Cavapoos are adorable family pets that have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are a crossbreed between Poodles and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, making them one of the cutest mixed breeds out there.
After picking up your Cavapoo puppy from the breeder or shelter and buying him all the necessities, it’s time for the next big step: Choosing between the best Cavapoo names possible for your new puppy.
Picking the best Cavapoo name can be overwhelming. How will you know what name will suit your pooch the best? What if his personality changes, so the name no longer fits? All of this is even trickier if you’re trying to be unique.
Fortunately, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a list of 60 male and female Cavapoo names that we thought you might like. We’ll also explain whether it’s important to thoroughly consider a dog name or if it only matters to the dog owner.
Let’s begin.
The Cavapoo Breed
As mentioned before, a Cavapoo dog (also known as a Cavoodle or a Cavadoodle) is the crossbreed of a Toy Poodle or a Miniature Poodle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. While it isn’t entirely clear when this designer breed was first created, some records state that it might’ve happened in the late 1990s.
The Cavapoo is a tiny dog that many people consider a living teddy bear. They are small, curly, and adorable.
Just like most other Poodle mixes (but not Labradoodles [mix with Labrador retriever], Bernedoodles [Bernese Mountain Dog], and Goldendoodles [Golden Retriever]), the Cavapoo is considered a hypoallergenic dog – no matter the generation. An F1 Cavapoo, F1B Cavapoo, and even F2B Cavapoo, all are suitable for allergy sufferers because they don’t shed much.
This is because both the Poodle and the CKCS are non-shedding dogs that won’t cause issues for people with dog allergies. At the same time, they don’t drool too much, making them a nearly perfect hypoallergenic pet.
If you’re looking for more hypoallergenic dogs, you might also want to check out the Maltese, Havanese, Bichon Frise, or Shih Tzus.
Also, just because a pup has a short coat doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t give you allergies. Some dogs, such as Bulldogs, tend to drool a lot – and drool is a common allergen in dogs.
Others, such as the Doberman, have a short coat that tends to shed. Of course, many dog breeds, such as German Shepherds or Siberian Huskies, noticeably shed a lot, making them a poor choice for allergy sufferers.
Cavapoos can come in many coat colors and patterns. While the CKCS is a colorful breed, they are still no match for the wide range of Poodle colors available. Poodles can come in many colors, such as merle, parti, red, blue, bicolor, or tricolor. This also means that hybrid dogs with Poodle genes are rather colorful.
Cavapoos overcome the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s biggest disadvantage: their short lifespan. Thanks to hybrid vigor, you’ll end up with a much healthier dog than if you were to buy a purebred pup.
These popular dogs are sometimes confused with another similar Poodle mix – the Cockapoo. However, the Cockapoo is the crossbreed of a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel. Similarly, there is also a Cavapoochon, which is basically a Cavapoo but with added Bichon Frise genes. However, all three mixed dog breeds are different crossbreeds.
Keep in mind that Cavapoos aren’t registered by any major dog kennel club, such as the AKC, FCI, or UKC. This shouldn’t turn you off from getting one of these amazing family dogs. Unlike purebreds, no crossbreed is registered, as creating a breed standard is tricky for a new breed.
Read More: Cavapoo Growth Chart
Is A Dog’s Name Important?
When choosing a Cavapoo name, you might not think it’s too important. In the end, your new dog won’t even know what his name is, right?
There is an entire science behind why it is important to choose the perfect name for your Cavapoo puppy. Sure, you can name these small dogs any way you’d like, but there is a reason some Cavapoo dog names are better than others.
To help you understand this, we’ll explain the science behind choosing the right Cavapoo name and how this will help both you and your pup.
Names Are Essential For Dog Training
While everyone wants to express themselves through the Cavapoo name they choose, you need to consider another important thing before choosing what to call your puppy – that names are essential for dog training.
During obedience training, your doggie will hear his name repeatedly, and he’ll learn to respond to it. This is how he’ll learn new commands. In fact, experts agree that dogs learn to recognize their names because they know that something happens right after they hear them.
To make things more clear – a dog will know that his name is a cue for something. Sure, he might not know that the name identifies him, but this might be even more important.
Your Cavapoo will know that he should respond to his name to have good things happen to him. This is why it’s important to choose a name that you can easily repeat over and over again.
The best way to teach your dog to respond to his name is to give him plenty of treats after you call him. Find some dog food he really likes and reward him with it. You might even try some healthy human snacks, such as peppers, tuna, or fish sticks.
