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Rejected Puppy Born With A Deformity Learns What Love Feels Like When She Meets Her Special Person

Rejected Puppy Born With A Deformity Learns What Love Feels Like When She Meets Her Special Person

A mother plays a crucial role in the life of every puppy. Her nurturing love helps the fragile little furballs grow into healthy and happy canines.

A little furbaby named Moonshine longed to curl up in her mother’s embrace and soak up all her love, but sadly, she experienced the ultimate heartbreak. 

Her mom rejected her because she was born with a deformity that made her unable to walk.

The four-week-old pup was taken in by Bosley’s Place Inc., a rescue and nursery in Smyrna, Georgia, that cares for orphaned newborn puppies. 

The rescuers were determined to help Moonshine get better and to make sure she found happiness.

Moonshine Gets A Lot Of Love

Moonshine was diagnosed with swimmer syndrome, an unusual deformity that affects newborn puppies. 

The puppy’s front legs were splayed to the sides. Her lungs were compromised due to her flat rib cage.

The rescue contacted Beth, one of their fosters who had experience in treating puppies with swimmer syndrome.

The sweet pup moved to her foster home near Atlanta, Georgia. Her amazing foster family welcomed her with arms filled with love.

Beth’s own dogs wholeheartedly accepted Moonshine, offering her companionship and treating her affectionately.

Moonshine began feeling safe and cherished for the very first time in her life.

The Furbaby Starts Her Treatment

Beth assessed her condition and started her treatment plan.

Since Moonshine’s rear legs were in great condition and the pup was able to keep them under her, her foster mom decided to focus on her front legs.

“… So for now we’re going to focus on her two front legs and more prevention to help alleviate and heal her flat rib cage to provide some relief for her lungs,” Bosley’s Place Inc., wrote on Facebook.

Beth taped Moonshine’s front legs, preventing the puppy from lying flat on her chest. She was confident that taping would help keep the pup’s front legs underneath her.

The furbaby’s foster family couldn’t wait to see the pooch transform.

Beth’s daughters cuddled Moonshine all the time, giving her the unconditional love that she needed. The pup didn’t even notice that her front legs were taped.

As Moonshine’s foster family kept encouraging her and showering her with love, the puppy fought for her recovery.

A Real Fighter

Little by little, she started walking properly and wagging her tail with excitement. She enjoyed playing with Beth’s daughters.  

Both Moonshine’s fosters and her rescuers were delighted when she began running.

“Moonshine is UNSTOPPABLE!  Even her chest is rounding out slightly we are so unbelievably proud of this little fluffy nugget of love , the rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

The sweet puppy enjoyed her life with her foster family and her furry foster siblings. Her adorable eyes radiated happiness.

Beth felt that Moonshine truly belonged in their home. The resilient puppy captivated their hearts and brought joy into their lives.

She and her husband surprised their older daughter, Jane, on her birthday and revealed that they would give Moonshine a forever home.

Both Jane and her sister were over the moon. They loved the puppy with their whole heart.

The pooch, who changed her name to Sage, feels like the happiest dog on the planet. She lives the life of her dreams with the family who adores her.