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Puppy Abandoned In A Park Gets Second Chance Thanks To A Group Of Friends

Puppy Abandoned In A Park Gets Second Chance Thanks To A Group Of Friends

In an increasingly unpredictable world, the sight of abandoned puppies has become an all too common occurrence. 

These innocent lives find themselves forsaken and left to fend for themselves way too often. The story that follows serves as a poignant reminder that we can never predict when we might stumble upon a helpless pup in need. 

It’s important to respond with compassion and take swift action to make a difference because this small gesture could mean the world to a furry little creature on the brink of despair.  

A Precious Discovery

In 2019, a group of friends were out walking their dogs in a local park in Oklahoma when they spotted something hiding in the grass. 

It was a tiny puppy that looked scared, incredibly skinny, and pretty much defeated. 

Seeing this poor little guy so desperate, they didn’t have the heart to leave it there. Moreover, when he spotted the group, he immediately started to follow them around. 

It was a sign – he was coming home with them. 

The group took the puppy to the vet straight away to check if he was microchipped – unfortunately, he wasn’t. 

For two weeks straight, they kept posting about this little puppy online in hopes they would be able to reunite him with his family. Unfortunately, their search came up short. 

Someone definitely abandoned him in the park, but thankfully, he was rescued just in time. And, thus began the search for the perfect home for this little boy. 

Finding A Forever Home 

Quite by chance, Jacob Bywater, from Oklahoma (a friend of the group), was looking to adopt a new dog soon. So, when the group asked him if he was willing to adopt this puppy, he thought it was meant to be. 

The puppy became a permanent member of the Bywater family – introducing Strider Bywater. 

Strider was around 10 weeks old at that point, and he was very timid. The vet believed he was a Red Heeler/Beagle mix, and he wouldn’t be a large dog. 

However, as weeks passed and Strider began to grow, it was clear that he wasn’t a small breed of dog. 

“By the time he turned 6 months old he was almost 40 pounds, so we figured he must not be beagle, but we were sure he was red heeler because he has the body and color of one,” Bywater told The Dodo

“We purchased a DNA test kit online and through it figured out, while he is red heeler, he is also Great Pyrenees,” he also said. 

dog laying on the back
Source: Facebook

This revelation was a surprise, but, of course, it didn’t change the fact that he was a part of the family for the good, no matter how big he turned out to be. 

As Strider grew, his personality also blossomed. He came out of his shell and was no longer this little, scared puppy found hiding in the grass. 

He finally learned how to play, run around, chase, and overall be the happiest doggo ever. 

“3 years ago today I adopted this pain in the butt! Best decision ever! I wouldn’t give him up for all the money in the world!,” Bywater wrote on his Facebook

dog laying on the couch
Source: Facebook