Sit next to your Cavapoo and wait until he looks at you. Once he does, call him by his name, then give him his favorite treat. Then, call him when he isn’t looking and give him a treat when he turns. Repeat this until he learns that he’ll get what he wants by responding to his name.
Dogs Prefer Some Sounds Over Others
Not all Cavapoo names sound alike. Some particular sounds will be more pleasant to the dog’s ear, making them respond quicker.
For example, short and choppy sounds will make your dog react, while slow, soothing tones will often be ignored. For example, ‘Buck’ is a much better dog name than ‘Lawrence.’
Many experts agree that having a name with a hard consonant sound, such as K or C, will also help your dog differentiate it from sounds in nature.
However, you need to watch out that your Cavapoo name doesn’t sound too much like a specific command. For example, ‘Kit’ might sound too much like ‘sit.’ This will confuse your dog, making him react inappropriately or stop him from reacting at all.
How Short Is Short Enough?
If you’ve been to a dog show, you’ve probably noticed that most dogs have long, fancy names. This is a common practice for many breeders and exhibitors. In fact, the AKC allows your dog name to have 36 letters, but for an additional $10 fee, this name could be 50 letters long!
The main reason behind this is that breeders want their dogs to stand out from the rest. No one will remember another Misty or Rex. However, name your dog ‘Ch. Warren Remedy,’ and you’ve already got something memorable.
However, this isn’t a useful practice. A dog won’t answer to such a long name. In fact, even such breeders will instruct their dogs using a shorter name (for example, just ‘Warren’).
If you want your dog to respond to his name, you should keep it short and simple. The name should have two syllables, as this will allow you to pronounce it quickly, and it will be different from most commands.
If a name has only one syllable, your dog might get confused. In fact, most dogs will be alerted after the first syllable. However, it is the second one that will set them into action. At the same time, if they miss the first part, the second one will be a clear confirmation.
As we’ve mentioned, sharp-sounding consonants are also a great choice. Stick to letters such as K, D, and P. While you’re saying these letters out loud, they might remind you of the sound a clicker makes. These sounds create a lot of energy and serve as excellent attention grabbers.
According to science, sharp consonants stimulate the pup’s acoustic receptor neurons in the brain. This will make your dog jump into action right away.
Should You Give Your Dog A Human Name?
There is an ongoing debate on whether you should give your pup a human name. In fact, if you look at the list below, you’ll see that most of the names we’ve listed are human names. Is this a good practice?
Some dog trainers believe that by giving your pup a human name, you’ll assign too many human qualities to your Cavapoo. This might lead to you not realizing that you’re subconsciously behaving as if your dog is a human.
However, with how popular this practice is, it seems that this isn’t an issue for most dog lovers. In fact, there is no evidence to support that dogs with human names are more spoiled than dogs with more animal-like names.
Should You Change A Dog’s Name?
Many dog breeders don’t name their litters. However, if you have adopted your Cavapoo from a shelter, chances are he already has an assigned name. Should you change it if you don’t think it’s fitting enough?
Experts from pet insurance companies as well as scientists say: Go for it!
While it might take you a while to teach your Cavapoo puppy that his new name isn’t ‘Fido’ anymore but ‘Charlie,’ he’ll quickly learn to respond to whatever it is you’re calling him. It’s no big deal, even if you change the syllables or the name sounds entirely different.
The main thing you need to do is spend time teaching your pooch to recognize his new name. However, there should be no problems later on – even if the dog you’ve adopted isn’t very young.
Cavapoo Puppy Names
Cavapoos are cute and fluffy dogs, and most Cavapoo names reflect that. In fact, if you look at other popular dog names, you’ll see that there is a difference between naming your Cavapoo or naming your Border Collie, Pitbull, or Irish Setter.
Below is a list of the 30 best dog names for your male Cavapoo and 30 female dog names to choose from.
Female Cavapoo Names
If you’re looking for a good name for your lady Cavapoo, here are some popular girl dog names:
1. Abby
2. Annie
3. Bailey
4. Bella
5. Betsie
6. Candy
7. Cassie
8. Cindy
9. Clover
10. Coco
11. Daisy
12. Darla
13. Destiny
14. Ellie
15. Gabby
16. Gigi
17. Harper
18. Hope
19. Ivy
20. Jackie
21. Lady
22. Lola
23. Maddie
24. Missy
25. Poppy
26. Primrose
27. Shelby
28. Tilly
29. Trixie
30. Zoe
Male Cavapoo Names
Here are some of the best names for your boy Cavapoo:
1. Adonis
2. Baron
3. Beau
4. Bear
5. Benji
6. Bruno
7. Chico
8. Chuck
9. Dante
10. Duke
11. Eddie
12. Finn
13. George
14. Gus
15. Harry
16. Hugo
17. Jake
18. Jax
19. Kody
20. Leo
21. Luke
22. Miles
23. Ollie
24. Oscar
25. Percy
26. Roscoe
27. Teddy
28. Thor
29. Wilbur
30. Winston
30 Unique Cavapoo Names
Photo from: @sir_p_thecavapoo
Not all people like to give their dogs popular names. Some would like to be unique – and with a dog like the Cavapoo, it’s easy to see why.
