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Perfectly Healthy Dog Faces Heartbreaking Euthanasia After Owners Decide To Move Without Him

Perfectly Healthy Dog Faces Heartbreaking Euthanasia After Owners Decide To Move Without Him

From the moment we hug our dogs for the first time and welcome them to our home, they become precious members of our family. Their happiness becomes our priority and we are unable to picture our lives without our pups in it.

All dog owners should love their canines immeasurably and try to give them the best possible life.

Knowing that some owners think and feel differently about their furry companions makes me feel sad.

Our following story is about a lovely three-year-old pup named Denny, whose family failed to love him like he deserved and ended up betraying him. 

Denny’s owners took him to the vet with the intention of putting him down because they were moving. 

Apart from being blind after sustaining an injury years ago, Denny was a healthy canine.

The vet immediately refused to euthanize Denny, and started thinking about the best way to help the sweet pup.

Saving Denny’s Life

dog lying on the floor
Source: TikTok

The vet team hoped to find the pup a family who would appreciate him and love him like he deserved.

While he was waiting at the vet’s office, Denny couldn’t imagine that his family let him down. The sweet pup believed that they loved him and that they would never give him up.

One of the vet team members contacted Chrissy Elder, the founder of the North Carolina rescue, Forgotten, Now Family. The team member told Elder that a dog owner requested his healthy dog to be put down.

“When I heard about Denny, I knew I had to do something to help. No animal deserves to be abandoned, especially one as sweet as Denny,” Elder told Newsweek.

After hearing that the rescue was willing to take Denny into their care, the canine’s owner gave up on the idea of having the pooch euthanized. They agreed to surrender Denny to the rescue instead.

According to Elder, the canine’s owner seemed grateful because Denny got a second chance at life.

The Sweetest Chapter Of Denny’s Life

dog sniffing female hand
Source: TikTok

Elder made a decision to foster the adorable pup, and she took him home.

Although Denny could not see his owners walking away from him, the pooch felt their absence. He knew that something had changed.

Elder was aware that the transition to his new home would be harder because Denny was a blind dog. The rescuer gave him time to decompress and adjust to his new surroundings. 

photo of dog running in the yard
Source: TikTok

She showered the pooch with cuddles, making him feel loved. 

The pup kept smiling. All he wanted to do was be in his foster mom’s lap. Denny loved snuggling with her.

Elder was captivated by the pup’s loving disposition and his irresistible smile.

dog wearing a red shirt
Source: TikTok

“This guy is the sweetest house hippo I’ve ever met. Somehow he still smiles and just wants to love everyone,“ Elder wrote on the rescue’s Instagram account.

Shortly after taking Denny in, the kind-hearted rescuer fell in love with him. She decided to give him a loving home and adore him forever.

The pup’s face beams with happiness because he feels safe and loved every single day.

Denny and his mom enjoy their time together, and they are looking forward to their adventures in the future.

Denny’s happy ending warmed our hearts. We are deeply thankful to the vet team for reaching out to the Charlotte-based rescue and to Chrissy Elder who made Denny the happiest dog in the world.


Its been One week since they brought denny to the vet to be euthanized because they were moving… instead he came home with me. he has no eyes so being blind in a new place is hard but hes doing really well so far and hes so thnakful. Denny you are loved bubs. #fosteringsaveslives #rescue #househippo #myguy #ohana #blinddog #newlife #americanbully

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