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Worried Dad Shocked To See His Missing Dog Show Up With Strange Friends

Worried Dad Shocked To See His Missing Dog Show Up With Strange Friends

When the Krier family realized that their loving Black Labrador named Bo was missing, they were in panic. They frantically started looking for him everywhere.

Bo’s parents knew how much he loved adventures. Sneaking out of their house in Concordia, Kansas, and going on an excursion on his own was something that he enjoyed.

Whenever he ran away from home, he would always find his way back. However, this time was different. 

The night when Bo went missing, he disappeared from the family yard after his mom took him to the bathroom. He didn’t come home.

Family Receives News Of Bo

photo of a black dog in a car
Source: Laura Krier

The whole family was very worried about their sweet boi. They couldn’t stop looking for him. His mom, Laura Krier, posted his photo on social media. She asked people to call her family immediately if they saw their doggo.

The next day, the family felt ecstatic when Kyle Krier, Bo’s dad, received news that a dog similar to Bo was seen running in the cornfields six miles from their home. 

dogs running in a field
Source: Kyle Krier

Krier instantly drove to the spot. As soon as he saw his doggo, he called his name and Bo started running towards him.

Krier was over the moon. His beloved dog was safe. 

Once he took a better look, he saw that Bo was not alone. He had friends who were running with him. At first, Krier couldn’t discern who they were. They were nothing but specks in the distance.

Bo’s Introduces His Friends To His Dad

When the trio got closer, Krier was surprised to see that Bo’s new friends were a dog and a goat.

As a good friend, Bo offered his friends a ride in his dad’s red truck. He didn’t want to leave them behind. Krier asked the three friends to hop into his car. After they all buckled up, he took them to the city.

two dogs and a goat in a car
Source: Laura Krier

Soon, Krier found out that Bo’s new friends, Libby and Ozzy, belonged to his neighbors! 

That was when he started piecing things together. After sneaking out of the house, Bo must have gone to his friends’ home. 

It remained unclear whose idea it was to go on this adventure, but their owners were sure that the three of them made the plan together.

“It’s difficult to say if Bo the black Lab or Libby and Ozzy were the culprit in starting the adventure. But, nonetheless, they escaped. They’re pals for sure,” Shawna Huggans told The Dodo.

Bo was glad that he had friends who shared his love for adventures.

Bo’s Perfect Life

photo of a dog with his family
Source: Kyle Krier

The lovely pup made more goat friends. He continued enjoying his dream life in Kansas and running away from home almost on a daily basis.

Sadly, in July of 2022, Laura shared on her Facebook that their perfect and sweet Bo crossed the rainbow bridge. They will always love him and keep him in their hearts.

“He was so perfect from the day we picked him as a puppy, it’s truly unexplainable! The happiness he brought us all everyday, his funny personality. His love to go with dad to work, his love to go on walks or jogs even if I couldn’t keep up with his energy and his love for hot dogs will live on forever with us everyday,” she wrote.

Bo lived his best life with his family who adored him and cherished him. The adorable pup made many people smile. He will always be remembered.