Here are 30 unique names for your Cavapoo puppy:
1. Iven
2. Weimar
3. Rhine
4. Kiel
5. Alda
6. Curls
7. Bijou
8. Crumpet
9. Fleecy
10. Mocha
11. Shwartz
12. Rusty
13. Milda
14. Della
15. Zelda
16. Gertie
17. Koda
18. Desmond
19. Felipe
20. Noir
21. Rufus
22. Lulu
23. Jax
24. Ziggy
25. Gizmo
26. Kobe
27. Andre
28. Babette
29. Bebe
30. Cosette
30 Food-Inspired Cavapoo Names
Do you consider yourself a foodie? Here are 30 food-inspired names for your Cavapoo puppy that is so gorgeous you almost want to eat it:
1. Pepper
2. Oreo
3. Biscuit
4. Cookie
5. Peanut
6. Mochi
7. Peaches
8. Bean
9. Taco
10. Pumpkin
11. Cinnamon
12. Pickles
13. Waffles
14. Nacho
15. Basil
16. Muffin
17. Cupcake
18. Coconut
19. Nutmeg
20. Marshmallow
21. Fudge
22. Jelly
23. Nutella
24. Tofu
25. Bagel
26. Miso
27. Sweet Potato
28. Butter
29. Clementine
30. Fig
30 Names For Your Fluffy Cavapoo
All Cavapoos are cute and fluffy, but some seem to be fluffier than others. Here are some amazing names for your cuddly dog:
1. Lint
2. Snowball
3. Dove
4. Nimbus
5. Stormy
6. Noodle
7. Ringo
8. Taz
9. Shaggy
10. Simba
11. Wookie
12. Scruffy
13. Woolly
14. Ruffles
15. Ewok
16. Chewbacca
17. Fluffy
18. Curly
19. Silky
20. Velvet
21. Grizzly
22. Panda
23. Furball
24. Softy
25. Fuzzy
26. Moose
27. Captain Floof
28. Paddington
29. Bigfoot
30. Beowulf
20 Classic Cavapoo Names You Can’t Go Wrong With
There are also some dog names that you simply can’t go wrong with. These names defy time and dog breed, and they work for just about any puppy.
Here’s what they are:
1. Scooter
2. Scamp
3. Beethoven
4. Lassie
5. Skip
6. Cooper
7. Buck
8. Toto
9. Blue
10. Champ
11. Lucky
12. Rover
13. Scout
14. Fido
15. Duke
16. Charlie
17. Daisy
18. Max
19. Rex
20. Lola
30 Descriptive Cavapoo Names
Does your Cavapoo have a certain trait that makes him stand out from the rest? Whether behavioral or physical, some features simply have to be a part of your pup’s name! Here are 30 descriptive names you might consider:
1. Spot
2. Patch
3. Blackie
4. Brownie
5. Socks
6. Coffee
7. Cocoa
8. Ginger
9. Bandit
10. Red
11. Scruffy
12. Goldie
13. Tiny
14. Rusty
15. Copper
16. Snow White
17. Angel
18. Wag
19. Joker
20. Joy
21. Sparky
22. Speedy
23. Scamp
24. Glutton
25. Spot
26. Fuzzy
27. Cocoa
28. Happy
29. Kisses
30. Blink
How To Know if You’ve Picked the Right Name
After all this, how can you be certain you’ve picked the best name possible?
It’s perfectly fine if you want to give your dog an original name. Even a long name is good but just think of a short nickname that your pooch will respond to.
If you’re in doubt, a good idea is to stand in a room and shout out all the Cavapoo names you can think of. Which one rolls off your tongue the easiest? Which one seems the most natural pick?
Which one won’t embarrass you at the local dog park?
In the end, you should always pick a name you love. Your dog’s name should bring you joy and happiness, and you want your dog to respond to it with that same joy. If you’re happy after saying a specific name, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice.
Read Next: Reasons Why You Must Own A Mini Cavapoo