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Desperate Dog Begs For Food After Being Cruelly Abandoned Just Days Before Giving Birth

Desperate Dog Begs For Food After Being Cruelly Abandoned Just Days Before Giving Birth

Although it shouldn’t be like that, humans are often the worst enemies of dogs and they prove that every day with their cruel actions. Abandonment, neglect, and abuse are some of them, but there are really no limits when it comes to human heartlessness. 

This is exactly what one owner demonstrated when he threw his dog out on the street when she needed him the most. The dog named Cherry was heavily pregnant and about to give birth in just a few days. 

However, this man didn’t want to take care of her and her future babies, so he did what he did. Poor mother dog was left to fend for herself, desperately begging everyone for a little food just to survive. 

Sad and exhausted, Cherry slowly began to lose hope that she would meet her happiest moment in a warm home, but then a good soul appeared like a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.  

From Despair To Trust

As soon as the big-hearted woman saw Cherry, she noticed that her eyes were full of tears and that her belly was almost touching the ground. She was heartbroken, but she did not have much time to despair. 

Instead, this woman went into action immediately. She slowly but surely managed to lure the dog into the car, and they were soon on their way to the vet. 

While they were driving, this woman noticed from Cherry’s behavior that people had done her a lot of harm in life and that, unfortunately, it would take a long time for those wounds to heal.

When they came to the veterinary clinic, the doctor performed a test and an ultrasound on Cherry. Soon, they found out that there were eight healthy puppies in her belly, which brought tears of joy to her savior’s eyes. 

Everything was ready for the happiest moment of this mother’s life as they prepared a comfy bed and warm blankets where she would welcome her babies into this world. 

Late in the evening that day, it happened, and eight new lives saw the light of the day for the first time. That moment finally brought a smile to Cherry’s face, but she was still distrustful of people and didn’t let them get close. 

She did not let her savior approach her either, and she even bit her hand out of fear that she would do harm to her and her precious puppies. Cherry was extremely stressed and wouldn’t eat anything. 

However, that slowly started to change when her savior brought her as well as her children home. The little ones had everything they needed and Cherry was showered with lots of love. 

Little by little, things began to fall into place.

New Happy Lives

Although the process of regaining trust in people was not at all easy, a month after she came to this home, and when the pups were already grown, the wounds on Cherry’s soul were finally completely healed.

It was a turning point in the life of this dog and an indication that some better days were coming. Her savior enjoyed every moment spent with this canine family because she knew that parting was close. 

At the same time, she kept thinking about what would have become of Cherry and her children if she hadn’t found them that day and given them another chance. Fortunately, she did, and she enabled them to start new, happy lives in loving families.

It was truly the happiest ending as all the puppies soon found their forever homes and this story showed how just one good deed can contribute to that higher goal.

A saved life is definitely the highest of them all.