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Senior Dog Abandoned On The Street Feels Love For The First Time Thanks To His Mom

Senior Dog Abandoned On The Street Feels Love For The First Time Thanks To His Mom

If there is one thing in life that I think will always be interesting, it’s reading rescue stories. They give me hope for a better tomorrow.

They show that it doesn’t take much to be a decent human being and we all have the power to help those in need. We just have to be more willing to act.

One such rescue leads us to Charlie. He was a sweet senior dog who was likely abandoned by his parents at some point and he was forced to a life on the streets of Florida.

His life changed completely when he ended up meeting some amazing people who were able to give him a new life.

Charlie’s New Mom

Charlie’s life was not an easy one. Given that he is a senior, he should be able to enjoy his life without worrying about his next meal.

But, life can be cruel sometimes. Because he was abandoned, this sweet pup was really heartbroken. 

He was found by some amazing rescuers who later took him to the shelter in Florida and tried their best to find somebody special for him.

When Livia first entered the shelter with the intention of adopting a dog, she didn’t think it would be Charlie.

However, as she was walking around, she saw him, and there was just an instant connection between them. 

She told GeoBeats Animals: “The first time I met Charlie, I just kind of looked into his eyes, and he looked back at me, and I just knew that this was gonna be my dog.

He Is Adapting To His New Life

Livia adopted him almost immediately, and he was on his way to a new life. He was a bit uneasy in the presence of his new mom at first, but that would also change.

She found out that he loved peanut butter, which helped her bond with him a little bit. Later, he even slept on her shoulder, and that’s when she knew that he was comfortable.

Livia actually noticed that he loved making eye contact with other people and that was not seen very often in other dogs. 

She said: “He will come over to you on the couch and just look at you straight in the eyes while you’re petting him. It’s kind of arresting, like he can just see into your soul.

One thing that surprised her about Charlie was just how polite he was. He never ate what was dropped on the floor and would always wait until Livia invited him to nap on the couch.

Charlie Means So Much To Livia

Livia realized that he had a health problem where his legs would drag on the ground as he ran. He also had to get a few of his teeth removed.

Charlie usually does not like being around other dogs as he got into trouble once when one of the dogs from the neighborhood attacked him.

Livia said: “But so long as he is in the apartment, he brings the toy to see every new person that comes in. He wants to show off his toys, so it’s very cute.

It’s wonderful to see that he likes to be around other people, as most abandoned dogs often lose faith in humans, which can be hard to fix. However, Charlie is different.

He has changed Livia’s life in so many ways that it’s difficult to describe in words how much he means to her.

She said: “I have depression and getting Charlie was the best thing for that because I leave the house every morning. I have to walk outside and I feel like I have a purpose when I am with him.

It’s absolutely heartwarming to see just how much dogs impact our lives when we let them. I am glad it has helped Livia, and I hope she and Charlie get to go on many more adventures together.