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Rescuers Are Heartbroken To Discover The Tragic Backstory Of A Dog They Just Saved From The Road

Rescuers Are Heartbroken To Discover The Tragic Backstory Of A Dog They Just Saved From The Road

Bruno’s story is truly heartbreaking.

Throughout his life, all he ever knew was pain and suffering. He never had the chance to see what life could be like in a caring family, nor how gentle is the touch of a loving human.

Instead, he roamed a busy mountain road in Georgia all alone for days, only inches from being fatally injured by passing cars. Deep down, Bruno searched for hope, but he never found it. 


He Had Completely Given Up

Audray Luck, the founder of Luck’s Rescue, located in North Georgia, spotted this giant boy in the middle of the road. Shocked by what she had just seen, she immediately pulled over and rushed to help the poor dog. 

The rescue, however, wasn’t a picnic. At first, Bruno was just too timid to let Audray near. He ran off into the field, refusing to get any closer. 

That’s when Stephanie, her friend and a fellow rescuer, stepped in. With her well-known “dog whispering” skills, Stephanie managed to get Bruno to relax a little, and the two befriended them in no time.

Just when they thought that the rescue would be a success, a heartbreak unfolded!

During their examination by the road, Audray and Stephanie realized that Bruno wasn’t feeling okay at all. Instead of being all happy and enthusiastic about finding new friends, he simply lay down, almost unable to lift his head up.

He had no energy to move and lay completely motionless in the grass.

“Bruno had completely given up and as I started to examine him on the side of the road I knew he had a very rough life,” Audray wrote in an Instagram post.

Multiple Health Issues

After they removed Bruno from the busy street, Audray and Stephanie took him to the vet.

What they learned during his very first checkup truly broke their hearts. 

This big boi did not have one, but multiple health issues, including heartworms, ticks, and ehrlichiosis. On top of all that, he had two holes in his gums from a stick that had been stuck in his mouth for months. 

Still, what shocked them the most was when the vet told them that Bruno was the victim of a shooting. He had over a hundred pellets in him after being shot, and yet somehow, he still managed to move around.

It’s no wonder he seemed like he had completely given up on life. With all of those issues, it was a true miracle that he was alive.

He spent most of the time in Audray’s care sleeping. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he finally got the chance to rest and feel safe, despite his condition. 

Bruno Knows Suffering, Yet He Chose Love

If I could describe Bruno with one word, it would definitely be – resilience! In spite of all the challenges he faced in life, he has never lost that spark in his eyes. Bruno was a lovebug – a dog who just wanted to love and be loved.

“He knows suffering all too well and he chooses love every day,” Audray stated in another post.

His kind temperament didn’t go unnoticed, though.

After some time, a woman reached out to Audray wanting to adopt Bruno. She, however, wasn’t sure how he would react to her son, so she decided to take him in for a trial, foster basis. And, within just three days, she was amazed!

“They knew within three days that they were going to adopt him. And we’re just so happy that he never has to know suffering ever again,” Audray told Cuddle Buddies.

After all the storms in his life, Bruno finally found a forever home. He will continue with his treatment until he’s fully recovered, but the important thing is that, from now on, he’ll never, ever be alone!

Good luck, Bruno. We wish you a speedy recovery!