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A Little Naked Pup Who Was Trembling With Fear Flourishes Into A Gorgeous Fluffy Princess

A Little Naked Pup Who Was Trembling With Fear Flourishes Into A Gorgeous Fluffy Princess

Dogs’ hearts are pure and they only crave love.

Sadly, instead of receiving immense affection from their families, countless pups endure neglect and experience heartbreak.

Malea’s eyes spoke about the pain and fear she endured after cruel people dumped her on a beach.

The little canine was in pretty bad condition. She was dehydrated, skinny, and completely naked.

Having lost her trust in humans, Malea felt lonelier than ever. With eyes filled with sadness, she roamed around the beach, sniffing the sand and trying to find something to eat.

Getting Help

pup in a bad condition
Source: Instagram

A kind woman found Malea on the beach and called Eli, a rescuer at Street Paws, a non-profit organization, and asked for her help.

When Eli arrived at the scene and saw the scared pooch curled up under a bush, her heart became overwhelmed with sorrow.

The kind woman approached her, hoping to bring her to safety as soon as possible.

When Malea noticed her, she became defensive and started barking. She didn’t let Eli touch her.

At that point, the rescuer realized that she would need to build trust with the canine. 

Eli started speaking to her in a loving tone, and she managed to wrap a towel around Malea.

As the good human held Malea’s head in her hands, she tenderly caressed her.

The pup stopped barking after feeling the gentle touch of her hand. Having realized that she could trust her rescuer, Malea’s fearful eyes began melting.

The rescuer took her in her arms and the pup surrendered. Although Malea was still traumatized, she put her faith in her hero.

woman holding a scared pup
Source: The Dodo

Eli took her to the vet for a thorough medical checkup. 

Upon arriving at the clinic, Malea trembled with fear. The pooch was diagnosed with a severe case of mange. She was also anemic because she had blood parasites.

The doggo faced a long journey to full health. She needed to heal both physically and emotionally.

photo of scared pup
Source: The Dodo

Eli and the staff at Street Paws reassured her that her life would change for the better.

“We were determined to bring back her smile and promised her that she will never have to suffer ever again,” the rescue wrote on their Instagram account.

Malea’s Amazing Transformation

woman helping the pup
Source: The Dodo

After Malea was prescribed the necessary treatment, the good humans took her home and began taking care of her.

They gave her a lot of love and showered her with kindness.

As time went by, the doggo started feeling better and her skin began healing.

Wishing to show her how beautiful life could be, Malea’s caregivers started taking her on short trips. 

They rejoiced as they watched the pooch coming out of her shell and flourishing into a joyful pooch. 

pup walking in grass
Source: The Dodo

Malea kept jumping and wagging her tail as if she wanted to celebrate her second chance at life.

Her appearance began changing as new strands of fur started growing.

Gradually, she became fluffier and she transformed into a beautiful princess who was bursting with confidence.

pup indoors
Source: The Dodo

From the very beginning, the delightful pup captured the heart of Eli’s friend, Andrew. When Malea felt ready to start a new life, Andrew welcomed her into her home.

Malea’s dad was enchanted with her.

happy pup
Source: The Dodo

“She is the most well-behaved little darling… she is so adorable,” Andrew told The Dodo.

The canine quickly got used to her new home. Thanks to her dad who dotes on her and gives her all his love, Malea feels cherished like never before.

Love helped Malea turn into the happy dog that she was always meant to become.