does Everything To Help A Stray Heal But Ends Up Heartbroken By What Happens In The End

I think we can all agree that animals are pretty amazing.

Not only are they our best friends and loyal protectors, but they also make the world a better (and much cuter) place!

It’s no wonder so many people surround themselves with furry companions. But sometimes, having just one pet isn’t enough.

Some people dedicate their entire lives to helping animals in need, ensuring they live happy and fulfilling lives. Izaiah Perkins is one of those amazing individuals.

All Hands On Deck

a dog in the shelter raised on its hind legs
Source: Tiktok

Animals to Perkins aren’t just pets, they are a part of his family. So, in order to make as many of them happy and healthy, he got himself a job at the Maryland SPCA in Baltimore.

“The dogs remind me a lot of myself. They have good days and bad days, general preferences, and favorite people, just as we do. There’s a sense of comfort when I go in and see them all, almost like I belong right there with them,” Perkins said.

After working there for just a couple of months, Perkins noticed a three-year-old Pit Bull called Nola.

Before coming to the Baltimore shelter, Nola was a stray pup who roamed the cold harsh streets hoping that a kind hooman would notice her.

However, since she had some behavior issues previously, Perkins wasn’t able to hang out with her as much. All he could do was clean her kennel, provide enrichment, and only give her treats from the door.

“When I first met her I noticed how wide her eyes were, it’s what drew me to her. She didn’t wag her tail or come to greet me like most dogs at first, instead, she stayed stiff with fear,” he said.

It didn’t take him too long to find out why she was only allowed contact with the behavior staff.

Things Don’t Always Work Out The Way We Plan

She didn’t really like being in the shelter. The sounds of other pups spiked up her anxiety, making her panicky and a bit aggressive.

“Her wide eyes were a result of being under constant stress. They almost never relaxed,” he realized.

This is true for a lot of pups. Since the shelters are quite loud, stray animals that come in don’t really have time to decompress and figure out where they are.

“Some dogs can adjust to the chaos of the kennels, but dogs like Nola seem to just deteriorate. The behavior staff did everything they could, and displayed incredible patience and love with her,” Perkins said.

Sometimes, time heals. However, with Nola, that wasn’t the case. The more time she spent in the loud kennel, the more her condition worsened.

She even became aggressive with hoomans, adding a couple of instances of biting people to her record. However, Perkins refused to give up.

“We would just stare at each other for up to ten minutes. There would be moments where I swore I broke through to her, where I could see her eyes soften just for a second, or a quick tail wag,” he said.

Unfortunately, things weren’t as easy as they seemed, and in the end, the Baltimore shelter wasn’t really able to find her a foster home. This ultimately led the staff to make the hardest decision ever – they had to euthanize Nola.

Perkins said that the hardest part of his job was returning to clean a kennel that once belonged to somebody so important.

empty dog ​​shelter
Source: Tiktok

“Part of me told myself she’d be back and she was just out on a walk, but reality quickly set in. I try not to think too hard about the ‘what ifs’ because all we really have is the moment and I can’t save them all. Her memory is alive in all of us… It’s a shame she reached that point,” he added.

This is why we need to be kind to our animals. They are the happiest beings ever when they are provided with a healthy living environment. It is up to each and every one of us to make this world stress-free for them so they can thrive and live the life they deserve.

“The kennels and what goes on in them is the result of human negligence. Responsibility is the key to avoiding putting dogs like Nola in stressful situations that will deteriorate their chances at a normal life,” he concluded.