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Dog Surrendered To A Shelter Struggled To Find A New Home But Then His Luck Changed For The Better

Dog Surrendered To A Shelter Struggled To Find A New Home But Then His Luck Changed For The Better

It’s always sad to see very sweet dogs end up in a shelter when their parents can no longer care for them. It’s heartbreaking because the dogs don’t understand why it happens.

In their minds, they have done something wrong that probably led to this situation, and it can cause depression for many of them.

When Brisby’s mom first surrendered him to a shelter in Texas, she did so because she was pregnant and could no longer care for a dog.

Despite this, his journey was not hopeless and would lead him to a better life when he finally met someone special.

Brisby’s New Hope

dog standing on grass
Source: @walterbrisby

After he spent some time in a shelter in Texas, someone volunteered to foster him in Florida. He spent about a month there.

However, due to unknown circumstances, he was later transferred to another foster home in Seattle. 

That’s kind of where Brisby’s problems started when it came to adoption. He had a lot of psychological problems, so these things became pretty apparent.

Lauren told GeoBeats Animals: “Unfortunately, he had some behavioral issues. I think they tried to get something out of his mouth and he snapped at them.

dog on a leash
Source: @walterbrisby

This is usually a pretty big problem because it means that Brisby might never find a home if people are afraid of him.

So, he was transferred to a California training facility where a woman named Diana worked really hard to train him and help him overcome his behavioral issues.

They started spreading his story around to see if anyone would be interested in adopting him. That’s when a kind woman named Lauren noticed his story and decided to give him a chance.

Brisby Is In His New Home

dog sitting next to a woman
Source: @walterbrisby

She applied for adoption and was almost immediately accepted. However, because she lived in Northern Virginia, she had to go to California to get him.

When everything was finalized, and Brisby was finally in his new home, things changed so much for him. Lauren said: “When we first got him, my husband and I took it really slow.

When they first threw a ball for him, he was so happy to finally have someone to play with. He was just so adorable.

photo of dog lying in a car
Source: @walterbrisby

One thing Brisby’s new mom noticed about him was that he had very strange paws, which meant that his nails grew a lot. He usually dislikes it when anyone tries to touch his paws.

Lauren said: “When we take him to the vet to get his nails trimmed, they do have to fully sedate him in order to get that done which is about once a month.

His mom also noticed that he flinches a lot when people throw things in his direction even if they are toys. They don’t know why he’s like this.

Brisby Is Making A Huge Change

dog lying on bed by the window
Source: @walterbrisby

Kids usually love Brisby, but Lauren has to prevent them from petting him because of his behavioral issues. 

Even though Brisby might seem a bit problematic, he really is not. He usually gets along with everyone well, including the other dogs in the house.

His new family is doing everything they can for him. Because he has terrible separation anxiety and can misbehave a lot, he is taking medication for it.

They are slowly trying to help him adjust to not having his parents around at every moment so he can actually overcome his fears.

Despite some of his issues, Brisby’s mom is so happy to have him and she just can’t imagine her life without him. I am so glad that he has found someone so amazing.

In the end, Lauren said: “He is a really good dog. He wants to be a good dog, we just have to work around his quirks for sure.